Level 55 Justice Cape quest======================
these are some of the materials u need to gather:
100 star pixies
50 lunar pixies
30 luster pixies
100 hector tails
100 white pang tails
3 werewolf toenails
2 refined dex crystal ores
2 refined power crystal ores
2 refined luk crystal ores
2 refined wisdom ores
*gather 15 tower scrolls just in case you screw something up
elnath : talk to alcaster
orbis : talk to lisa
orbis : talk to house keeper at orbis park (enter the portal at the left hand side of orbis town)
elnath : talk to jade (
keep clicking...)
orbis : cloud park IV: talk to spiruna (
keep clicking...)
elnath : yeti zone look under the rock. (Sharp Valley I)
------ gain broken crystal.
orbis : cloud park 5: talk to spiruna, talk to ????????
orbis : potion shop : talk to krieg,
------ loose pixie drops, gain powder
orbis: cloud park 5: talk to spiruna, talk to ????????
------ lose powder, gain cape scroll, gain pendant
elnath : talk to jade
------ loose pendant, gain old ring
elnath : talk to spear dude.
------ lose old ring
elnath : talk to spear dude.
------ loose 100 hector tails, loose 100 white pang tails, gain old ring.
perion : talk with dances with barlog
------ loose 2 refined power crystals, gain old map
ellenia : talk with hines
------ loose 2 refined wisdom crystals, gain old map
henesys : talk with hella
------ loose 2 refined dex crystals, gain old map
kerning city: talk with the dark lord
------ loose 2 refined luk crystals, gain old map.
elnath: talk to alcaster
orbis: cloud park 7 talk to corporal easy
------- loose 3 werewolf nails, gain powder
elnath: talk to alcaster
------- loose powder and ancient map pieces, gain whole map.
tower lvl 8: talk to statue
------- loose old ring and map, gain book of ancients
elnath : talk to alcaster
------- loose book of ancients, gain black, white, blue or red Justice Cape.
Level 60 Magic Cape quest=====================
items needed:Rock of Star & a refined Dark Crystal
el nath: talk to Alcaster twice, he says to go to Spiruna, *DO* go to Spiruna. She charges you 50K mesos to refine a dark crystal. The other guy who refines crystals at El nath charges 100K.
Unless you think it's not worth 50,000 mesos to travel to Orbis and back to El Nath once. Even if you buy a couple tower scrolls you're still profitable there.
Level 65 Gaia Cape quest=====================
items needed:100 cerebus tooth
talk to Scadur the spear dude... go to the the second map of the lava cave, fall down into the lava in the middle pit and to the left of the "hidden" map, click on small tomb to gain Nick's ring. Talk to Scadur again when you have 100 cerebus tooth from the level 72 cerebus and Nick's ring to gain a Gaia cape.
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