I looking for a part-time job that work from home. I'm a student, currently taking diploma. Is there any job available?
RWS and MBS alot of part time jobs, go apply there.
Wash car . . .. . for me . . .. . Just joking.
. . . Surf jobs . . . . websites for jobs . . . .
search already.
Originally posted by Rooney9:RWS and MBS alot of part time jobs, go apply there.
RWS / MBS cannot work from home de
search somemore. call tuition agencies, offer home-based tuition. If you desperate to get money, make your rates cheaper.
If you don't like tuition, you can be home-based telemarketer. set up online blog selling items is also home-based. Open informative blogs, apply adsense and splash commercial all over the place can also earn. Have a wide circle of friends and tell them to click your ads, and you help them click as well. Use library computer or lan and click them yourself is also feasible. If you know web design, set up one of those, sell cheap and if you got deal, you still can earn at least 1000 per year for each customer.
Good luck =D
what diploma you taking?
I'm taking Diploma in International Business
Originally posted by sudako:I'm taking Diploma in International Business
which private school?
Originally posted by sudako:MDIS
good or not there? heard that even if u were to quit studying, u r still liable to pay the remaining fees right
Not bad... But they will tell u that its easy to pass diploma, but its not :(
I'm not sure about if u r still liable to pay the remaining fees even if u quit, cos my frens never did that.
Not bad ? Pondering if want study my degree there or not. But i think no.
u shd have studied at SIM lar for private schools.
there was a thread on MDIS. go search for it, I think it still exists.
Ya, SIM is good but the cost there is much more higher than MDIS, i could not afford it.
Originally posted by sudako:Ya, SIM is good but the cost there is much more higher than MDIS, i could not afford it.
Your cheap MDIS cert is not really recognised as compared to SIM
Originally posted by eugene_ang:Your cheap MDIS cert is not really recognised as compared to SIM
RofL and YOUR shitty SIM crap (if you are even ABLE to get a degree. I am just assuming since you felt you had the need to bring it up) is nth compared to a NUS or SMU degree. So don't crap on other ppl if you are not so high and mighty yourself.
hey, i am a degree holder international business as well, any career option for us ? pls advised !!
whatever the degree, learn about EQ - its the next most important...and a good degree may even lose out afterall...