Matilda House, Punggol Road Track 13 (last address)Currently address not applicable House, last address Punggol Road Track 13.
According to the 1995 Postal Code Directory, there's only one address, number 39E.
According to URA website, the Matilda House was built in 1902 for Joseph Cashin.
Might be Cashin's family's countryside house.As in the same case for most rich families, they have the main house, at that time was at Rochalie Drive and at Grange Road. 'Rochalie' was the name of their house at Grange Road.
Countryside houses are quite common. A main house in the Town area 9as it was then known) and other houses at the 'countryside' areas.
Matilda House is a conserved house. Was gazetted for conservation by the Urban Redevelopment Authority on 21 February 2000.
Located off Punggol Road, the area was given conservation status on 21 February 2000. It contains an early style tropical bungalow built in 1902 by a Mr Joseph Cashin. It has entrances on two sides of the main building, an open balcony at the front facade and a long verandah that takes advantage of the panoramic views.
The current condition of the House.

The house had since been totally boarded and sealed up by the authorities.

The roof of the annex outhouse and the linkway to the house had since collapsed.

The tiled roof over the main house had been covered by corrogated huge metal sheets painted red.

^View from Punggol LRT Station above Punggol MRT.


Matilda House, built in colonial tropical Neo-Classical style influenced by Malay architecture as reflected in the stilts of the house.
The house sits on many stilts, which are the columns of the house supporting the walls and roof. The stilts are to prevent wild animals such as snakes to enter the house and to elevate the house off the ground in case of flooding.
Long, open verendahs and windows are typical in tropical colonial houses, but this house has longer rows of windows. These are through windows to the other side, meaning that the breeze can blow throught the house.
The lattices are ventillation holes.
The house is sited on a high land, which might had overlooked the entire area, and possibily have a view of the sea.
The house is not by then sea. Punggol Point is the oroginal coastline. Punggol had been reclaimed eastwards, not northwards.

^Front balcony deck

^House on stilts

^One of the 2 porches of the house, which are the entrances.

^The elegant staircases and balustrades.

^One of 2 main entrances.

^Porch top detail

^Rear of main house. Note there's another balcony deck in the corner.

^View to rear