either they pay is low, or the work is boring and routine, or I cant get along with my boss? I just cant seem to stay long in a job. will start looking after a few months on the job. the longest work i worked for was 2.5 years only. when i attend interviews, interviewers always asked me why I am always job hopping.
dont stay too long with a company.
they take you for granted.
just say the industries u were in was affected by recession.and there is too much foreigners from other countries where spore government lets in withoit control...nort surprised if 80% of factory place are occupied by people from other countries due to lower salary......this is singapore u are talking about u know.....i dun see malaysia lettin i n 80% sporeans from their policies.....no coun try in the world lets in as much as this...end up politicvs is involved.complicated,,,,,due to political lax foreign labour laws etc
and if they try to compare...tell them the gov uses ARMY TO control sporeans while in spore.many HR employers are very blind to this event mainly due to fact they dont wanna know or think u are some kinda robot or they themselves are foreigners and uses their type of science thats only meant for their country only.
in other words they might be intolerant unless u bang their heaqd with yer bare habds and they employ u after u take out a gun and threaten them and evryone interviewer knows,,,:)