Originally posted by VJunkie:
hey there, i've decided to post here after having zero replies on keeptouch. hopefully you guys can help me. PLEASE I'VE WAITED DAMN LONG!

i am currently a diploma holder from SP, just graduated like a few days ago. i applied for SPF as junior officer back last year i think in september, to get a feel of real police life, and save money for university and help out with family's pay. this is after careful consideration and discussion with my uncle and me who is a SSI. he also advice saying that it would be easier to transfer vocation to let's say CID or any other unit PROVIDED i finish NPCO 5 years. after that i can decide if it's worthy of a life-long career.
at the time of application i held a PES D for investigation of some heart irregularities but in early march they released me with a PES B, finding nothing wrong with me after some long weeks of testing.
ok that one background only, so what happen is i went for 1st interview in november, 2nd interview in december. then in early march(this year now), recruitment officer asked me if i can rush CMPB to issue me my pes status. sadly CMPB issued me one week to late and i missed the intake. shortly after, i faxed over my NEW PES status of BL1, and they say ok wait till april for news. so i waited till april, still no letter and when i called recruitment, the officer said he misplaced my PES letter, asking me to come down and give me personally.
the same day later i was issued a letter from CMPB to report to school 2 on september(ARMY). so the next day i went down, gave my new pes status and that letter as well this reporting letter.
a week later on the 18th of may, they asked me to go for medical which i did. and on the 21st of may i called them up and they ask me to send over my new DIPLOMA from SP, which i have done too.
OK now time for questions,
1. how long more do i have to wait until i enter HTA or at least hear from them about it or my bond signing? i keep calling and all they tell me is to wait, and i cant get a job coz of this.
2. i didnt go for my napfa as i was too busy in poly with freelance, and i dont think i'd have passed aniwae. i'm slightly underweight. i was hoping that we have PTP or prep course or something...but do regulars have such a thing?
if so how long would POBC be for me? any advice?
3. i asked recruitment officer about my earlier pes status of D upgrading to B and my being slightly underweight at 52kg(below 55kg requirement) and he say dun needa worry as i have cleared interview, and medical for a pes B shouldnt be a problem. what do you all think of my chances of employment though? and would training be very tough for me?
Hey there... about two years ago, I was in the exact same shoes as you are now. Well, at least the graduation, haven't-done-NS-yet, haven't-taken-NAPFA and graduated-from-SP bit.

With regards to your application, it varies, depending on how fast they process your application. If it is processed slightly late, you could be joining SPF after your 3-month BMT.
If it is processed even later, then the interview and whatnots will be arranged sometime during your NS life. DOn't worry. If it falls under the latter, just sepak to your OC or equivalent supervisor, and they'll let you have time off to sort out the SPF details. No worries mate. All you need now is time. Although it could be long, but it will be resolved.

BUT... there is also a possibility of them processing your appilcation quickly, and as a result you will receive a letter from MINDEF if that happens. The letter will state that you will be "exempted from National Service on one condition: that you remain as a regular in the Singapore Police Force". If you get this letter, then it really means that you've secured a place in the SPF.
You've already cleared your 2 interviews. Have you gone for the SPF medical checkup yet? Once they've sent you there, and you're issued with a clean bill of health, then you're already in. It takes about 2-3 weeks for the results of the checkup to get back to you though.
But if you ask me, I think you'll be coming in soon, without having to go to the army. My reason for thinking that is that you've already cleared your interviews.

Regular intakes don't have prep courses. You will all be enlisting on the same day, regardless of your NAPFA results. Depending on your intake, there could be a few women in your squad, or you could be like me: a squad full of young boys and every instructor mistook us for NS boys.

Your squad will have people who ave completed their NS too. You might even get CNB trainees.
And there will also be some people who will decide at the aslt miniute that they don't want to join. So on the bond signing day, you will see people who will not appear even after their names are called upteen times.

And there might also be some who resign midway through the training.

But I digress lah. Anyway, to answer your questions:
POBC standard is 6 months: 3 months basic stuff, and another 3 months of NPCO training. But depending on logistical and admin matters, it could stretch to 7, 8 months (beware: it almost always does stretch). There are also those who sign on directly for Police k-9 unit and Police Coast Guard. The PCG people will do 3 months before moving out, while the k-9ers will be with you until you complete training.
Training is subjective I suppose, but I believe you will enjoy it. It will prove to be interesting. And what the recruitment guy said is true: if you've cleared your interviews, then the checkup is almost like a mere formality.

But your uncle is wrong about going to CID though. Usually NPCOs get stuck for more than 5,6 years before they can leave. And CID people usually come from Land Division Investigation Branches. They usually have to serve for many years in Land Division Investigation Branches before CID even considers them. This one, though, applies to Junior Officers lah.
for senior officers, it's different. They have to move around within the force quite regularly, especially the scholars.
Anything you'd like to know, feel free to ask me man. I'd be more than glad to help with your queries.