Source: Miracle Maple url:
Semi-Popular Japanese kMS info site.
4th job skill descriptions (Japanese) link:
English Translation: �\DREAM�\
WARNING: Following skills are currently being tested in the Korea MapleStory test server, whether or not the skills will be finalized into the main server, there is no gurrantee.
***Â�ÃÂŽm (Warrior)***
ƒXƒ^ƒ“ƒX (Stance)
‹ÂÂ�x‚ÈÂ�¸Â�_—Ã�‚ÅÂ�AÂ�UŒ‚‚³‚ê‚Ä‚à Œã‚ë‚É‘Þ‚©‚È‚¢‚悤‚É‚È‚éÂ�B
You will be not pushed back by monsters with this skill activated.
LV 1: 30MP 10sec 22% chance of not getting KBed by monsters.
LV 30: 60MP 300sec 80% chance of not getting KBed by monsters.
Comment: Cannot be used when using nintai (?)
ƒ�ƒCƒvƒ‹ƒXƒsƒŠƒbƒg (Maple Spirit)
This is a party skill. Party members will receive a % increase in their AP stats (STR, DEX, INT & LUK) for a period of time.
Lv 1: 20MP 30sec 1% increase in STR, DEX, INT & LUK
Lv 20: 30MP 600sec 10% increase in STR, DEX, INT & LUK
Comment: I don't know why people call this skill Maple Hero, but it's called Maple Spirit for now.
ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^�[ƒ}ƒOƒlƒbƒg (Monster Magnet)
‚à ‚¿‚ë‚ñƒ`�[ƒg‚̂悤‚Ȉø‚«Šñ‚¹•û‚Å‚�‚È‚¢‚Å‚µ‚傤‚ª�B
Pull monsters from a distance.
LV 1: 10MP 100% Distance 42% success rate.
LV 30: 30MP 170% Distance 100% success rate.
Comment: It pulls all monsters in range, not to a limit according to this description. It did not gave a timer in the descriptions this time, so i assume that you'll have to turn it on or off by yourself... and or maybe it's passive now.
***–‚–@Žg‚¢ (Magician)***
ƒ}ƒiƒŠƒtƒŒƒNƒVƒ‡ƒ“ (Mana Reflection)
Magical Damage is reflected back to the monsters, changing the flow of mana. However, the repelled max damage will not exceed more than 20% of the monster's Maximum HP.
Lv 1: 26MP 10sec 21% effect on magic damage received, 52% chance repel rate.
Lv 30: 55MP 300sec 50% effect on magic damage received, 100% chance repel rate
Comment: So let's say you took 2000 magic damage, you would only receive 1000 damage and the rest would be reflected towards the enemy. It works like Power Guard I believe.
ƒNƒ@ƒ“ƒ^ƒ€ƒGƒNƒXƒvƒ��[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“ (Quantum Explosion)
—‚߂Ă¢‚é“r’†‚Å‚à ”Â“®Â�o—ˆ‚Ü‚·‚ªÂ�AÂ�Ōã‚܂ŗ‚߂é‚قNj‚¢‚悤‚Å‚·Â�B
This is a charge up skill. You may charge up particles around you for a period of time, then release to make an explosion. You do not have to complete the gathering of particles to make an explosion, however your damage will be weakened (depending on how long you have charged).
Lv 1: 35MP 110 Max Base Damage, 35% Mastery
Lv 30: 180MP 400 Max Base Damage 60% Mastery
Comment: I don't think this is elemental.
***‹|Žg‚¢ (Archer)***
ƒ_ƒ‰ƒWƒ“ƒTƒ‹ (Darajinsal(?) or Dragon Soul(?)
This is a charge up skill. Shoot an arrow of charged energy, it will pass through monsters (like Iron Arrow, Avenger).
LV 1: 54MP 210% Max Damage, 4 Targets Max.
Lv 30: 170MP 500% Max Damage, 6 Targets Max.
Comment: This looks like what Dragon Pulse used to be.
ƒNƒŠƒeƒBƒJƒ‹ƒz�[ƒv (Critical Hope)
This is a party skill. Give party members ability to find weakness points of monsters (actually, it gives critical bonus in effect).
LV 1: 29MP 10sec 1% Chance of 1% additional damage
Lv30: 45MP 300sec 15% Chance of 40% additional damage
Comment: I believe this works on a per hit basis, so the more hits of your skill the more effective this will become.
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒpƒ‹ƒX (Dragon Pulse)
Shoot an arrow with the soul of a dragon.
Monsters will be 100% knockback'ed because of the big power.
LV 1: 24MP 31% Damage on 4 Targets
Lv 30: 36MP 60% Damage on 6 Targets
Comment: This and the Darajinsal seems to be of the same type of skill, except Dragon Pulse is no longer a charge up now? I am not sure how they work ingame. However, Dragon Pulse now forces Knockback (maybe PKB?)
***“�‘¯ (Rogue)***
ƒCƒ“ƒXƒsƒŒ�[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“ (Inspiration)
�Ú�וs–¾�B unspecified
ƒ`ƒƒƒŒƒ“ƒWƒƒ�[ (Challenger)
�Ú�וs–¾�B unspecified
ƒAƒTƒVƒlƒCƒg (Assassinate)
ƒ_�[ƒNƒTƒCƒg‚Å“G‚ɋ߂¢‚½Œã�A˜A‘±‚Å“G‚Ì‹}�Š‚ð4‰ñ�UŒ‚‚·‚é�B�Ōã‚̈ꌂ‚�ˆê’èŠm—¦‚Å’v–½�� ‚ð—^‚¦‚é�B
After coming close to a monster with Dark-Sight, you can attack the vital point of the monster 4 times continuously. The final attack has a certain chance of giving death wound. Longer Dark-Sight will make the damage bigger.
LV 1: 22MP 22% Damage, 6sec damage concentration time, 105% Critical Damage, 32% Critical Success Rate
LV 30: 80MP 80% Damage, 18sec damage concentration time, 250% Critical Damage, 90% Critical Success Rate
Comment: This skill has been changed to required using of Dark Sight completely. It is now 4 hits instead of 3, and the last hit will have a rate of 1 hit KO'ing the monster supposedly regardless of the enemy's HP. The last hit looks like assaulter. Notice that, the longer you stay in Dark Sight, up to 18 seconds, the higher the damage for your Assasinate. You do not have to "uncloak" before using assasinate, in fact you must be in Dark-Sight mode before you can use this skill. Your character will automatically come out of Dark-Sight and perfrom the 4 hits.