it all started last week...
email: you got mail.
(click 'open mailbox')
me: wat the... a e-card from THAT person?
(click link. e-card opens..... )
me (thinking): so cheapo! using company e-card. nevermind, see first...
(e-cards ends. quite nice card actually)
e-card message: 'Merry Christmas...(blah blah blah).. seek God first in all that you do.'
me: duuuhhhh...... why didn't he seek God before treating me like dirt? hypocrite!
me decides to send back an e-card, so cannot say i ungracious or wat not. writes in card 'Merry Christmas. Thank you for the card. I'm doing good, soon planning to settle down. You take care too.' sends it off, thinking 'phew! that should be the last of it'
email: you got mail.
(click 'open mailbox')
me: wat the... an email from THAT person?
(click on email)
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 21:21:20 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: wishing you all the best too, take care.

i really don't know wat the hell that empty coconut head of his is thinking. is he trying to spite me or plain dumb? this coming from a person who send me a book titled 'the 7 langauges of love', with a messge 'hope you find this book useful', about a month after we ended things. that idiot does not realise it was his refusal to talk things out, his attitude of all-will-be-fine-as-long-as-we-sweep-everything-under-the-carpet that started the first cracks in our relationship.

as my dar dar would say 'wat a fumb duck'