do u find anything or event that people might think it's bad, but sometimes there's also good in them. or do u find anything or event that people might think it's good, but sometimes there's also bad in them. do tell. this is to help see beyond good and bad and don't be too attached to certain things.
as i'm seeing, like case 1:
Normally we do not advocate gambling.
yet, Did you know that Singapore Pools donates back millions of dollars yearly to charity? recently 6 millions were contributed from casino levies.
Singapore Pools Contributing to Our Community
Entrance levies to casinos to be managed by Tote Board
case 2:
Steve Jobs - a successful Buddhist Businessman.
Little is known of Jobs private life besides the fact that he practices Buddhism and eats vegan food.
He also have health issue with pancreatic cancers.
now many people buying iphone, but Nokia is facing big problem. so one's success, also cause another to fall.
æ³•æ— å®šæ³•
its � not �.
Originally posted by dragg:its � not �.
also saw the show/documentry :-
Arctic Ice Melt has Reversed
One of the most dramatic results of the record cold over much of the planet is the reversal of the much-reported melt of the icebergs in the Arctic Ocean. Last autumn the world was alarmed to hear from certain climatologists that the ice in the Arctic had melted to its "lowest levels on record.” What was carefully omitted from those scare stories was the fact that those records only date back as far as 1972, and that there is anthropological and geological evidence of much greater melts in the past.
Now, as a result of the recent record cold weather, the ice is back. According to Gilles Langis, a senior forecaster with the Canadian Ice Service in Ottawa, the Arctic winter has been so severe the ice has not only recovered, it is actually 10 to 20 cm thicker in many places than at this time last year.
What few people know and what the Global Warming lobby seems at pains to keep known is the fact that there is considerable seasonal variation in how much pack ice of the Arctic ice pack covers the Arctic Ocean. Much of the ocean is also covered in snow for about 10 months of the year. The maximum snow cover is in March or April — about 20 to 50 centimeters over the frozen ocean. The thickness is not one of the universal constants, never was.
This year began with a severe spell of winter weather in China. Observers characterized it as the largest natural disaster to hit China in decades. By the end of January, blizzards and cold temperatures had killed 60 people and caused millions to lose electric service. Nearly a million buildings were damaged and airports had to close. Hong Kong had the second-longest cold spell since 1885. A temperature of 33.6 degrees Fahrenheit was barely higher than the record low of 32 degrees F set in 1893.
Other countries in Asia also experienced record cold. In February, cold in the northern half of Vietnam wiped out 40 percent of the rice crop and killed 33,000 head of livestock. In India, the city of Mumbai recorded the lowest temperatures of the last 40 years. Across India, there was more frost damage to crops than at any other time in the last 30 years.
ps: can google for more information.
I think maybe a good example is a mass murderer being released from prison, gives him freedom and chance to be good again, but poses risks to the public.
Well for the casino.. channelnewsasia reported this :
'The S$100 levy that Singaporeans and permanent residents (PRs) pay each time they enter a casino goes to charities such as the Yellow Ribbon Project and Community Chest.
And from April to November last year, that amounted to an impressive S$130 million. This includes annual memberships at the casinos, each costing S$2,000.'
$130 million collected in levies...................
though i also wouldn't fix on the goodness too soon, for the comment by
could be truth too, that the payout could be just 10% of the profits. �赌�输.Personally im a firm believer that house edge forever is > perceived luck in the long run..
Win $100, feel like going back again to win more.. win $1000 feel like going back again.. win $100000 also feel like going back again.... the house edge is waiting
Dun underestimate the power of gambling.. small amount can become big amount
Originally posted by sinweiy:do u find anything or event that people might think it's bad, but sometimes there's also good in them. or do u find anything or event that people might think it's good, but sometimes there's also bad in them. do tell. this is to help see beyond good and bad and don't be too attached to certain things.
as i'm seeing, like case 1:
Normally we do not advocate gambling.
yet, Did you know that Singapore Pools donates back millions of dollars yearly to charity? recently 6 millions were contributed from casino levies.
Singapore Pools Contributing to Our Community
Entrance levies to casinos to be managed by Tote Board
case 2:
Steve Jobs - a successful Buddhist Businessman.
Little is known of Jobs private life besides the fact that he practices Buddhism and eats vegan food.
He also have health issue with pancreatic cancers.
now many people buying iphone, but Nokia is facing big problem. so one's success, also cause another to fall.
æ³•æ— å®šæ³•
I suspect something's wrong here. Singapore Pool although it donate 6 millions, but how many millions they earn? And how many family it ruin? If the ratio is 2 family are ruin, and one family is saved, I still think its a bad deal.
As for iphone, nokia, and steve job, I dun get wat u trying to say.
nice info :)
didnt know Steve Jobs is a buddhist... angmo buddhist
Steve Jobs once went to India to search for enlightenment for quite some period of time. I hope he got it. Now he frequents a Zen center.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Steve Jobs once went to India to search for enlightenment for quite some period of time. I hope he got it. Now he frequents a Zen center.
Still not asleep?
Making full use of our free time
Originally posted by sinweiy:do u find anything or event that people might think it's bad, but sometimes there's also good in them. or do u find anything or event that people might think it's good, but sometimes there's also bad in them. do tell. this is to help see beyond good and bad and don't be too attached to certain things.
as i'm seeing, like case 1:
Normally we do not advocate gambling.
yet, Did you know that Singapore Pools donates back millions of dollars yearly to charity? recently 6 millions were contributed from casino levies.
Singapore Pools Contributing to Our Community
Entrance levies to casinos to be managed by Tote Board
case 2:
Steve Jobs - a successful Buddhist Businessman.
Little is known of Jobs private life besides the fact that he practices Buddhism and eats vegan food.
He also have health issue with pancreatic cancers.
now many people buying iphone, but Nokia is facing big problem. so one's success, also cause another to fall.
æ³•æ— å®šæ³•
the only action standard for buddhism is to:
endorse the karma that helps the most being towards enlightenment
bad within good, good within bad, male within female, female within male, these are just worldly concept that is irrelevant to the ultimate objective
Originally posted by Zenist69:I suspect something's wrong here. Singapore Pool although it donate 6 millions, but how many millions they earn? And how many family it ruin? If the ratio is 2 family are ruin, and one family is saved, I still think its a bad deal.
As for iphone, nokia, and steve job, I dun get wat u trying to say.
should be 9:1 as �赌�输. :) no la, i just thought, better than nothing/zero.
or i thought it could be like robin hood. a way of taking from the rich and giving to the poor. but ya maybe should restrict those of the poorer side to enter.
the idea is not to make one so hate them that one would hurt them if they did something wrong. at least the mind is freer from attachment to the idea that it's very wrong, or very right, as all is duality.
as for case 2, i just heard a news on nokia company and i felt pity for the employers, who may be on trouble of being lay off due to poor business. but then again, they were once very hot. so fortune really are not forever. it's impermance. and so will the business of iphone in one day.
Originally posted by Xprobe:the only action standard for buddhism is to:
endorse the karma that helps the most being towards enlightenment
bad within good, good within bad, male within female, female within male, these are just worldly concept that is irrelevant to the ultimate objective
the purpose of it IS to transcend duality(good/bad) and attachment to form 相.
ultimately, Buddhism IS in Everyday Worldly Life.
to me Buddhism and Worldly concept is one, not two.
Everywhere is a practicing ground, as long as there's sentient being.
ps: Bodhisattva's 4 Universal vows, liberate all beings is first, enlightenment is last.
Originally posted by sinweiy:the purpose of it IS to transcend duality(good/bad) and attachment to form 相.
ultimately, Buddhism IS in Everyday Worldly Life.
to me Buddhism and Worldly concept is one, not two.
Everywhere is a practicing ground, as long as there's sentient being.
ps: Bodhisattva's 4 Universal vows, liberate all beings is first, enlightenment is last.
Yep.. but we must be aware of the ill effects of gambling, its so easy to get addicted. Just 1 try of gambling can make a person addicted for life.
Sometimes, its difficult for someone who never gamble before to understand.
Some ppl think just gamble one or two times with friend who ask them to go is alright. Actually it could be otherwise. What could make matters worse is if someone wins money on his/her first few tries
ya, i see they desire money. money to buy their happiness.
but truth is money cannot buy happiness. they attached to a "self" that need happiness. though nowaday, i think extremely poor also cannot. it's all about moderation. another Buddha's teaching of middle way.
Originally posted by sinweiy:ya, i see they desire money. money to buy their happiness.
but truth is money cannot buy happiness. they attached to a "self" that need happiness. though nowaday, i think extremely poor also cannot. it's all about moderation. another Buddha's teaching of middle way.
Well, the noble eightfold path has a 'Right Livelihood'. If im correct, that means 'to avoid any occupation that brings harm to oneself and others.' Im quite sure gambling isnt right livelihood.
Its good to transcend duality(good/bad) and attachment to form 相, but we should avoid gambling.
yes and then the removal of the view of it, as in deluded viewpoints è§�惑, (...then Cognitive Delusionsæ€�惑, then å°˜æ²™æƒ‘ä¸Žæ— æ˜Žæƒ‘ignorance).
�惑Eighty-Eight Deluded Viewpoints
"There are Eighty-Eight Deluded Views, which are suddenly eradicated, and Eighty-One Cognitive Delusions (see entry), which are gradually eliminated.
"There are ten basic deluded views which manifest themselves in relation to the Four Holy Truths in each of the Three Worlds-desire, form, and formless. The ten are greed, hatred, stupidity, arrogance, doubt, the view of (bodily) self, one-sided views, deviant views, the view of being attached to views, and the view of grasping (non-beneficial) prohibitive precepts.
"In the world of desire, all ten operate in relationship to the Truth of Suffering, while seven (all except the view of self, one-sided views, and the view of grasping prohibitive precepts) operate in relation to the Truths of Accumulating and Cessation, and eight (all except the view of self and one-sided views) operate in relation to the Truth of the Path. In the form and formless worlds the relationship of the delusions to the Truths follows the same order with the exception of hatred in relation to all four Truths, since hatred must be eliminated before one can enter . Thirty-two deluded views in the world of desire, twenty eight in the world of form, and twenty-eight in the formless world total eighty-eight. . . .
"Upon eliminating the Eighty-Eight Deluded Views, one becomes a first-stage Arhat (Skt. , Stream-winner)." (HS 123 124)
and as for how mahasattvas do it in 四�法, guess would not want to confuse beginners.
MCK: - sometimes, mahasattvas have no choice but to let/help those bad sentient beings go to lower or hell realms first, in order to exhaust their bad karma.
Living beings are one family, extremely close and only the enlightened beings can possibly elaborate its proximity. So, instead of enjoying happy living together, they are manipuated by external subject and object, as a result, 物�必�, means, nature destruction and the reverse effect is thrown back to mankind and their loved ones as well - they have the democratical right to loved one another, but in an incorrect way. Human body is simply an impernanent shelter ought to pamper correctly. The well beings of the enviroment and their loved ones depends on the understanding of interdependent orgination of yourself and its surrounding environment (enivronment is the impermanent body and other external objects and works complementarily)