Not sure if this is the correct forum to post in as it is not really a religion issue
if mods determine that this thread fit better into another forum, please feel free to move it.
first of all, let me clarify
1. i am not anti-buddhist, i would like to apologize beforehand to anyone who find my style of writing offending to buddhists
2. i am just anti-vegetarian, as to why, it is a story for another thread another time
True Story
I have a very good friend, one of my best friend if you will who turn into a pussy after becoming a vegetarian. 2 years ago, his baby daughter became very sick and he was told that she would not survive for long. As he and his family is buddhist/taoist, (i am not sure of the distinction between the two) he made a promise to buddha/kwan yin/ kwan kong/ the fat smiling god in between kwan yin and kwan kong/the begger god(ji kong, i think) and a bunch of other deities that he would become a vegetarian if his daughter survives. For some reason she did so he became a vegetarian.
now, i have known him since we were still in secondary school and after graduation, we join the same company and worked in the same department. you can say that i know him inside out. He was a very active person who would stand up for people he care about and for his beliefs.
Some months later after becoming a vegetarian, his character completely change. He became very tired looking, always coming to work late, complaining of fatigue. He even start to let things slide when people challange his core beliefs.
his wife has also commented on his changes, saying that he did not stand up for her when some guys tried to flirt with her in front of him, saying that he does not need to act like a monk just because he eats like a monk (at first i did not think much into this but recently, she confided in me that shes not getting enough sex and she ask me for some but i refuse saying shes my friend's wife but actually i just find her not that hot).
being a vegetarian has turn my friend into a pussy who cannot sexually satisfy his wife, becoming a weak and tired slacker who let things slide. it has seriously affected his career and family in a negative way.
any similar stories to share?
anyway to help my friend on this?
Vegetarians can be very healthy and strong - I've seen many healthy and strong vegetarians who maintain a good healthy relationship with their spouse.
It has to do with your friend's diet. He doesn't know what is a good vegetarian diet. This requires some pointers from good vegetarian cookbooks. A good vegetarian diet contains all the necessary nutrients from one with meat... and makes it even healthier (as overeating meat can also cause illness, disease, overweight, etc)
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Vegetarians can be very healthy and strong - I've seen many healthy and strong vegetarians who maintain a good healthy relationship with their spouse.
It has to do with your friend's diet. He doesn't know what is a good vegetarian diet. This requires some pointers from good vegetarian cookbooks. A good vegetarian diet contains all the necessary nutrients from one with meat... and makes it even healthier (as overeating meat can also cause illness, disease, overweight, etc)
thanks for the reply
i guess what you are saying can be true
i knew he had trouble changing to a vegetarian diet as he was mostly a meat eater previously
the thing is that he mostly eat out as the wifes not a very good vegetarian cook
so should i ask him to switch to another vegetarian shop?
Originally posted by PedoBear:
thanks for the replyi guess what you are saying can be true
i knew he had trouble changing to a vegetarian diet as he was mostly a meat eater previously
the thing is that he mostly eat out as the wifes not a very good vegetarian cook
so should i ask him to switch to another vegetarian shop?
I understand a vegetarian must eat about 5 different colours of food a day to have enough nutrients. Example Black (black beans, dried mushrooms etc) , Green leaf vegetarian, Red (tomatoes etc), White (beancurd etc) etc etc.........................
Originally posted by PedoBear:
thanks for the replyi guess what you are saying can be true
i knew he had trouble changing to a vegetarian diet as he was mostly a meat eater previously
the thing is that he mostly eat out as the wifes not a very good vegetarian cook
so should i ask him to switch to another vegetarian shop?
Yes. Actually many vegetarian stalls out there sell very unhealthy things... very oily, and unhealthy like mock meat etc.
True vegetarian meals... I guess you have to learn how to make yourself.
p.s. I'm not a vegetarian myself, only heard this from others.
Originally posted by PedoBear:Not sure if this is the correct forum to post in as it is not really a religion issue
if mods determine that this thread fit better into another forum, please feel free to move it.
first of all, let me clarify
1. i am not anti-buddhist, i would like to apologize beforehand to anyone who find my style of writing offending to buddhists
2. i am just anti-vegetarian, as to why, it is a story for another thread another time
True Story
I have a very good friend, one of my best friend if you will who turn into a pussy after becoming a vegetarian. 2 years ago, his baby daughter became very sick and he was told that she would not survive for long. As he and his family is buddhist/taoist, (i am not sure of the distinction between the two) he made a promise to buddha/kwan yin/ kwan kong/ the fat smiling god in between kwan yin and kwan kong/the begger god(ji kong, i think) and a bunch of other deities that he would become a vegetarian if his daughter survives. For some reason she did so he became a vegetarian.
now, i have known him since we were still in secondary school and after graduation, we join the same company and worked in the same department. you can say that i know him inside out. He was a very active person who would stand up for people he care about and for his beliefs.
Some months later after becoming a vegetarian, his character completely change. He became very tired looking, always coming to work late, complaining of fatigue. He even start to let things slide when people challange his core beliefs.
his wife has also commented on his changes, saying that he did not stand up for her when some guys tried to flirt with her in front of him, saying that he does not need to act like a monk just because he eats like a monk (at first i did not think much into this but recently, she confided in me that shes not getting enough sex and she ask me for some but i refuse saying shes my friend's wife but actually i just find her not that hot).
being a vegetarian has turn my friend into a pussy who cannot sexually satisfy his wife, becoming a weak and tired slacker who let things slide. it has seriously affected his career and family in a negative way.
any similar stories to share?
anyway to help my friend on this?
sure or not?
His wife ask you to satisfy her........?
Ho say leh........
pedobear...................what if you were an animal being farmed for food..........?
Originally posted by Ä«Õß:¸ïÀë:sure or not?
His wife ask you to satisfy her........?
Ho say leh........
this is a bullshit thread from the very 1st post what...........
maybe the friend's wife will pay pedobear to bang her some more
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
this is a bullshit thread from the very 1st post what...........
maybe the friend's wife will pay pedobear to bang her some more
Ar neh song? ........ i volunteer to help satisfy her, fwee of charge......
If your fren is feeling tired on becoming a vegetarian, need to make sure he has sufficient iron, protein, magnesium, vit b12
It is not sufficient to rely on outside food diet. he has to take some supplements too. Take some nuts everyday eg pistachio, cashew, tc.
Supplements can include the brand of many herbs and kinds of natural vegetables grounded to powder and sold by Mitchell May, called Synergy brand is also good... can check out Lapis Lazuli organisation, they sell such supplements.
For vitamin b12 can take some nutritional yeast.
Can take other supplements like Spirulina, etc. They will all help.
if your friend is very tired only just after eating for short time, he must do something about his diet, taking in sufficient nutrients, or else it will affect his health. Outside vegetarian food generally do not supply enough nutrients, unless he is eating at those organic health stores which are much more expensive and not many such stores in singapore. He needs to back up with supplements, chinese herbal soups, eat diverse types of vegetables, avoid MSG and processed food and so forth.
Better bring his attention to this soon. It is not a small matter.
Originally posted by wisdomeye:If your fren is feeling tired on becoming a vegetarian, need to make sure he has sufficient iron, protein, magnesium, vit b12
It is not sufficient to rely on outside food diet. he has to take some supplements too. Take some nuts everyday eg pistachio, cashew, tc.
Supplements can include the brand of many herbs and kinds of natural vegetables grounded to powder and sold by Mitchell May, called Synergy brand is also good... can check out Lapis Lazuli organisation, they sell such supplements.
For vitamin b12 can take some nutritional yeast.
Can take other supplements like Spirulina, etc. They will all help.
if your friend is very tired only just after eating for short time, he must do something about his diet, taking in sufficient nutrients, or else it will affect his health. Outside vegetarian food generally do not supply enough nutrients, unless he is eating at those organic health stores which are much more expensive and not many such stores in singapore. He needs to back up with supplements, chinese herbal soups, eat diverse types of vegetables, avoid MSG and processed food and so forth.
Better bring his attention to this soon. It is not a small matter.
Take up lacto vegetarian, something like the indian vegetarian widely available in Little India !
Carbohydrates: Rice, wheat, potato, tapioca,
Protien: All Beans, grains, nuts,
Minerals: all green, yellow, red, purple vegetables, brocoli, fruits.
Its the philosophy that turns you into a mild mannered person, not the diet.
Otherwise a vegan diet would be the cure for bipolar personality disorder.
in the animal kingdom, elephant strength is the strongest. horse stamina of running is the longest. they also eat "vege". surprisingly there are examples of Olympic GOLD weight lifter, swimmer and runner (Carl Lewis) are vegetarian. so meat give strength is not so true.
Your friend clearly doesn't know how to eat right.
You should make him eat more nuts...Increase his testerone level..
Here's some quality stuff to eat:
I am not vegetarian but I do try to eat more vegetarian when there is an opportunity. I felt lighter and better. But I do have suppliments and I eat nuts. I don't drink milk because of the way industrial farming get milk.I felt guilty eating so much meat so I am trying to slowly reduce and maybe give it up .... its hard to switch overnight
From past personal experience, I would guess that your friend is probably too tired now to concentrate on complex nutritional concepts and cooking procedures.
Protein foods
This is what most new vegetarians fail to factor in when they change dietary habits.
Nuts, beans, seeds, tofu, mushrooms, tempeh. Ask your friend to make a habit of snacking on a variety of nuts (the less they are roasted/salted the better). No harm also in eating mock meats as they give protein, but my personal preference is for the natural stuff.
Dark green leafy vegetables
Living in the tropics, these are readily available and are an important source of minerals. Eat a wide variety and rotate everyday. All vegetarian stalls will at least have these.
Cost effective whole food supplements
Blackstrap molasses (can be mixed with milk/soymilk), Goji berries (枸æ�žå�, snack on them like snacking on raisins), Nutritional yeast if your friend consumes totally no milk/eggs, Chlorella/Spirulina, Seaweed
Besides these, what Dawnfirstlight said about eating veggies and fruits of different colour groups is also a good way of ensuring a wide variety of nutrients. Generally speaking, those with more intense/bright colours are more nutritious.
Also, chew food thoroughly. When eating animal foods, chewing is less important, but vegetables and fruits are fibrous and chewing well to extract nutrients ensures you get the most out of your food.
Your friend maybe does not pay attention about the proper vegetarian diet.
It cannot be just vegetable, just simple stuff, just avoid meat.
It's not like that.
It should have lots of things, including beans, seeds, and so on.
For more information, check internet.
You could advise ur friend to view this FAQ page on Vegetarian Society (Singapore)'s website on General n Nutrition concerns on vegetarianism. It answers the following questions most ppl haf:
*** Most importantly, there are egs of actors/actresses n famous ppl who are vegetarians and still lead healthy, balanced lives.
Also, even if we're non-vegetarians and dun take care of our diet by eating too much high-cholesterol/sugar food, it isnt good for health in the long-run also. Therefore, balance is the key.
humans are not meant to eat meat anyway.............that's why our teeth are not like those meat-eating animals.........
also our digestive tract is way way too long.................any meat that stay in it too long will cause cancer........
also animals eat raw meat while humans eat cooked meat.................that's why so many illness and cancer............
plus meat is acidic..............when you're body is too acidic that's when cancer will thrive...............most veggies are alkaline.................
to all who provide useful info, you have my thanks
I guess the problem could really be that he still could not get use to eating veg + not knowing the correct way to supplement his diet
i will let him know your recommendations
to all who tried to convert me to be a vegetarian with all your reasons, all i have to say is
1. humans have been eating meat for thousands of years so whatever your reasons of not eating meat makes no sense ie; if the human teeth is not meant for meat eaters why do we have canines? if the human digestive system is meant for digesting veg, why dont we have two stomachs like herbeviors for more effecient digestion of veg?
2. it is human nature to eat meat, that is why it is so hard to change to be a vegetarian. if it is human nature to eat veg, then most people would be veg eaters. know that it is the vegetarians who are going againts nature whatever the reasons they may give to convince themselves otherwise.
to all who wish to bang my friend's wife
i am sure she had look for other people to satisfy her since my rejection. whether you believe it or not (that she ask me to satisfy her), i brought all these up to highlight the seriousness of the changes to my friend who turn vegetarian
i had admitted all along at the beginning of the thread that i am bias againts vegetarian practices so you cant expect me to have anything good to say about this
Originally posted by PedoBear:to all who provide useful info, you have my thanks
I guess the problem could really be that he still could not get use to eating veg + not knowing the correct way to supplement his diet
i will let him know your recommendations
to all who tried to convert me to be a vegetarian with all your reasons, all i have to say is
1. humans have been eating meat for thousands of years so whatever your reasons of not eating meat makes no sense ie; if the human teeth is not meant for meat eaters why do we have canines? if the human digestive system is meant for digesting veg, why dont we have two stomachs like herbeviors for more effecient digestion of veg?
2. it is human nature to eat meat, that is why it is so hard to change to be a vegetarian. if it is human nature to eat veg, then most people would be veg eaters. know that it is the vegetarians who are going againts nature whatever the reasons they may give to convince themselves otherwise.
to all who wish to bang my friend's wife
i am sure she had look for other people to satisfy her since my rejection. whether you believe it or not (that she ask me to satisfy her), i brought all these up to highlight the seriousness of the changes to my friend who turn vegetarian
i had admitted all along at the beginning of the thread that i am bias againts vegetarian practices so you cant expect me to have anything good to say about this
You are too naive to relate your friend's diet to his wife's infidelity. If the woman is a flirt, she will find all kind of excuses to be unfaithful like husband did not spend enough time with her or husband is not romantic enough etc. etc.
Well, hopefully the day will not come that doctors advise you to eat more veggies for the sake of your health. I think the day will come when you reach middle or old age as I've seen doctors always adivse those middle or old age people to eat more veggies and less meat due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arteries got choked and so on.
Originally posted by PedoBear:to all who provide useful info, you have my thanks
I guess the problem could really be that he still could not get use to eating veg + not knowing the correct way to supplement his diet
i will let him know your recommendations
to all who tried to convert me to be a vegetarian with all your reasons, all i have to say is
1. humans have been eating meat for thousands of years so whatever your reasons of not eating meat makes no sense ie; if the human teeth is not meant for meat eaters why do we have canines? if the human digestive system is meant for digesting veg, why dont we have two stomachs like herbeviors for more effecient digestion of veg?
2. it is human nature to eat meat, that is why it is so hard to change to be a vegetarian. if it is human nature to eat veg, then most people would be veg eaters. know that it is the vegetarians who are going againts nature whatever the reasons they may give to convince themselves otherwise.
to all who wish to bang my friend's wife
i am sure she had look for other people to satisfy her since my rejection. whether you believe it or not (that she ask me to satisfy her), i brought all these up to highlight the seriousness of the changes to my friend who turn vegetarian
i had admitted all along at the beginning of the thread that i am bias againts vegetarian practices so you cant expect me to have anything good to say about this
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:You are too naive to relate your friend's diet to his wife's infidelity. If the woman is a flirt, she will find all kind of excuses to be unfaithful like husband did not spend enough time with her or husband is not romantic enough etc. etc.
Well, hopefully the day will not come that doctors advise you to eat more veggies for the sake of your health. I think the day will come when you reach middle or old age as I've seen doctors always adivse those middle or old age people to eat more veggies and less meat due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arteries got choked and so on.
i havent eaten any veg for the past 10 years
i would rather die than eat any veg
Originally posted by PedoBear:
i havent eaten any veg for the past 10 yearsi would rather die than eat any veg
Ermm, may be you or your wife do not know how to cook nice veggies ha ha.... if you know how to cook them, veggies can always taste nicer than meat.