The news article to kick-start the discussion. What do you guys think of this initiative?
Nov 2, 2004
Elite cops go on anti-terror street patrols
They are policing areas ranging from the CBD to the HDB heartland
By Ben Nadarajan
HEAVILY-ARMED elite police officers began patrolling residential areas, commercial buildings and entertainment outlets yesterday, in a highly-visible move to thwart potential terror attacks. The new initiative will see 32 Special Operations Command (SOC) officers patrolling areas ranging from heartland neighbourhoods to busy shopping and commercial districts, day and night.
The extension of armed patrols by such officers to residential neighbourhoods is unprecedented, but police said this is not a response to an increased threat of attack here. Police director of operations, Assistant Commissioner Aubeck Kam, who announced the move yesterday, said: 'It does not signify any specific increase in the level of threat that Singapore faces.' Rather, he said, it is part of ongoing efforts to prevent a terrorist attack in Singapore.
Police did not want to specify any particular areas the new patrols would focus on, but it is understood that Orchard Road, Mohamed Sultan Road and the Central Business District are likely to get the lion's share of the increased attention. SOC officers already patrol Changi Airport, Boat Quay and Newton Circus. Patrols at the latter two areas, however, are mainly conducted at night, when they are packed.
The additional patrols will be conducted by teams of six to eight officers. They will be deployed to random areas to prevent terrorists from detecting a pattern.
The latest move is part of a gradual ratcheting up of security measures. Recently, taxi-drivers and even shopkeepers were roped in to be the police's eyes and ears on the ground. Building managers have also been asked to do their part, by taking responsibility for their buildings' security. The public has been roped in too, with signs at MRT stations and elsewhere calling for them to report suspicious objects they spot lying around.
AC Kam said the latest initiative has several aims. First, it is meant to deter terrorists with a greater police presence. It is also meant to reassure the public that Singapore is safe because more officers are pounding the pavement, while reminding them of the need to be on their guard and stay vigilant.
The elite SOC officers will be wearing the service's trademark dark-blue uniform and beret. They will also don bullet-proof vests and carry submachine guns. They will complement existing patrols by officers from various police stations.
AC Kam said the SOC patrol officers are better trained and equipped than ordinary front-line officers to handle high-level operations like counter-terrorism. He added: 'It is not just about the numbers. It's how well these officers are trained. Their focus is very much on anti-terrorism, rather than everyday crime.'
Yesterday afternoon, the first patrol hit the streets near the Hilton Hotel and immediately drew puzzled stares from the crowd. The initial reaction of most passers-by was that something had gone wrong, and that the police were called in because of a threat.
But when told of the new initiative, many welcomed it. Technician Shariff Raman, 42, said: 'Having police officers with machine guns walking along Orchard Road is rather extreme, but if they can stop a terrorist attack, then it is worth going to such extremes.'