Hi there,
I am looking for a freelance web programmer, as I need some assistance in creating 2 pieces of code. I am not exactly sure which programming language this falls under, I have provided a brief below on what is required.
I am setting up an ecommerce site which basically maintains a catalog of the
products for sale, and the virtual items are actually hosted on the main
company's website. We are using Oscommerce Shopping cart which is hosted on a Windows server. One is a logon code and the other is a transational code, and we have to programme in the code which logs in to the other company's secured and encrypted system (they provide the codes and instructions).
Code NO 1:
I am trying to create a user logon validation web service, with the following
instructions provided:
Syntax of the logon validation URL:
The ValidationURL must accept two parameters in GET mode: Username and Password
Output of web service:
Important: the response of the web service must have the text/xml MIME Type.
Example in ASP: Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
Successful logon:
My UserID
Error cases:
my error code
my error
Next, I need to call the Purchase Transaction web service at the main
company's website everytime a purchase is made on our site and payment is made,
in order to get the download link. Here again, is what we were provided with:
Parameters: Name Description
CommerceID (mandatory) Identifies our company name.
RetailerUserID (mandatory) A string which uniquely identifies a user in our
retailer system.
ItemID (mandatory) Identifies the item purchased by the user.
RetailerTrans (mandatory) Identifies the purchase transaction in the our system.
The RetailerTrans identifies the purchase of a customer's shopping cart, i.e it
can include one or more items.
HashCode (mandatory) a Hash Code, used to validate the integrity of the client
calling the web service. Generated using a component which we have installed in
our server.
If you are able to create the following 2 codes, kindly email me at luvbugs at singnet.com.sg with expected completion time frame, and price quote.
Thanks for looking!