Positions available now:
Orchard area: Female promoter age 21-50 (children's apparel) - start end sept
Bugis area: Male/Female promoter age 18-26 (casual hip men's and ladies' apparel) - start 1 oct
Woodlands area: Female promoter age 21-50 (children's apparel) -
start ASAPBugis area: Female promoter age 21-50 (household items) - start 1 Nov
PT staff will be needed, but I need to employ my FT staff first to see how and when my PT staff can cover them. So you can indicate your PT interest and i'll get back to you. PTmers might have to float between locations (of the same brand), FT usually do NOT.
Pls contact me if you are interested, or know of anyone that's interested in retail.
tel: 67462262 / 93825536
[email protected]