Heard of your friends going for Overseas project and wonder how you can join one?

Wanna do community service based project and wonders where to start?

Thinking of what to do during your coming Dec holidays?

Then U are at the RIGHT place!
Note: Non ECE students CAN apply ToO!!

This is a Community Service Project in Vietnam. These are YEP (youth expedition programme) under the SIF (Singapore International Foundation). All youths who had been to these trips vouched that it is their most interesting and unforgettable experience.
Period: 14 days (departing between 8 and 22 Dec).
Cost: <$500 for Singaporean or PR (70% subsidized by SIF), for other students is <$700/- (50% subsidized by NP)
Interested? Wanna find out more?
You can Email Mr Tan Chin Chye
[email protected]or simply Reply to this Post! =P