Mind has no form, no color, and no substance; this is its empty aspect. Yet mind can know things and percieve an infinite variety of phenomena. This is its clear aspect. The inseperability of these two aspects, emptiness and clarity, is the primordial, continuous nature of mind.
At present, the natural clarity of your mind is obscured by delusions. But as the obscuration clears you will begin to uncover the radiance of awareness, until you reach a point where, just as a line traced on water disappears the moment it is made, your thoughts are liberated the moment they arise. To experience mind in this way is to encounter the very source of Buddhahood.
When the nature of mind is recognized, that is called nirvana; when it is obscured by delusion that is called samsara. Yet neither samsara nor nirvana have ever parted from the continuum of the absolute.When awareness reaches its full extent, the ramparts of delusion will have been breached and the citadel of the absolute, beyond meditation, can be seized once and for all.
His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche