More importantly, the law should protect the innocent and victim and this should be top priority.
The 'innocent and victim' here includes 'ACCUSED' - i.e. those who are not yet sentenced to be guilty. Everyone should be innocent until proven guilty - this is a very basic human right. Yet, in many cases, pictures of the 'accused' are flashed all over the media, newspapers, tabloids, tv news, etc.
If any of you actually remembered the recent 'molest' case regarding the swimming instructor, you'll know what kind of after-effect this kind of exposure will have on him. Even after he is announced to be innocent, nobody dares to sign for his swimming classes. His life is screwed. Yeah, many of u will say: too bad, he suay loh. u think he deserved it? Could it be prevented in anyway?
Also, granted that in many cases, there might be a lack of evidence resulting in the accused being able to get off the hook; yet I am very curious what happens in those cases whereby there is
sufficient evidence to show that the so-called 'victim' actually LIED - made false statements knowingly. The 'punishment' (if any

) for these LIARS should be made harsher. (Before some of u jump the gun, I'm talking about having enough evidence to proof the 'victim' lied.) I can see an obvious increase in such cases, it definitely needs some reviewing and something needs to be done!!!

It is generally accepted world-wide, that law (judgements) should ALWAYS give the benefit of doubt, and no person should be pronounced guilty if there isnt sufficient evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt. Yes, the very basic idea is to rather let a criminal go scot free than to imprison an innocent man. Well, I'd leave it up to u to decide what's happening around us.