Originally posted by sofital:From my experience, When I encounter the painfulness from the leg, just aware of arising of painfulness and perishing of painfulness where painfulness occcurred. Depending on the concentration of mind, changes of arising and perishing of painfulness state happen so fast, what I realize is that body tell me arising and perishing of painfulness is suffering. Arising of painfulness is birth state and perishing of painfulness is death state. Hence observe the painfulness is imparmanent. There is no “I” or “Mine” in the painfulness state.To remove the attachment to painfulness slowly, don’t let know my mind the painfulness form.There is no painfulness in the world.The painfulness is naming convention absorbed in the mind.Only let know the feeling of painfulness to my mind.Be aware of feeling of painfulness arise and perish every second.Review myself what is effect of painfulness in the consequent mind based on cause and effect theory? The cause of painfulness will happen anger ,annoying and hatred of defilement occurred.Hence when I always stay and aware of cause state of the feeling of painfulness , the effect of anger ,annoying and hatred of defilement never happen.It is realized that I break the cause and effect of mind state.I’m free from cause and effect of mind state.And then continuing to the end, knowing of arising and perishing of feeling of painfulness totally disappeared for a few second The mind cling to nothing state.The result is freedom of birth and death of feeling of painfulness.
IMHO, from what Thusness have often told me -- just the pure sensation of the pain is enough. There is no need to derive anything from the pain. Just pure sensation. There is no reason about impermanence, just so. Allow impermanance to be as it is.
Any mental note and conceptual conclusion (even related to the dharma seals -- this is impermanent, this is suffering, this is not-self) just let it go and stay with the pure sensation. For in truth the dharma seals lies/exhibits entirely in that moment of manifestation, ungraspable by thought.
As Thusness have told me last year:
(12:21 AM) Thusness: what is the role of insight
(12:22 AM) Thusness: why bare attention?
(12:22 AM) Thusness: why naked awareness?
(12:22 AM) Thusness: when insight meditation is taught and buddha
said when hearing jsut the sound...this and that...
(12:23 AM) Thusness: what buddha wanted is to experience directly
what awareness is, the arising, the ceasing, the clarity, the
non-dual nature
(12:23 AM) Thusness: in DO (dependent origination)
(12:24 AM) AEN_____: icic..
(12:24 AM) Thusness: not to note it with thought or place any
conclusion on any experience.
(12:25 AM) Thusness: "this is impermanence" is not about noting and
place any conclusion about an phenomenon arising.
(12:26 AM) Thusness: but experience impermanence directly, not in
(12:26 AM) AEN_____: icic.. yea
(12:26 AM) Thusness: be impermanence and know what is it
(12:26 AM) Thusness: see what clarity is, not what it should
(12:27 AM) Thusness: it is luminous and yet empty...experience it
directly...it is so.
(12:27 AM) AEN_____: icic..
(12:27 AM) Thusness: break the solidity until there is no holding
simply thus.
Originally posted by sofital:We need to derive the cause and effect state from painfulness.If we are not aware of transient cause and effect of mind, how to escape from Samsara? There are different methods for VipassanÄ�-kammaá¹á¹hÄ�na.
Effect of painfulness
—->anger,unhappiness and hatred of defilementsThe painfulness is name convention absorbed in the mind.
Here is the difference between normal person and Ariya person. I translate it from Theinngu ’ Arahart experience on knowledge of first enlighenement.If there is any mistake on translation , please amend it.For the same thing,
When one see the object , his mind first is inclined to the name of object (for normal person)
e.g computer,bed, chair,clock, cloth is the name of object seen
When one see the object, his mind first is inclined to knowing of matter seen by removing the name of object seen(for Ariya person)When one hear the sound,his mind first inclined to the name of sound
e.g dog sound, cat sound, movie sound, music sound is the name of object heard.
When one hear the object ,his mind first is inclined to knowing of sound heard,by removing the name of object heard.When one sense the smell, his mind first inclined to the name of smell
e.g rotten smell, perfume smell, alcohol smell, fruit smell is the name of smell
when one sense the smell, his mind first is inclined to knowing of smell smelled by removing the name of object smelledWhen one’s tongue touch the taste, his mind first is inclined to name of taste
e.g mango taste, chicken taste, port taste, sweet taste is the name taste
When one ’s tongue touch the taste, his mind first is inclined to knowing of taste by removing the name of object tasted.When one’s body touch the object,his mind first is inclined to name of feeling of touch
e.g sexual touch, touch on carpet, touch on different object is the name of touch
When one’ body touch the object, his mind first is inclined to knowing of touch contacted by removing the name of object touch contacted.When one think something in the mind, his mind first is inclined to name of something in the mind.
e.g thinking of studies,thinking of someone,thinking of what to do is name of thought absorbed in the mind
When one think something in the mind ,his mind first is inclined to knowing of thought by removing the name of thought absorbed in the mind
Yes. What I mean is the awareness of cause and effect (or any other nanas, or impermanence, etc) does not come from mentally noting or placing a conclusion of an experience but from momentary observation until the natural insight and absorption arise, known as the 2nd nana into cause and effect. It means that the insight will naturally dawn and become apparent as the practitioner enters into deeper and deeper clarity into one's experience and is not a derived mental note or conclusion of certain experience.
Not to try to 'mentally understand' what impermanence means or what cause and effect is... just continue noting/observing/experiencing until the level of insight and clarity manifest. The insight/clarity will come almost like a mental absorption and is distinct in each stage, and the mental and physical manifestation becomes particularly spectacular in the 4th Nana (the nana of arising and passing) characterised by bright lights, bliss, effortless clarity and silence, strange breathing patterns, visions, powers, energy, Kundalini, vibrations, meditating while dreaming, vortices, powerful bliss, spontaneus movements, deep releases, sexual feelings, sense of unity, etc etc... but these nanas are insight absorptions (vipassana jhanas) and thus do not stay or last unlike the samatha jhanas. I believe you have had some of the experiences. Anyway what is important for a Vipassana practitioner is to continue experiencing each and every single arising and subsiding pure sensation with precision.. simply pure experience that transcends words and logic. Then the progressive nanas will come naturally.
Maybe Thusness can explain what he meant by "just the pure sensation of the pain is enough. There is no need to derive anything from the pain. Just pure sensation. There is no reason about impermanence, just so. Allow impermanance to be as it is."
I'm not too sure as well.
I see.. thanks for the sharing :)
Originally posted by sofital:Thanks ….Apart from this topic, wanna to ask one question
when is the starting point of a person or creature in Samsara or cycles of rebirth life ?
There is no starting point, every moment is a starting point.
The world exists only when we think about it; creation stories are for children. In reality the world is created every moment. ~ Jean Klein
Originally posted by sofital:From the starting point of Samsara until present life ,how many previous lifes in Samsara?
There is no starting point.
Originally posted by sofital:I means the starting point of a person is that Buddha will review his previous many lifes.When will be the previous many life end?
Originally posted by Thusness:
Not yet. The dissolving of 'I' and 'death' must include both the experience of luminosity and 'losing of consciousness'. However it is not the right time now, have the right understanding of these experiences first. :)
Lastly practice 'dropping, �' during meditation.
Happy Journey!
Surrender and Understanding
Finally, ultimately, (when it comes to spiritual enlightenment) the surrender and the Understanding are the same, even if they are apparently, in perception or experience, separated chronologically.
The very concept of 'the total Understanding' necessarily includes surrender, for it begins with the willingness, "Thy will be done;" and ends in seeing that one is not.
Thus there is a sensed rightness in the idea that humility in some form is a mark of a true sage; an intuitive sense that if one doesn't have a sense of humor about themselves and about what is happening, it is highly unlikely that awakening has occurred.
Taking oneself too seriously may be a fairly good sign that there has not been the giving up, the surrendering, of the false idea that one actually exists (as a separate entity).
Doubts about the authenticity of certain teachers often boil down to this: that while they may have an excellent understanding of the teachings, it is the complete surrender of the sense of individual self that has perhaps not occurred.
In this phenomenality of duality, there is always the flip side, the complementary opposite that completes. Male-female, Shiva-Shakti, jnana-bhakti, understanding surrender. Disdaining one or the other misses truth.
Despite traditions to the contrary, there simply cannot be true jnana without true bhakta, there cannot be the ultimate understanding without the ultimate surrender. Certain personalities will try to avoid one or the other under the guise of some higher wisdom, but always at the cost of wholeness.
There is a tradition that jnana is the higher path because the bhakta relies on a belief in someone or something to be devoted to, whereas the jnani knows there is neither. But true bhakti is pure devotion with no object; and the true jnani knows nothing.
Jnana and bhakta, knowledge and devotion, understanding and surrender, inseeing and outpouring, mind and heart, cannot be divided or opposed; because they are the same.
"The essential basis of self realization is the total rejection of the individual as an independent entity, whether it comes as a spontaneous undersnding or through an utter surrender of one's individual existence." ~ Ramesh Balsekar
It can be seen that the path of the bhakti in devotion leading to surrender, and that of the jnani in knowledge leading to understanding, meet when each takes the final step.
The ultimate surrender is the total Understanding; the complete Understanding is the utter surrender unto death of the individual self.
Jesus: "Only he who loses his life will find it." Again, "Not' my will, but Thine be done," because it is understood that there is no 'mine,' no 'me' to will.
It is the surrender of all vestiges of the sense of the individual person, including, ironic as it may seem, all those hopes and dreams and prayers of ever becoming a good or better person or a person other people might love or like or be drawn to. It is the complete surrender into 'This Is All That Is.'
And yes, that final surrender, that total Understanding is sudden and happens once. And that once is now. And that now is eternal.
From, Brilliant Perfect Stillness, by David Carse You may like to see our page on The Supreme Worship
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:There is no starting point.
i remember a movie i saw ,in india there is a picture ,a snake ,it head bite it's nail ,so it form a cycle ,which means there is no starting or ending ,starting is the ending
Originally posted by rokkie:
i remember a movie i saw ,in india there is a picture ,a snake ,it head bite it's nail ,so it form a cycle ,which means there is no starting or ending ,starting is the ending
Originally posted by extra one:
yes lol
Originally posted by extra one:
yes lol
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:IMHO, from what Thusness have often told me -- just the pure sensation of the pain is enough. There is no need to derive anything from the pain. Just pure sensation. There is no reason about impermanence, just so. Allow impermanance to be as it is.
Any mental note and conceptual conclusion (even related to the dharma seals -- this is impermanent, this is suffering, this is not-self) just let it go and stay with the pure sensation. For in truth the dharma seals lies/exhibits entirely in that moment of manifestation, ungraspable by thought.
As Thusness have told me last year:
(12:21 AM) Thusness: what is the role of insight meditation?
(12:22 AM) Thusness: why bare attention?
(12:22 AM) Thusness: why naked awareness?
(12:22 AM) Thusness: when insight meditation is taught and buddha said when hearing jsut the sound...this and that...
(12:23 AM) Thusness: what buddha wanted is to experience directly what awareness is, the arising, the ceasing, the clarity, the non-dual nature
(12:23 AM) Thusness: in DO (dependent origination)
(12:24 AM) AEN_____: icic..
(12:24 AM) Thusness: not to note it with thought or place any conclusion on any experience.
(12:25 AM) Thusness: "this is impermanence" is not about noting and place any conclusion about an phenomenon arising.
(12:26 AM) Thusness: but experience impermanence directly, not in words
(12:26 AM) AEN_____: icic.. yea
(12:26 AM) Thusness: be impermanence and know what is it really...
(12:26 AM) Thusness: see what clarity is, not what it should be
(12:27 AM) Thusness: it is luminous and yet empty...experience it directly...it is so.
(12:27 AM) AEN_____: icic..
(12:27 AM) Thusness: break the solidity until there is no holding simply thus.
Thanks for sharing :)
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Surrender and Understanding
Finally, ultimately, (when it comes to spiritual enlightenment) the surrender and the Understanding are the same, even if they are apparently, in perception or experience, separated chronologically.
The very concept of 'the total Understanding' necessarily includes surrender, for it begins with the willingness, "Thy will be done;" and ends in seeing that one is not.
Thus there is a sensed rightness in the idea that humility in some form is a mark of a true sage; an intuitive sense that if one doesn't have a sense of humor about themselves and about what is happening, it is highly unlikely that awakening has occurred.
Taking oneself too seriously may be a fairly good sign that there has not been the giving up, the surrendering, of the false idea that one actually exists (as a separate entity).
Doubts about the authenticity of certain teachers often boil down to this: that while they may have an excellent understanding of the teachings, it is the complete surrender of the sense of individual self that has perhaps not occurred.
In this phenomenality of duality, there is always the flip side, the complementary opposite that completes. Male-female, Shiva-Shakti, jnana-bhakti, understanding surrender. Disdaining one or the other misses truth.
Despite traditions to the contrary, there simply cannot be true jnana without true bhakta, there cannot be the ultimate understanding without the ultimate surrender. Certain personalities will try to avoid one or the other under the guise of some higher wisdom, but always at the cost of wholeness.
There is a tradition that jnana is the higher path because the bhakta relies on a belief in someone or something to be devoted to, whereas the jnani knows there is neither. But true bhakti is pure devotion with no object; and the true jnani knows nothing.
Jnana and bhakta, knowledge and devotion, understanding and surrender, inseeing and outpouring, mind and heart, cannot be divided or opposed; because they are the same.
It can be seen that the path of the bhakti in devotion leading to surrender, and that of the jnani in knowledge leading to understanding, meet when each takes the final step.
The ultimate surrender is the total Understanding; the complete Understanding is the utter surrender unto death of the individual self.
Jesus: "Only he who loses his life will find it." Again, "Not' my will, but Thine be done," because it is understood that there is no 'mine,' no 'me' to will.
It is the surrender of all vestiges of the sense of the individual person, including, ironic as it may seem, all those hopes and dreams and prayers of ever becoming a good or better person or a person other people might love or like or be drawn to. It is the complete surrender into 'This Is All That Is.'
And yes, that final surrender, that total Understanding is sudden and happens once. And that once is now. And that now is eternal.
From, Brilliant Perfect Stillness, by David Carse You may like to see our page on The Supreme Worship
Just now in meditation suddenly I had an intuition of what complete surrender is like...
It's like... completely surrendering the individual self... along with it the illusion of personal doership or a 'controller'. What happens is this... you realise you are not an individual entity, you are the whole... you are vast and infinite and spacious and not confined to a particular thing or thoughts... you are the universe in its entirety. And you 'release' into that.
And these bodily actions, and movements, thoughts, etc that continue to arise are really the doing of the whole universe... its the universe scrubbing the stain off... the universe eating the apple...
And utter surrender is just this 'alignment' with universe-eating-apple... with the Whole... I'm not too sure if I'm right by saying this.
BTW while I was trying to 'let go into the infinite' I had this weird experience of a sense of energy rising in my body and strong bliss coupled with a very strong sensation of heat and warmth growing hotter and hotter... even though the room is very cold. Similar to Tummo practice perhaps. But then after the sensation of warmth passed, I felt strangely cold and started shivering... LOL. But anyway not so important.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Surrender and Understanding
Finally, ultimately, (when it comes to spiritual enlightenment) the surrender and the Understanding are the same, even if they are apparently, in perception or experience, separated chronologically.
The very concept of 'the total Understanding' necessarily includes surrender, for it begins with the willingness, "Thy will be done;" and ends in seeing that one is not.
Thus there is a sensed rightness in the idea that humility in some form is a mark of a true sage; an intuitive sense that if one doesn't have a sense of humor about themselves and about what is happening, it is highly unlikely that awakening has occurred.
Taking oneself too seriously may be a fairly good sign that there has not been the giving up, the surrendering, of the false idea that one actually exists (as a separate entity).
Doubts about the authenticity of certain teachers often boil down to this: that while they may have an excellent understanding of the teachings, it is the complete surrender of the sense of individual self that has perhaps not occurred.
In this phenomenality of duality, there is always the flip side, the complementary opposite that completes. Male-female, Shiva-Shakti, jnana-bhakti, understanding surrender. Disdaining one or the other misses truth.
Despite traditions to the contrary, there simply cannot be true jnana without true bhakta, there cannot be the ultimate understanding without the ultimate surrender. Certain personalities will try to avoid one or the other under the guise of some higher wisdom, but always at the cost of wholeness.
There is a tradition that jnana is the higher path because the bhakta relies on a belief in someone or something to be devoted to, whereas the jnani knows there is neither. But true bhakti is pure devotion with no object; and the true jnani knows nothing.
Jnana and bhakta, knowledge and devotion, understanding and surrender, inseeing and outpouring, mind and heart, cannot be divided or opposed; because they are the same.
It can be seen that the path of the bhakti in devotion leading to surrender, and that of the jnani in knowledge leading to understanding, meet when each takes the final step.
The ultimate surrender is the total Understanding; the complete Understanding is the utter surrender unto death of the individual self.
Jesus: "Only he who loses his life will find it." Again, "Not' my will, but Thine be done," because it is understood that there is no 'mine,' no 'me' to will.A lo
It is the surrender of all vestiges of the sense of the individual person, including, ironic as it may seem, all those hopes and dreams and prayers of ever becoming a good or better person or a person other people might love or like or be drawn to. It is the complete surrender into 'This Is All That Is.'
And yes, that final surrender, that total Understanding is sudden and happens once. And that once is now. And that now is eternal.
From, Brilliant Perfect Stillness, by David Carse You may like to see our page on The Supreme Worship
A lovely piece :)
Zen teacher John Daido Loori said,
According to the Buddhist point of view, nonattachment is exactly the opposite of separation. You need two things in order to have attachment: the thing you’re attaching to, and the person who’s attaching. In nonattachment, on the other hand, there’s unity. There’s unity because there’s nothing to attach to. If you have unified with the whole universe, there’s nothing outside of you, so the notion of attachment becomes absurd. Who will attach to what?
Once a fellow Zen student left a briefcase in a taxi. He began to worry about the briefcase, he said, and then he recognized that worrying is attachment. In order to worry, he had to conceptualize himself as a limited, finite being separated from something else, a briefcase. That's attachment, and it's also separation. You can't attach to something unless you perceive yourself as separate from it. <!--more-->
(He got his briefcase back, by the way.)
Contemplation of impermanence of the bodies is a also a wonderful form of meditation for one to release attachment to our bodies.