Originally posted by EXCO:
Thanks a lot for your input on this issue. I have read the Penal Code and section 140 states "Whoever, not being a serviceman in the Singapore Armed Forces or any visiting forces lawfully present in Singapore, wears any garb, or carries any token resembling any garb or token used by such a serviceman, with the intention that it may be believed that he is such a serviceman shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 months, or with fine which may extend to $500, or with both."
That section got me pretty cautious about wearing SAF and SPF t-shirts. I own a couple of SAF shirts myself and wear them on a regular basis. Since a lot of these t-shirts are sold/given by the SAF to the public, I would believe it is ok to wear them. As for SPF, there is always this issue of impersonating and posing as a Police Officer. In any case, thanks for clearing this up, I guess it is ok to wear the t-shirts after all, but we'll have to be humble wearing them.
hi there.... sorry to reply u in such a late notice.....
ok.. sec 140..... thou it did states wearing of it will be found guilty.... but pls do remember they did states " with the intention that it may be believed that he is such a serviceman" that means with intention to pass out as a police officer or SAF personnal then it can be consider as impersonating.... hope this helps...
