Recently, I've attended this entrepreneurshi program. And one thing i've realised from the workshop is that I'm rather interested in sales. Attended the sales training workshop as part of the program but that is on an ad-hoc basis only.
But now I'm looking for a FT sales job. Anyone has any idea where I can go about looking for such a job.
Requirements are simple:
- Experience not required (as I don't have much to start with)
- Basic or no basic, doesn't matter. Most importantly, margin and hence commission must be considerable -> work hard, eventually one month can get 1-2k salary.
- No mlms.
I'm 21 this year, out of NS going to study uni in aug. so yah, roughly that's my bio.
Anyone has any kind suggestions?
try ask if SLS or funan needs PC/notebooks sales guy
ikea oso can try
got short training prog if u noob in sales
i;m sure alot of insursnce coy will wan u
pc/notebook sales?
im noob in sales but i can assure you my hunger for sales can exceed many in/outside sales.
insurance i intend to take up once i 21 and concurrently during uni.
but the interim which is now, any other suggestions?