I'm looking for...
Any thrill seeking/adrenaline or adventure jobs IN SINGAPORE...
Or even things that people consider dangerous...
Example would be military/law enforcement (but our army never goes to war).
Any of these kinda technical jobs that trains you (like diving technician)?
I found one but need cert in engineering ..zzz... or maybe they can train me in that like welding and stuff... I dunno..
Pls dun tell me drug mules or nonsensical stuff
not sure but public speaking is good... it gets you pumping talking in front of alot of people... once i had to speak in front of like few hundred people overseas and it's scarry lor... but lan lan have to act calm and peaceful...
the other job you can do is to be those clean windows at very high rise buildings...
or tell you what... you go to a police station, slap their face and scold PAP stuff, then quickly run away... confirm it's very thrilling...
Loanshark runner,
it has all the qualities that you mentioned above
Seriously.. why both of u even bother..
Originally posted by why2k:Seriously.. why both of u even bother..
because i like to joke... sorry if u find it offensive because some people find it offensive, but... offensive or not, i still joke... life's too short to take it seriously, if you can't laugh at yourself, call me on my mobile, i will laugh at you...
terrorist can bo?
PI? Private investigator.
Go around poking into other people's nonsense, but not protected by law, unlike the police.
Originally posted by deathmaster:PI? Private investigator.
Go around poking into other people's nonsense, but not protected by law, unlike the police.