Is there anyone here who is in secondary school, poly, or JC and is working at least 1 part time job? I have a friend who just took his O levels. Next year he plans to go to a poly and work multiple part time jobs. The reason he wants to do this is because he is leaving his mother's house due to serious family related problems.
Do you also work part time? Why do you work and study at the same time, is it to earn more money to buy what you want, or is it due to financial problems, or other reasons?
Also, does working part time affect the academic studies a lot?
time management is key to this issue.
I am an accounting degree student and i do take part time job like tuition teacher, part-time data entry assistant, manage my own blogshop.
the thing is, dont oven burden yourself. ask ur fren to make sure he can time manage well, and maybe try one job at a time instead of having multiple jobs all at one shot.
after all, studying is important.
noob. I started doing graphic designing when I am sec 3, including last year that is more than 10 years already loh. You think every1 is so rich to afford sec school, poly?
Originally posted by Lokey:noob. I started doing graphic designing when I am sec 3, including last year that is more than 10 years already loh. You think every1 is so rich to afford sec school, poly?
So how well are you doing now?
Originally posted by Siliconchip:So how well are you doing now?
I stop graphic designing as it is not cost-effective. Doing a PhD now.
Originally posted by Siliconchip:Is there anyone here who is in secondary school, poly, or JC and is working at least 1 part time job? I have a friend who just took his O levels. Next year he plans to go to a poly and work multiple part time jobs. The reason he wants to do this is because he is leaving his mother's house due to serious family related problems.
Do you also work part time? Why do you work and study at the same time, is it to earn more money to buy what you want, or is it due to financial problems, or other reasons?
Also, does working part time affect the academic studies a lot?
If your friend is really serious and sure of what he is doing, you can ask him to consider signing a bond with the army when his results are out.
For the time being, he can just take up part time jobs.
Depending on the nature of the part time job, working part time while studying can affect the academic results a great deal.
Originally posted by Forbiddensinner:If your friend is really serious and sure of what he is doing, you can ask him to consider signing a bond with the army when his results are out.
For the time being, he can just take up part time jobs.
Depending on the nature of the part time job, working part time while studying can affect the academic results a great deal.
Lol he is not a singaporean, so he can't join army.
I am encouraging my kid to take up part time job when my kid reach sec 2 or 3.
To let them taste the life of working shiiit and how hard parents are especially asking for money as if drinking water.
time and stress management.
and the luck to find a job tt pays well and suitable for his timing.
of cos, if he has entrepreneurial spirit, he can run his own biz and let it auto-pilot
I'm in JC2 this yr and i was self employed since JC1. I teach acoustic guitar and pri/lower sec tuition and earn about $650/mth. As my work is only on weekend mornings up till 12.30pm, i still have relatively sufficient time for academics.