if a guy monthly pay is like 2k at 25 yr old now. stable income
is it decent enough or considered below average? or very below average?
what do u think a guy's pay should be minimium to be decent
It is good already.2k can buy 2 iphones already.Can buy a new computer already.Isn't it good enough?
Originally posted by Isignedupforthispost:if a guy monthly pay is like 2k at 25 yr old now. stable income
is it decent enough or considered below average? or very below average?
what do u think a guy's pay should be minimium to be decent
ok salary only
depend on your lifestyle and other commitment
this is my analogy for malaysia worked in woodland ride motorbycle back to jb - everyday in and out - he/she could reitre comfortably
but not for singaporean
my opinion at least 2.5 k
ts, you are still young tried to find more ways to earn more money
here no money no talk no honey
Please do not teach TS wrong things.Many people can get by with just one dollar a day in this world, why can't TS?
Originally posted by 1985ong:Please do not teach TS wrong things.Many people can get by with just one dollar a day in this world, why can't TS?
just tell ts to find ways to upgrade - this is what our gahmen told us to do
some earn less than $2k per month also more than enough
some earn more than $8k per month money not enough
i encourage him/her to take a course, skill, etc - upgrade only
here everything money - you think free - may be ubin
Originally posted by Isignedupforthispost:if a guy monthly pay is like 2k at 25 yr old now. stable income
is it decent enough or considered below average? or very below average?
what do u think a guy's pay should be minimium to be decent
depend on your lifestyle (do you smoke heavily) and whether you are happy with your current job
eg do you have good bosses, colleagues, no office politics, benefits like dental/medical/bonuses, etc
That would depends on how you manage your finance and what are your achievable financial goals in life.
Basically, human goes through the stages of accumulation, saving, consolidation and distribution known as a life cycle needs. Someone you mentioned in his mid-twenties would be concern about asset accumulation and career building. He should be upgrading his skills or educational level as well as to invest in safer preference shares before he turns 30.
pegged to market rate pay pls. some employer shamelessly offered below market rate pay and expect the staff to take on extra projects, workload, not to mention OT with no OT pay.
Originally posted by Isignedupforthispost:if a guy monthly pay is like 2k at 25 yr old now. stable income
is it decent enough or considered below average? or very below average?
what do u think a guy's pay should be minimium to be decent
i think you should know how to phrase your question and words properly.
stable income means having a constant stream of income, it can range from a figure of a dollar to zillions. you can earn little just enough for your own use or family maintainence, or earn tons but spend everything. so what is consider avarge or the mark? check with statistics then to compare.
when you ask what should be other than compare statistics figure you will get many answers from forumars here. they all gave it based on their own views.
my take is can earn more earn. save the surplus for the rain or winter.
must oso look at the expenses
some ppl earn a bit save a lot
some ppl earn a lot spend a lot
fireice is the type that earn very little(everyday stay at home surf internet and sgforum) and spend very little too(because everyday at home surf net)
yeah, keep thinking that way.
Originally posted by Isignedupforthispost:if a guy monthly pay is like 2k at 25 yr old now. stable income
is it decent enough or considered below average? or very below average?
what do u think a guy's pay should be minimium to be decent
U neber mention your occupation....
2K for being a toilet cleaner is a lot
2K for being a lawyer is little.
fireice must be those type that everyday stay at home and earn money by doing online gaming and internet marketing
i think quite low eh. the supposedly avg. income of singaporeans are in the 5-figures zone,and its in US-dollars. =/ our GINI-coefficient is one of the worst in the world. 2k is quite hard to survive,esp if u have a family to support.unless you're just living with parents,eat with parents etc.then 2k is just enough to make it through?
the average income of sillyporeans is only 3k lah... 2k is enough for me.
still lim guni.
3k is never enough.
Go eat shit lah.. Depends on how you spend dickhead. Cigarettes $150-$200, beer $100-$200, food $400-$600. This is how most people spend their money, dumbass. They can get by with 1.2 to 1.6k, learn from them stupid.