Originally posted by VJunkie:
the way i see it, its just a sad tale where:
two guys bang into each other and just refuse to back down.
there would not be and issue if they were both not trying to uphold their egos for duno what reasons, and just apologize and walk away.
if sorry has been said and all, why cant you just walk away? its not like
he would chase you and take you down and cuff you or something right?
like i said earlier, dont see him as a policeman, see him as a normal person and you will know what i mean. think of it this way, if he wasnt a policeman, you wouldnt even be here kicking up a big fuss about tis isnt it?
forgive and forget lah. this is small issue. if not you can sprint around in crowded areas and start staring contests for the same thrill again, and maybe if you bump into a policeman again, you can post it here.
on behalf of the police force, i would like to apologize for his lack of emotional control when you bumped into him. like i said earlier as well, POs have feelings and these are out of control sometimes too.
oh tiger, im passing out only in Mar 08' -sobs- LOOOONG WAY TO GO. but ending my block 1 soon!
vjunkie, i would strongly suggest you not do anything on any other PO's behalf. trust me, there will be too many things to do otherwise.

if need be, we leave the 'talking-on-behalf-of-our-brethen-POs' to the lads at PAD. haha. it's smth you need to learn to say also when the press is at a scene you are attending to and they are asking for info from you.

anyway, at least you're clearing your block 1 soon. block 2 is all about enjoying life.

and yes, i agree that one major reason why there is such a big hoo-hah about this is because the alleged perpetrator is a PO. forever being in the public eye, it's as though we're celebrities in our own right.
when you pass out or go out for attachment, you'll see what I mean. take a walk anywhere while on duty. even celebs don't get accorded that type of treatment.