Okok....excellenct attempt, mal, but here is a little bit more info as an add-on from the "real vsc".

1) For the MAJORITY of cases, and usually if you were posted to an NPC, the workings hours are pretty flexible. For the most liberal NPCs, you merely need to notify your TL/DTL your intentions to appear for duty either for tomorrow or even a few hours later, and you can knock-off at any time you so prefer. However, that is only for the most liberal ones. In the vast majority of cases, like my own, I commence my duties along with the regulars, when the briefing is held. This is usually at 7 am for the morning shift, and 7 pm for the night shift. Thereafter, we usually serve at least 4 hours, and up to 12 hours for the full shift. Of coz if you manage to earn the trust of your TL/DTL, he might let you knock off at anytime you like!

Flexibility with regards to which day you wish to report for duty can be slightly more tricky. In my NPC's case, VSCs are posted to the 4 regular teams, with each one taking turn to serve duty on a 1-2-O-O bases. As far as possible, I am encouraged to follow my team, as ultimately, it is my assigned TL/DTL who will be grading me. But given the constrains usually experienced by VSC officers, they tend to allow us to join other teams.
With regards to PCG, the flexibilty thing seems more murky. I have not had a chance to catch up with my friends who got posted there, but prior to our graduation, we were told that PCG officers have to serve the full 12 hour shift no matter what, since they cant have the boat coming back to base at our fancy. However, from what I have heard (and is not 100% verified) from current PCG VSC officers, they seem to swear that they could knock off at a time of their convenience in actual fact!
2) For the exact timings, they tend to fall on Mondays and Thursdays from 1830 to 2230 hours. However, midway through the course when you have to go for range lessons, you might have to come on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays, depending on their arrangement, as usually, they would split the class into two days given logistical constraints.
Every absentism has to be "explained" by writing in a formal letter, and if valid, will be noted down accordingly. Failure to submit an explination will then render you "absent"...which is in theory a black mark on your records. When we first came in, we were told that we cannot miss more then 3 lessons....INCLUDING absentism with formal reason or MCs. But subsequently, you might soon find out that is really depends on a case-by-case basis.
I myself missed one of the lessons, which was actually a test date, as I have an examination paper, but no sweat. I simply joined the replacement test.

3) For your initial posting, NPCs and the PCG will mostly likely be your only option. They used to let fresh coarse graduates enter the Traffic Police etc, but they have now decided that they want us to "gain basic policing experience on the ground" first. Detective work, as per case investigation, is not in the purvey of VSC officers as pointed out by Mal, but from now, it seems like CID itself has actually opened up places for VSCs? Not too sure, but you might want to inquire more on that!
4) Absolutely no bond of any kind. Jesus...you are volunteering your time and effort without getting paid (well..okok there is a small allowance.

), and they want to bond you for it?

Well if you have to quit, you just have to submit a resignation letter, and they usually wont ask too many questions. In fact, you can even rejoin after quitting. Of coz if you didnt bother to submit, went MIA, and was subsequently dismissed, then that is another story!
Hope I am not over-rambling, but feel free to ask more if you need to lah. I do not mind helping in thei recruitment drive!