I have been unemployed for two months plus, and I did apply for several jobs of government institutions.
However, month after month, I still see these job positions being advertised. Is the goverenment expectations too high?
And since they always job re-training, why they cannnot have on-the-job training to fulfill the needs of the respective institutions?
Are there really a need for so many degree positions in the government sector? If so, do we really have so many such graduates with substantial working experience?
Is our education system even producing appropriate number of people for different job sectors?
Bloody hell, I want this to be in Speakers' Corner lah.
Why move it to jobs section.
because it is for jobs...
and frankly, since when did the employer not have a right to pick and choose?
Originally posted by Eiizumi:I have been unemployed for two months plus, and I did apply for several jobs of government institutions.
However, month after month, I still see these job positions being advertised. Is the goverenment expectations too high?
And since they always job re-training, why they cannnot have on-the-job training to fulfill the needs of the respective institutions?
Are there really a need for so many degree positions in the government sector? If so, do we really have so many such graduates with substantial working experience?
Is our education system even producing appropriate number of people for different job sectors?
I also applied for lots of government jobs and went for lots of interviews too but didn't get any jobs.
Firstly, government jobs take very long to reply to you. After you apply, they will take 1 to 2 months to call you for interview. Than some people by than will have found a job already so never go for interview.
Secondly, government jobs alot of people apply and they are not in urgent need of manpower so they can afford to be chosy