Originally posted by Luke1976:
I heard on the news that the reporter mentioned something about laser-target revolver. Is it possible?
The news also said that the robber took a hostage, who struggled and broke free, then the guard shot him. Sounds like a scene from a movie

Also, if the robber shout in Hokkien and nobody understand. How ah?
What the CISCO officer was using has to be the taurus revolver, the standard issue for most uniformed personel ( excluding special units). It uses a laser beam to help aim.
Haha... I like you thought of what if the bank officer doesn't understand Hokkien. Well, I guess if you go into a bank, masked and carry a revolver like thing, I think you don't have to understand Hokkien to know that it's a robbery? Haha... This reminds me of a Mr Kiasu Cartoon Strip some time back.
The scene is at a bank, whereby all the customers were queueing up for their turn to be served by the counter officer. This bank robber to a counter and pointed a revolver. The bank officer and the customers at the queue were all horrified. However, Mr Kiasu picked up those barricades or dividers that you see in banks that form the lines where people queue up ( what's that call huh) and whack the robber.
However, his intention was not so much to save the day, except being Mr Kiasu, he hates it when the bank robber jumped the queue? Haha...