quote]On another note, I refer to the articles “Police request on T-shirts ‘probably an overreaction’” (ST, Oct 23) and “Prof Ho explains T-shirt incidents” (Today, Oct 23).
The former article states that:
“Mr Siew then asked what powers the officers had to ask the duo to go to the police station for an interview. Pro Ho said it was a request and the duo could refuse it”.Did the officers inform the duo that it was only a request, and that they could refuse it?
If not, why not?
Since Prof Ho also said it was “probably an overreaction” by the police, will there be assurances that this will not happen again? Will steps be taken to ensure that officers do not request people to go to police stations for interviews, unless they are also informed at the same time that they can choose not to go?
By the way, was there any answer to NMP Siew Kum Hong’s question, “What is the total value of remittances from Myanmar into Singapore over the past 5 years ?”, or NCMP Sylvia Lim’s question asking “the Minister for Foreign Affairs whether and to what extent there are arrangements in place for military cooperation between Singapore and Myanmar”?[/quote]
can ignore them wan..Prof Ho say wan