We are looking for part-timers interested in data-entry work.
We are running an information portal and require people to help us by logging into our online content management system and uploading articles.
It is a fairly simple task of taking the documents I would email you, and filling in the fields.
I will train and provide you with a manual to ensure that you will have no problems with the task.
This involves weekly assignments. For example, I would send you a load of about 100-200 articles for upload on say, Monday, and you can work on them on your own time, so long as all given articles are uploaded by the following Monday.
Fee would be S$0.20 cents an article. Payment can be weekly or monthly, whichever is more comfortable for you... And we can drop your pay cheque for you into your account so you can save time traveling to our office.
If you are interested, we can meet up so I can show you the system, and explain how the work is done. I can then give you a load to try out; that way, you can also understand how much time you require for to complete a load, and decide whether you would like to take this on. If not, no problems there - we will just pay you for that one load.
Please contact me at
[email protected] if you are interested.
Trina Tan