Extreme HP Recovery, max lvl 20
when you are moving or attacking, you also recover HP, 5 sec per recovery
Sacrifice, max lvl 20
When you attack with a skill, hp will be wasted instead of mp
Shout, max lvl 30
MP -80 enemy accuracy -15
Dragon Shadow Slash, max lvl 30
80 MP, do a 650% attack with 80% chance to stun
Thousand Dragons, max lvl 30
70 MP 50 HP, attack 6 enemies with the attack of 550%
Power Drain, max lvl 30
70% success chance, 40% of your enemy's physical attack power will be melted away
Summon Dark Dragon, max lvl 30
100MP, same effect as Summon Dragon
attack is 450%, 160 seconds(consumes summoning rock)
Extreme HP Recov, same as DK
Hyper Def, max lvl 20
220% physical def and 310% magic def(no def skill in third job)
Drain Damage, max lvl 20
70 mp per use- chance of drain is 35% and 50% that the drained damage will recover urself
Tiger Slash, max lvl 30
Usable when you are jumping, 50 mp 560% atk 5% 1 hit KO and 80% stun
Breath of Sword, max lvl 30
48 mp 640% atk and range of sword extends by 250%
Sword Dance, max lvl 30
70mp 50 hp 520% atk attakcing 15 enemies
Defence Break, max lvl 30
same as DK just this melts the defence not atk
Summon Tiger, max lvl 30
110 mp 480% 120 sec, same as summon dragon/dark dragon
you guys do u know i'm translating this,
Extreme HP Recov, same effect
hyper def, same effect
Weapon Extension, max lvl 20
atk range+200%
Composite Charge: Fire and Ice, max lvl 30
a charge of fire AND ice
freeze enemy for 4 second and deal fire elemental damage
Composite Charge: Thunder and Poison, max lvl 30
Poisons and uses a thunder elemental charge
Elemental Quake, max lvl 30
90 mp 50 hp 550% atk 55% poison 1.5 second freeze and 70% stun, atks up to 15 enemies
Defence Break, same effect
Holy Charge, max lvl 30
charges weapon with the power of holy