the thing with singaporeans is......they can speak proper english if they want to....
normal eberyday conversation would be mostly in like other places' local dialects....nothing wrong........
written-wise, we would try to use proper english.....but u can't quite blame those who have bad grammar and limited vocab.....
the whole hoo-ha about proper english is oni for show to tourist....dun make ourselves sia suay.......
but i spoke to many ang moh tourists....and one of the reasons they come to singapore is for singlish itself....the product of multi-cultural society which they dun get in their own country......and they have no problem understanding us at all.............
as for cyber languages...there are quite a lumber of reasons why ppl speak (type) the way they do.......
(recalled from my area of study in Cyber-linguistics)'s typed, not ppl try to abbreviate to save time and minimise error in typing......'s to create identity for onself....for example, im one sucker tt use "lumber" to represent "number" and it's exclusive to me......
thirdly, attention span online is short....and ppl usually want info fast and furious....for normal chatting or discussions, it's preferred to be short and sweet and to the point....lengthy posts/articles are not bery popular unless it's informational or educational.......
fourthly...the internet jargon is, well, international........most ppl across the globe understands "a/s/l", "lol", "brb".....the barrier in communication is reduced when everyone speaks the same "language"
in all, the internet language is a culture and breeds by itself.....governed by the medium, presented by the universal language - english....
back to the topic sentence....
why do we call teacher "cher"
this is actually baby language....when baby learn how to speak, he oni catches the last syllable....