Her long time boyfriend Milke finally proposed to her this month.
You can read about it here:
Video included.
good for her.
later when she gets married with kids, the readers will go "awww ur kids so cute, looks like mike".
I pity whoever is going to marry this bitch
do i even care lol?
she is not even a celebrity but a wannabe
I bet after she get marry she will post videos of her having sex on her blog.
not sure what Mike sees in her,always felt steven Lim would be more suitable for her lol.
why bother?
i dont.
she ang moh worshipper...typical SPG.....pui pui
he is so damn noble
'我�下地狱, �下地狱'
lets salute him!
Originally posted by maxsee:she ang moh worshipper...typical SPG.....pui pui
Just asking - why does every person/post that deviate towards a liking for Caucasians seems to get a "pui pui spitting" reply in return? You also insult anyone in the most illogical way of drawing the conclusion that simply because they do not hate "ang mohs", therefore they "worship" them? Stop swinging that shit too much bro, it makes you look more stupid than you already are.
I read the story on her blog...seems like a fairytale story. But we'll see how it goes, best of luck to her anyway.
is she even a celeb? y is this thread here?
Originally posted by Honeybunz:Her long time boyfriend Milke finally proposed to her this month.
Why only this month? (can't resist to ask this question)
Originally posted by HeartHunter:
Why only this month? (can't resist to ask this question)
what you mean? the proposal came too late?
I think u are the STUPID one "DONKHEAD333"....everyone is entitled to their own opinions in the forum...it is not like i am forcing my thoughts on u....get a life u dumb ASS...dun go around critisizing ppl on their comments...just pinpoint on the topic in hand....STUPID DICKHEAD!!!
Originally posted by maxsee:I think u are the STUPID one "DONKHEAD333"....everyone is entitled to their own opinions in the forum...it is not like i am forcing my thoughts on u....get a life u dumb ASS...dun go around critisizing ppl on their comments...just pinpoint on the topic in hand....STUPID DICKHEAD!!!
maxsee...you are effectively forcing your views on other, no, not views, but your opinion of their character. You claimed Xiaxue to be an SPG, which she has still proven to be not. Seems to me that you are unable to take people's comments on your bullshit cool - now you even claim that I "worship" ang mohs on your personal profile page? Lol. Besides, you claimed me to be an "ang moh worshipper" quite some time ago, when I simply commented that being chinese is disgraceful because of the animal abuse that goes on unstopped in mainland China. What you have said on the above goes directly back to you. Now...grow some brai..eh no, get mature, manchild.
On the other hand, I DID "pinpoint on the topic" (LOL). Or did your optic nerve get severed the moment you saw someone against your bullshit theory that you swing, to not read my comment on the thread directly below that post which got you hopping mad?
Also, you said that everyone is entitled to their opinion, which I honestly believe in as well. Kudos to you, we finally have something in common. But hey, my opinion of you is that you are an immature manchild, unable to handle the fact that people do not despise "ang mohs" as much as you do. I can only guess why. Is it because girls often swarm to Caucasian guys in clubs more than they do to you? Perhaps you can try to show yourself as a more successful individual and exude more confidence that a manchild like yourself can.
Good luck, max. Really.
EDIT: I look forward to your next correspondence. Preferably in chit chat, where all forumers can come together to see for themselves how silly you are, if you need help to double check whether my opinion of your disposition is correct.
can't understand why u guys arguing over a pig. chill la. Wait till her husband wakes up next to her w/o the make up, he wld knw what i mean.
Originally posted by Rock^Star:can't understand why u guys arguing over a pig. chill la. Wait till her husband wakes up next to her w/o the make up, he wld knw what i mean.
True, I think she isn't really attractive without all the makeup..even with the makeup, it kind of turns me off.
The problem is not with her marrying an American. My problem is with maxsee, whose lesser intelligence prompts him to "like ang moh lah, SPG lah, ang moh worshipper lah, pui pui lah". You see, I've gotten bullshitted by him once, and it seems that he uses the above quote rather indiscriminately. You are welcome to check his posting history for more info. Other than that...
But really, they've been together for 4 years, it is quite long, no? On the other hand, some of it (I do not know how much) was carried out as a LDR.
well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and stereotypes right lol. Many things in this forum seem personal but they're not....
Originally posted by Rock^Star:well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and stereotypes right lol. Many things in this forum seem personal but they're not....
I took it real personal when he told me to bleach myself and called me an ang moh worshipper. Sad to say, I was on his side of anti-westerners, but for completely different reasons lar. But I am willing to be on their side just to piss on max's opinion of them.
U are so pathetic donkhead333....wonder if ur real name is donkey head........all along the topic is on xiaxue and i pinpoint on her and not on fellow contributers to this forum......i am not as pathetic as u to go around critisizing ppl on their comments...Ya u should really buy a bottle of bleach and bleach urself white.....I wonder if i ask u to bleach urself white previously when u post a topic in this forum though.....if u cannot take criticism dun post a topic....at least whenever i post a topic and get bombard by fellow forum contributers u dun see me going around and condemning those who critisize me.....wat a lame fool u are....
One last thing, i nearly fell off the chair laughing when u wrote on ur above post that i state tat u ""worship" ang mohs on my personal profile page"....u are one piece of pathetic low life.....ask urself before u change to ur current personal profile page of "Merry X’mas and happy new year to y’all!".....what did u state about me in ur own personal profile page...cheez u are such a loser.......everything started from u and u remove it the moment i start to post a reply on u yesterday....trying to get sympathy votes from ppl eh....go get a life....toking to ppl such as u is a waste of my time....i am not as ballless as u dickhead...i wun even change my stance on a pathetic fool like u for my personal profile page....u can continue to post ur comments on me if u like, i wun bother to post back...empty vessel make the most noise......the last thing i want is for this topic to change into a war of words with a donkey head like u......pathetic white ass kisser....
Originally posted by maxsee:U are so pathetic donkhead333....wonder if ur real name is donkey head........all along the topic is on xiaxue and i pinpoint on her and not on fellow contributers to this forum......i am not as pathetic as u to go around critisizing ppl on their comments...Ya u should really buy a bottle of bleach and bleach urself white.....I wonder if i ask u to bleach urself white previously when u post a topic in this forum though.....if u cannot take criticism dun post a topic....at least whenever i post a topic and get bombard by fellow forum contributers u dun see me going around and condemning those who critisize me.....wat a lame fool u are....
One last thing, i nearly fell off the chair laughing when u wrote on ur above post that i state tat u ""worship" ang mohs on my personal profile page"....u are one piece of pathetic low life.....ask urself before u change to ur current personal profile page of "Merry X’mas and happy new year to y’all!".....what did u state about me in ur own personal profile page...cheez u are such a loser.......everything started from u and u remove it the moment i start to post a reply on u yesterday....trying to get sympathy votes from ppl eh....go get a life....toking to ppl such as u is a waste of my time....i am not as ballless as u dickhead...i wun even change my stance on a pathetic fool like u for my personal profile page....u can continue to post ur comments on me if u like, i wun bother to post back...empty vessel make the most noise......the last thing i want is for this topic to change into a war of words with a donkey head like u......pathetic white ass kisser....
Do I have to pull out the old thread and put it in front of your face?
And my previous profile was an old one. I edited it just yesterday.
Now, on topic - your comments.
Why am I pathetic? Simply because I go around criticizing people on their comments? Now, lets see, you don't criticize people on their comments, but your criticize people of their real life, where all you have is the inane tripe that you draw random conclusions from. See where this is going?
An example, "I'm ashamed to be chinese", and you automatically pounced on that opportunity to state "ang moh worshipper". Slow down, max, and take a good look because the way you read things prompt a trip to the opthalmologist and a psychologist for evaluation. I don't mind getting criticized. Not even by you, if your criticism is honest and sincere. But if you give decide to step out of your position to hurl personal insults like telling me to bleach myself white, I will not hesitate to shove that bottle of bleach if your mouth and into your hollow skull.
The second para: Fine. I will dig up the old thread, and shall quote you exactly.
"most likely u must be one of those white ppl worshippers....go buy urself a bottle of bleach and bleach urself white la....pui pui"
I quote you exactly. Is it not a fact that you posted that? I think it is. Really.
Eh...let me try to recall what I posted on my profile page. I posted a
quote from you before telling you to go fertilize your fecal excrement
with sperm..?
Despite that, there is no need for me to post anything on my profile page, it was my mistake earlier on, and I apologize for that. I would like to settle this head on instead.
Your profile page really cracks me up. An eye for an eye! Good, this is exactly the way I wanted this be. Now, if you would please just reply me, because if you leave things hanging like this, it doesn't lend credibility to you, nor your wonderfully thought up profile description. When compared to "life is a mystrey~!!" anyway.
I have absolutely no need for "sympathy votes", simply because you contradict yourself in the same posting. Simply by looking at your replies, it appears that you stumble over your own feet quite a bit. Coordination problems, max?
Empty vessels make the most noise! A quote that I've learn in primary school! How wonderful! Sadly, you must have misconstrued the meaning of "noise" in that context - looking at your posts and mine, I can't help but think that you suffer from verbal diarrhoea. So, who exactly is the making the most noise and hence the empty vessel?
The rest of the insults do not make any sense, and they are unsubstantiated. Go ahead, post more, and I will see to it that your foolishness be exploited for my personal pleasure.
Originally posted by Rock^Star:can't understand why u guys arguing over a pig. chill la. Wait till her husband wakes up next to her w/o the make up, he wld knw what i mean.
Originally posted by maxsee:she ang moh worshipper...typical SPG.....pui pui
What the fuck is wrong with you? Simply because she is getting married to a Caucasian man means she is a "typical party girl"?
Seriously, your preconceived notions of pagan worship of another fellow human bring is skewed and delusional. She has got the guts to overcome cultural and personal differences to see this relationship to fruition, while typical, inept fools like you shoot your mouth off on anonymous grounds, thinking that everybody shares the exact delusional mindset as you.
Know something? By acknowledging that such a stereotype of "ang moh worshipper" exists, YOU are contributing to the stereotype that the Caucasian man would gladly accept and enforce, against you.
Seems like donkhead's post really hit the spot..I'd suggest you grow a pair of balls and explain to everyone why you think that XX is an "ang moh worshipper". I'll be more than glad to hear it.