Originally posted by Destinyapple:
hmm guys jus wanna ask how will they tell u r being selected for the interview?/thru letter or email??hmm wht kind of qns do they ask u??hmm if they ask wht unit u wanna post wht will u guys say??i heard tthe management upstair veri sux..y leh??any1 can explain?thanks..do they realli accept nitec gradtudates to join police?
hmmm.. maybe you should using spacing for each questions first...

eh.. they will reply you thru the mai... then they will ask you general question like what you expect in a normal interview.. they will never ask you which unit you like to go.. that is after you going to finish your TRACOM life then you fill up the form... management always sucks no matter what cause we are men, of course if you are management that is a different story lah...

... does that explain it????.. NITEC is hmmm.. considered same level as O levels i think, so starting will be CPL....