I am Ong Zi Feng, 19, Singaporean, male.
Studying in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Product Design & Innovation (PDI) 2nd year.
looking for part time job in any design company,
hoping to be able to do part-time designer.
but could be cleaner, coffee boy, any miscellaneous job like
photocopying of files or even giving flyers. ( i understand that most
company would not hire a part-time designers with no related working
experience in the field, so i could do other job and learn at the same
-Sales of book in Outrum secondary school (2007)
-Promoter of Sintex warehouse sales (2008)
-Promoter of Philip product in Harvey Norman and Best Denki (2008-2009)
-Promoter of 3M product in Carrefour (2009)
Could work as full time until 24th oct and at least 2days during school reopen.
Contact: 96981684 (sms, because i might not be able to pick up the phone some time.)
E-mail: [email protected]