What's in your mind when you recite Amituofo ? I understand most of them are like me who have the image of Amituofo or Pureland when reciting infront of the picture or statue of Amituofo but my Zen Master asked us how come we have the image of Amituofo. We were all puzzled why we couldn't have the image of Amituofo when reciting.
I know Zen is more on formless, then what should be on our mind when reciting Amituofo? My Zen Master did not say what but he smiled and asked why there should be an image of Amituofo ? He was puzzled why we have an image of Amituofo when reciting and my dharma classmates and I were puzzled how to recite Amituofo without the image of Amituofo. We and the Zen Master are at different level and different frequency. Of course, he is at higher level.
If we recite Amituofo without His image, then can we still hope that Amituofo to fetch us when we pass away ? Then, what should be on our mind when reciting, is it the words Amituofo or the sound of Amituofo? 心念,耳�?
Now I understand why my Pureland teacher discourages me from going into Zen. He is afraid I might get confused. Frankly speaking, I like Zen but I need to get things which I don't understand straighten out.
If you're serious on attaining birth in the Pure Land, then just focus on the recitation of Namo Amitabha. For beginners it's usually easier to concentrate with an image in front. More "advanced" can just recite anytime, anywhere, whether there is an image or not.
Amitabha's Vow is so strong that even if you do not recite in front of an image He will still come to welcome you to the Pure Land. Read the 48 Vows, nothing in it states that you must recite the Name in front of an image.
i seldom have an image/statue when reciting. as i practice ten recitation method, which allow me to recite anywhere/anytime. only when i bow to Amitabha Image/statue, i recite ten times with the image/statue. ten recitation method in a breath, also don't allow me to think much if there's an image, or not, as it's quite short a time.
Da Shi Zhi Bodhisattva taught to block all six sense organs when reciting. 《大势至è�©è�¨åœ†é€šç« 》说,都摄å…æ ¹,净念相继。so it mean we even have to close our eyes and our mind when reciting. i learn this from Ven Jing Jie, who also advocated we purelanders use emptiness.
during reciting, it should be without any wandering thoughts, even the thought of hoping that Amituofo is coming to fetch us also cannot have. ear can listen clearing what the mouth recite. when the hearing is occupied, the mind will also be occupied. hence there's no wandering thoughts.
if reciting with the mind, i.e. silience recitation, then ten recitation method is very good, as it's fast within a breath. it's difficult for any wandering thoughts to squeeze into the ten recitation.
to those who have let go of this worldly suffering, and really want to go, i think they also recite without any worldly thoughts, only the continuous thought of Amituofo.
I recite 1000 times of Amituofo alternate with 1000 times of Kuan Yin Pusa every day. My Zen Master said we have to recite as if å�忆æ¯�,æ¯�忆å�. So, one of my dharma classmate asked him how to recite 如å�忆æ¯�,如æ¯�忆å�but in our mind cannot have the image of Amituofo, isn't mother and son have a image.
I can recite without the images in front of me but not without the images in my mind. Anyway, I will try the more advanced stage as what sinweiy said "when the hearing is occupied, the mind will also be occupied. hence there's no wandering thoughts."
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:What's in your mind when you recite Amituofo ? I understand most of them are like me who have the image of Amituofo or Pureland when reciting infront of the picture or statue of Amituofo but my Zen Master asked us how come we have the image of Amituofo. We were all puzzled why we couldn't have the image of Amituofo when reciting.
I know Zen is more on formless, then what should be on our mind when reciting Amituofo? My Zen Master did not say what but he smiled and asked why there should be an image of Amituofo ? He was puzzled why we have an image of Amituofo when reciting and my dharma classmates and I were puzzled how to recite Amituofo without the image of Amituofo. We and the Zen Master are at different level and different frequency. Of course, he is at higher level.
If we recite Amituofo without His image, then can we still hope that Amituofo to fetch us when we pass away ? Then, what should be on our mind when reciting, is it the words Amituofo or the sound of Amituofo? 心念,耳�?
Now I understand why my Pureland teacher discourages me from going into Zen. He is afraid I might get confused. Frankly speaking, I like Zen but I need to get things which I don't understand straighten out.
Hi there. Would u kindly tell me who's your zen master and where's the zendo? I am in need of one zen master to guide me.
Originally posted by Zenist69:Dawnfirstlight,
Hi there. Would u kindly tell me who's your zen master and where's the zendo? I am in need of one zen master to guide me.
I'm staying at the West, so I prefer to go somewhere near my place. I've pm you.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:I recite 1000 times of Amituofo alternate with 1000 times of Kuan Yin Pusa every day. My Zen Master said we have to recite as if å�忆æ¯�,æ¯�忆å�. So, one of my dharma classmate asked him how to recite 如å�忆æ¯�,如æ¯�忆å�but in our mind cannot have the image of Amituofo, isn't mother and son have a image.
I can recite without the images in front of me but not without the images in my mind. Anyway, I will try the more advanced stage as what sinweiy said "when the hearing is occupied, the mind will also be occupied. hence there's no wandering thoughts."
I also use the listening method that Sinwei said without the buddha image. But I don't sit, I walk. The mind always gets dull and drowsy when sitting, so I find walking more suitable personally. 如å�忆æ¯� need not have an image. It is to constantly be mindful of the Buddha's name. When your wandering thoughts come, even for a split moment, that's 忘æ¯�. When your mind is with the Buddha's name every single moment, that's 忆æ¯�.
This is good reading. http://www.abrc.org.au/In%20One%20Lifetime_%20Pure%20Land%20Buddhism.pdf
the purpose of a statue and a photo of Amitabhva Buddha.
Tantric Buddhism must visualise first, then chant.