The latest 2011/2012 estimates of the Big 4 Salary in Singapore is out. Feel free to comment on whether you think the auditors really earn that amount of salary scale or range in the audit accounting firms.
Seems like audit seniors and managers earn very good salary!
Recent years their salary is revised. They deserve big pay cheque for the long hours, commitment and expertise they provide. Not easy job, though!
Can be away from home for days to do their job. poor souls!
But they work long hours, no life.
yes every day worked from morning till mid night. where is the life?
no sleep I heard
so scary these jobs
Originally posted by JerryJan:no sleep I heard
so scary these jobs
yes, that is possible. I know of one friend he practically slept in the hotel which he was doing auditing, did not go home for days. Poor thing! Tough money to earn.