Event : White Umbrella Goddess Blessing Initiation
Date :19 Feb 2011 (Saturday)
Time : 7.00pm - 9.30pm
*Be vegetarian on the actual day
Venue: Guan Chan Buddhist Society
Address : 71 A Geylang Road , 2nd Storey
Map :
Website : http://monlamcharityfundsg.blogspot.com
Event : Dharma Teaching On White Umbrella Goddess Sadhana and
the Eight Kinds of Buddhist Guardian Deity's Practice**
Date : 20 Feb 2011 (Sunday)
Time : 7.00pm - 9.30pm
**must have recieved White Umbrella Goddess Initiation
White Umbrella Goddess
Asuras and gods reside in the region between the God and Demi-God realm (within samsara). There naturally grows a wish-fulfilling tree whenever the gods run into any difficulty, they would pray to this tree and their wishes will be fulfilled. This has however,
incurred the wrath and jealously of the Asuras, and in a fit of hatred, raged
attack towards the god realm. Not wanting to suffer defeat, the King of the God
realm quickly approached Lord Buddha Shakyamuni to seek His blessings. At that
moment, there shone a bright white light from the crown of the Lord Buddha. And
it manifested into the intrepid and powerful White Umbrella Tara. With the pure
merits of Lord Buddha, the White Umbrella Tara emanates a thousand arms and a
thousand eyes, blessing and saving all the harm of the gods.
The White Umbrella Goddess is an intrepid and fearless deity. Practicing the
White Umbrella Goddess is effective for purification of disturbances caused by
the evil spirits and the influence of any evil magic as well as the attack or
harassment of the formless. It also benefits us such as to increase fortune,
wisdom, health and longevity. The recitation and visualization on White Umbrella
Deity is to drive back all forms of negative aspect in life. The ultimate goal
of this prayer is to arrive at Pureland in a swift way.
Benefits derived from the practice of White Umbrella Goddess Sadhana are:
• To neutralize karma brought about by heavy sins of ancestor or parents
• To prevent or to heal serious sickness
• To control depressed people contemplating suicide
• Protection over witchcraft and malicious mischief
• Protection from court cases
• Protection from outside vicious negative forces
The 1st Zuri Rinpoche was the root lama of Chöying Dorje, the 10th Karmapa. The
1st Zuri Rinpoche was originally based in Tsurphu Monastery of the Tibet .
Located near Lhasa , it has been the main seat of the Karma Kagyu Lineage and
residence of the successive incarnations of the Gyalwang Karmapas. The 1st Zuri
Rinpoche later went to Qinghai in his lifetime. Following the Karmapa's wishes
and due to karmic connections, he settled there and stayed in Thrangu Monastery
until his seventh incarnation.
In each of his past lives, Zuri Rinpoche was renowned for his practice of
Vajrakilaya. The 7th Zuri Rinpoche, for example, had attained enlightenment by
reciting the Vajrakilaya mantra 1,300 million times in his small retreat hut
overhanging the cliff of the Princess WenCheng Temple in Qinghai . This is still
recounted by his then disciples and the elderly monks there by this day. The 7th
Zuri Rinpoche passed away in Bhutan , thus created the origination of his next
incarnation in this Himalayan kingdom.
The present Venerable 8th Zuri Rinpoche was born in Bhutan and was recognized by
H.H. 16th Karmapa at two months old. At two, H.E. presided over his enthronement
ceremony in Bhutan in the presence of the Karmapa's four heart sons and many
renowned Rinpoches. He was bestowed the Dharma name Karma Migyur Tenpel Gyalshen Jigme Gocha.
At a young age, Rinpoche entered Rumtek Monastery, the Karmapa's seat in Sikkim
, India , to receive intensive traditional Buddhist education. He studied at the
Karma Shri Nalanda Institute and performed brilliantly under the guidance of the
Karmapa. He then proceeded to Nepal to further his studies in learning the three
yanas, the five major treatises and the four tantras in the Namo Buddha
Institute. Also, he studied extensively in India and Bhutan .
He had also received empowerments and teachings of various lineages such as from
the Kagyu masters the Very Venerable 9th Thrangu Rinpoche, the 1st Kalu
Rinpoche, and the Nyingma master Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and among others.
Rinpoche started the spreading of dharma in 1993. He traveled to and from Bhutan
, India , Nepal , mainland China , Hong Kong , Taiwan and Singapore , in setting
up Buddhist centers, giving teachings, conducting pujas, holding retreats and
animal protection activities.
The present 8th Zuri Rinpoche is a qualified lineage teacher and a great
reincarnated master and is highly commended by H.H. the 17th Karmapa Ogyen
Trinley Dorje. The 8th Zuri Rinpoche has carried on the powerful tradition of
Vajrakilaya practice and Tsog offerings unceasingly for the benefit of sentient