I'm a freelance enforcement officer with ELK Security Pte Ltd. I had worked for them over the weekends and they had yet to pay me on time and it's way past 7 days from the salary period. Some of my colleagues are not as 'lucky' as I am as they are owed over 3 weeks of wages and I'm only owed 2 weeks wages!
The manager of this company kept sending the same message saying that pay will be in by the following day with no result and this has been ongoing for a week everyday! Every time, I send the manager a reminder message, he simply igonored them!
To make matters worse, this company had deducted $10 each day as employee CPF contribution but my colleagues and I received a 'rude shock' when nothing had been contributed to our CPF account when we last make a check with the CPF board. I had worked over more than 6 months over the weekends and just imagine how much money had I been robbed off by this damn company!
I tried calling the Ministry of Manpower but unfortunately, I was told that they do not cover cases regarding freelance employment and the only solution is to seek legal action. After analyzing the legal costs, I feel that the expenses incurred is much more than what I will be owed! I also have thought of acting like a 'loan shark' to force my company to pay us our wages! Otherwise, I am at no wits' end! I need those money to pay for my bills and groceries and really desperate now! What can I do? Thanks for your suggestions!
where all the black and white?
If TS quits his current job and joined them, I think not only do he have "steady" income, he didn't have to fear his company will delay his salary : http://www.jmsrogers.com.sg