Originally posted by Amitayus48:Who knows! btw! what is negative karma! Pls enlighten
wow? seriously? asking a christian about a buddhist belief?
if i had made a mistake, feel free to correct me but no need to feel all superior about it
Originally posted by PedoBear:the question now is why are there so many buddhists here collecting negative karma from me by arguing with me?
yes, you can also argue that i am collecting negative karma but unfortunately, as a christian, i dont believe in karma
It does not matter whether you believe in karma, it is just like death, works on everyone. Some people don't believe in dying young but that does not mean early death will not occur to that person.
Originally posted by PedoBear:
wow? seriously? asking a christian about a buddhist belief?if i had made a mistake, feel free to correct me but no need to feel all superior about it
If you know how to use the word bad karma, we assume you understand what is bad karma. So, just want to hear what does a christian mean when he say bad karma.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:If you know how to use the word bad karma, we assume you understand what is bad karma. So, just want to hear what does a christian mean when he say bad karma.
dunno about others but i would equate bad karma to sin
Originally posted by Weychin:You started this thread with prejudices and without humility, now it is your cross to BEAR. Although I respect your right to your beliefs, you must also accept we are entitled ours as well, this way, there are no double standards. We do not worship the Buddha the way Christians do, we study and practice the Dhamma whenever we can. Also, assumption of belief is no assumption of fact. Something to share with you,http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/mars…, as a practising Buddhist, I do not everything for granted, we investigate.
Please read the first post, it has nothing to do with religion
its a vegetarian issue
Originally posted by PedoBear:
???Please read the first post, it has nothing to do with religion
its a vegetarian issue
Originally posted by Weychin:
You started with proclamation with that you are anti vegetarian in a Buddhism forum where many are vegetarian. You aired your friend's intimate details in public, then you proceed to call vegetarians pussies. And then you called yourself a christian, in addition to your reference to karma , all in reply in a Buddhist forum. Why did you post what you did in a Buddhist forum. All this begs questioning.
again, please read the first post
1. i started with proclamation that i am anti-vegetarian
am i offending anyone if i said i am anti-vegetarian?
2. airing my friend's intimate details in public
again, am i offending anyone (other than my friend)?
3. i proceed to call vegetarians pussies
i started by only calling my friend a pussy. it is only after people started to piss me off then i call them pussies.
4. my reference to karma
someone else brought it up
5. why post in buddhist forum
you've answered that yourself, there are alot of vegetarians here and I am seeking assistance to help someone with a vegetarian problem
respect has to be earn
Originally posted by Weychin:Topic “Why a man turns into a pussy on becoming a vegetarian?” Most Mahayanist teachers and some teachers of other traditions are vegetarians. What you did think will happen when you call one’s teacher a pussy?
There are also many Hindus who are laymen that fathered their own children.
You attributed lack of libido and drive to vegetarianism without considering other factors.
Like I said, you came with prejudices and without humility.
that is why i keep asking you to read the first post
it is very clear that the pussy i am talking about is my friend
if you can understand the core message just by reading the thread title, why would i even need to post the details?
can you undertand the content of a book just by reading the title?
so simple still need me to teach?
Originally posted by PedoBear:
that is why i keep asking you to read the first postit is very clear that the pussy i am talking about is my friend
if you can understand the core message just by reading the thread title, why would i even need to post the details?
can you undertand the content of a book just by reading the title?
so simple still need me to teach?
Originally posted by Weychin:
Too late is'nt it, with cause there is effect, the thread just snowballed. Respectful title can be "Is vegetarianism depressing my friend drive" Also, you have not acknowledged or even entertained other probable causes. Again you came with prejudices and without humility. You 've not endeared yourself . The tone of the thread changed when you replied: "i agree that Zen Masters are very different from ordinary people. Most of them are pussies."
i thought the thread ended at post 21 where i thanked all those who contributed?
all posts after that are just the ramblings of a delusional bunch of pussies
Originally posted by PedoBear:
that is why i keep asking you to read the first postit is very clear that the pussy i am talking about is my friend
if you can understand the core message just by reading the thread title, why would i even need to post the details?
can you undertand the content of a book just by reading the title?
so simple still need me to teach?
In the 1st place, you should not link your friend's wife infidelity to his vegetarian diet. Secondly, what are you trying to imply when you posted at Buddhist forum calling vegetarian pussies, knowing too well that many Buddhists are vegetarian.
Your motive is very clear.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:In the 1st place, you should not link your friend's wife infidelity to his vegetarian diet. Secondly, what are you trying to imply when you posted at Buddhist forum calling vegetarian pussies, knowing too well that many Buddhists are vegetarian.
Your motive is very clear.
you are getting paranoid.
like i said in my first post, i am anti-vegetarian not anti-buddhist (since alot of buddhist believe that buddha is actually Jesus)
you say - many Buddhists are vegetarian but i dont believe that it is true as only 2 or 3 of my hundreds of buddhist friends are vegetarians.
i would agree that most buddhist refrain from eating meat on the 1/15 of the lunar calender but this does not make them a vegetarian
i would also agree that most vegetarians are buddhist
Hai ... next time express yourself better Pedo....
I think no need to get upset about this... its just mis-comm. No need to think so much
Originally posted by mistyblue:Hai ... next time express yourself better Pedo....
I think no need to get upset about this... its just mis-comm. No need to think so much
i am just standing up to my beliefs
want me to close topic let me know.
Originally posted by sinweiy:want me to close topic let me know.
Now would actually be a good time...