Originally posted by pwnz0r:
In '91, the hijack attempt was countered by SOF right, not STAR.
Originally posted by mhcampboy:
yes its by SOF cause the hijackers are making political demands. if its a petty thief trying to escape singapore by hijacking a plane...then STAR will come in.
Originally posted by kcetha:
Pls lor. The hijack is in '91 and STAR only formed in '93. Can't compare as they perform different roles.
Come across a "Special Ops Report" magazine and that showcase the special forces of the world and they have one issue that features STAR Unit. See the link below. If i am not wrong, this is the 1st Special Force Unit from Singapore to be feature in it. Even SOF is not in it. Their reputation is far beyond Singapore.

after SQ117 incident. the gov think that we need something "else" MINDEF agreed. SPF think so. GOV say yes.
1st star team form up. mainly guys from SOF, some NSF commando who going ORD. trainer all from SOF in terms of tactic. law wise still done by SPF officers.
not confirm ~ from 3rd teams on, SPF officers ie STAR instructors take over. of course, origin from SOF which they call themselves than police officer.
airborn just a course that open up to SPF after STAR form. i can see the reason is to maintain the jump current of those who earn it in the first place.
over all, be it SOF, NDU, DART or STAR. they are the best of the best within the own unit.