its difficulty to find a part time job after 5pm..must b pay by cash money..i need to work as to support myself as my family cant support me..anyone can recommend me some?exple home based
NSF can work when serving national service meh? SAF provide you meal unless you serving 9-5 and have to book out with bus fare maybe you can speak with your camp's OO or any officer in charge and state your financial problem see if they can let you stay in and assign a bunk for you.
Really the pay now to NSF is like the pay of a sweeper. Unless the weight of your expenses come from transport to and from home if its an 9-5 unit otherwise youonly book out during weekends. Having a high life of fun in pubs and night clubs really is not a way to kill time or spend money. Food and lodging is provided in camps, better than the past. Canteens also. Water to wash your clothings. Just get a pail and washing powder. So what's lacking? If cannot provide for oneself in this kind of condition i fear you will fare worse when you started working fulltime.