I've been pondering reality for a long time and had been doing quite a lot of reading, with my main interest in physics, philosophy, psychology, various religions etc.
My findings is as follows:
1) There is no soul, no self, no free will, all that is an illusion.
People might thought of buddhism from the above statement, but it is very true that our perception of self is just an illusion brought about by our various sensory receptors, such as eyes, ears, mind. When each sense are doing their job and our human instinct kicks in, a self develops. The notion of self disappears when we sleep and our sensory receptors shut down.
From a scientific point of view, the universal law is that every effect is the result of a cause. That is the cause and effect theory. To put it plainly, every thoughts that go through your head right now is the resultant effect of the configuration of hormones, DNA coding, personal experience and it'll obey the rules of physics.
In theory, a person who had the exact genetics coding with you and who happens to lead a life experience identical to you in every aspect will think exactly like you everytime. There is no water who can choose not to be composed of hydrogen and oxygen, and there is no wood that refuse to be a conductor of fire. Likewise, we as a being make up of physical atoms and molecules, has no control of our own self.
By saying we have a free will, a soul, capable of making our own decision is a joke! It's the same as suggesting a water or wood has a mind of its own, which we know is not possible. The difference here is we're a complex biological being, which lead to the illusion that we've our own soul, free will etc, which in reality is really an illusion caused by the various cells in our body doing its own work.
2) We're eternal, ever changing(reborning) from one state to another, never truely born and never truely die either.
Buddhist believe in reincarnation, but the real reincarnation might be not what they think it is to be. The scientific community had given a really good answer to that.
According to quantum theory, reality is in an ever continuing state of flux, nothing stays in the same state for a long time, they are constantly moving from one realm to another, from one state to another. It is impossible to have a stationery singularity, since it will move through the fabric of time anyway.
When we die, all the atoms we have will be returned back to nature, some of the atoms will be remake into plants. some into another living creature, some into the air. I believe this is the reincarnation in reality. In another words, we're make up of all the atoms which are previously from other creature, state and which all combined to make up our temporary body for the time being.
Another pillar of modern physics, E = mc(square), states that matter is convertable to energy, matter and energy is essential the same thing, they're the same thing in different state and convertable. Since we know energy can never die, but can only be convert from one type to another, so is it hard to see that our own very essence, the very thing that we're make up of, is eternal?
Hmmm what I know is Buddhism does not have concept of reincarnation but rebirth. But sometimes these terms are used interchangeablely
Sometimes I feel that Buddha is like a social scientist, philosopher, psychologist, jungle surivor, doctor, teacher, debater, explorer.... multi-roles
if one been following old Masters Chin Kung's talks, u'll know that He's been updated by the recent finding of scientists about the vastness of universe to the smallest particles of matter and energy. since He's been commentary on Hua Yen Sutra, which talk about how the worlds can exist within dust motes, and how a Mount Sumeru can be contained in a mustard seed.
Scientists already found Quark, the smallest particle in the universe.
in Buddhism, equal to �微之微, or 邻虚空 neighbour of vaccum. but still not yet found that there's infinite universes within them. and Samantabhadra Bodhisattvas can enter them.
Scientists also found that they ONLY discovered 10% of the universe! 90% just simply disappeared!
MCK said this is already very close to Alaya. and that Buddha know where the 90% is. they return back to Dharamkaya.
so to MCK, Buddhadharma is also the highest science, apart from the highest philosophy. Buddha is all knowing.
E = mc(square) converting energy into mass.
According to the diamond sutra chapter 31 that simply revealed - 一�相, where energy and mass are both convertible, mass to energy and energy into mass, is the inherent nature of all beings. It is nothing new in Buddhism as it was discovered about 2500 years ago recorded in sutra vs E = mc(square) which was the recent discovery of science. Clearly showing all is from the same one lovely family, living beings ought to love one another and apply love to all beings as causing harm to any beings is indirectly harming yourself regardless of race, language and religions
Namo Amitabha
1) There is no soul? I strongly disagree.
When you begin to see ghosts/spirits/soul-fragments, you will know for
certain they exists. Even the soul of a live human being is visible if
you pay attention to its energetic aura/chakra.
2) There is no self? I somewhat agree/disagree.
Concept of self or no-self is quite meaningless to me. But I do know
that: As a 3D being incarnated on Earth in the past, you were
automatically disconnected with the rest of the universe and you are
suppose to develop a sense of self and thus a self-centered orientation.
As you mature and ascend to higher densities, you will have higher
awareness/conciousness and you will automatically lose the sense of
"self" or "seperation" as you will know that everything is connected.
3) There is no free-will? I strongly disagree.
There is the Law of Free Will set by God/Creation. (Very serious, no joke)
Free Will Allows Humans to Learn
by Trial, Error and Correction.
We must recognize our errors and make corrections.
Creation guides the human life experience by leading a person into situations from which he or she can learn a needed lesson.
Overall, we do have the abillities to make decisions in our life, but only to a small extend. We still have to follow the Laws of Creation to a huge extend.
4) We're eternal, ever changing(reborning) from one state
to another, never truely born and never truely die either?
I agree but seriously we should all work upwards rather than downwards. At the first density (1D), you are just mineral and water... At second density(2D), you are just plants...
Originally posted by SoulDivine:1) There is no soul? I strongly disagree.
When you begin to see ghosts/spirits/soul-fragments, you will know for certain they exists. Even the soul of a live human being is visible if you pay attention to its energetic aura/chakra.Sorry but I believe Buddha's idea of the 5 aggregates which made up of our unrealistic temporary self.... Not to impose views on u but it make sense to me. The 5 aggregates = mental formations, feelings, perceptions, form, consciousness. So if these 5 thingy dissipates, disintegrate or whatever, how can self or soul continue to exist...?
2) There is no self? I somewhat agree/disagree.
Concept of self or no-self is quite meaningless to me. But I do know that: As a 3D being incarnated on Earth in the past, you were automatically disconnected with the rest of the universe and you are suppose to develop a sense of self and thus a self-centered orientation. As you mature and ascend to higher densities, you will have higher awareness/conciousness and you will automatically lose the sense of "self" or "seperation" as you will know that everything is connected.Not really meaningless. Can help to understand and not attached to temporary things...
3) There is no free-will? I strongly disagree.There is the Law of Free Will set by God/Creation. (Very serious, no joke)
Free Will Allows Humans to Learn by Trial, Error and Correction.
We must recognize our errors and make corrections.Creation guides the human life experience by leading a person into situations from which he or she can learn a needed lesson.
Overall, we do have the abillities to make decisions in our life, but only to a small extend. We still have to follow the Laws of Creation to a huge extend.
4) We're eternal, ever changing(reborning) from one state to another, never truely born and never truely die either?
I agree but seriously we should all work upwards rather than downwards. At the first density (1D), you are just mineral and water... At second density(2D), you are just plants...Not sure on this. Lol.
Originally posted by SoulDivine:1) There is no soul? I strongly disagree.
When you begin to see ghosts/spirits/soul-fragments, you will know for certain they exists. Even the soul of a live human being is visible if you pay attention to its energetic aura/chakra.2) There is no self? I somewhat agree/disagree.
Concept of self or no-self is quite meaningless to me. But I do know that: As a 3D being incarnated on Earth in the past, you were automatically disconnected with the rest of the universe and you are suppose to develop a sense of self and thus a self-centered orientation. As you mature and ascend to higher densities, you will have higher awareness/conciousness and you will automatically lose the sense of "self" or "seperation" as you will know that everything is connected.
3) There is no free-will? I strongly disagree.There is the Law of Free Will set by God/Creation. (Very serious, no joke)
Free Will Allows Humans to Learn by Trial, Error and Correction.
We must recognize our errors and make corrections.Creation guides the human life experience by leading a person into situations from which he or she can learn a needed lesson.
Overall, we do have the abillities to make decisions in our life, but only to a small extend. We still have to follow the Laws of Creation to a huge extend.
4) We're eternal, ever changing(reborning) from one state to another, never truely born and never truely die either?
I agree but seriously we should all work upwards rather than downwards. At the first density (1D), you are just mineral and water... At second density(2D), you are just plants...