that is just a statement mlm companies use to scam mlmers.... the mlm marketting plan itself makes the price of the products two times more expensive for the consumers.... Btw mlms in singapore are not manefacturers they are just distributers so.... in other words, they are getting their products at the same prices as retail outlets...
Originally posted by elementalangel:that is just a statement mlm companies use to scam mlmers.... the mlm marketting plan itself makes the price of the products two times more expensive for the consumers.... Btw mlms in singapore are not manefacturers they are just distributers so.... in other words, they are getting their products at the same prices as retail outlets...
Can I quote you on that? Are you willing to testify and swear upon god or what ever you believe in that all MLM in Singapore buy off the shelf items and sell it thru MLM and never manufacture by themselves?
besides all long lasting companies i swear that i believe mlms in singaproe are just distributers... try finding one mlm opened in singapore that manefacture their own products
whenever I saw a little card with 4 boxes, it is my cue to shut my mind and prepare to run.
besides all long lasting companies i swear that i believe mlms in singaproe are just distributers... try finding one mlm opened in singapore that manefacture their own products
LOL... nice save... god will not punish you for that...
Venture Era is one company that manufacture their own product... Though I don't agree on their sales tactics, it is one example...
My company is another one... But I will never disclose it until sgforums is open minded enough to listen to me...
Originally posted by MohamedF:besides all long lasting companies i swear that i believe mlms in singaproe are just distributers... try finding one mlm opened in singapore that manefacture their own products
LOL... nice save... god will not punish you for that...
Venture Era is one company that manufacture their own product... Though I don't agree on their sales tactics, it is one example...
My company is another one... But I will never disclose it until sgforums is open minded enough to listen to me...
Then don't ever disclose it.
Originally posted by Detached:Then don't ever disclose it.
Honestly, get off the stage - you've bored the audiences like hell.
And why are you bored...? Let me understand...
lol... I posted faster than you edited...
I like you elementalangel... You're the only one willing to listen...
i think there's a general impression that MLM are scam companies. Set up shop, recruit people, preferbly young, and try to make as much money as possible. The recent SE saga was very sobering to the general public.
But let me say this, it's not just MLMs. Even people are wary of banks now.
So I guess I can come to a conclusion... MLM can be done by anyone but it is not for everyone.. To be an MLMer, you need to be an employee, a salesman, a marketer/advertiser, a supply Chain manager and a manager to your downline...
MLM is only for people who are willing to learn, can perservier and have time to commit to the business...
Originally posted by MohamedF:So I guess I can come to a conclusion... MLM can be done by anyone but it is not for everyone.. To be an MLMer, you need to be an employee, a salesman, a marketer/advertiser, a supply Chain manager and a manager to your downline...
MLM is only for people who are willing to learn, can perservier and have time to commit to the business...
yeah totally agree, although i don't like that emplyee word
Yea, it's true.
The rest of the people who aren't in MLMs, they're unwilling to learn, can't persevere, don't have time to commit to no business and of course, they can spell better.
I'm starting to worry for the youths of today's society, they're way too gullible and suggestible. Guess this is what happens when one got a weak foundation and lack the mental strength to get up there with 'the real hardwork'.
Originally posted by Realazy Spaz:yeah totally agree, although i don't like that emplyee word
well, its part and parcel of the work, unless you're at the absolute top, you are still working for someone...
detach sounds like he may have been a sad soul who didnt do any research about the company and then got scammed... poor thing
the most important thing before joining a company should be to know all the facts about the company, not only the good but also see what is no good about the company
Originally posted by Realazy Spaz:detach sounds like he may have been a sad soul who didnt do any research about the company and then got scammed... poor thing
the most important thing before joining a company should be to know all the facts about the company, not only the good but also see what is no good about the company
Nah, I haven't been to any MLMs.
Some people are fond of hiding their insecurities behind sarcasm; they seek company of those in their league, too weak to stand on their own.
You can cite a hundred 'tips and know-hows' but at the end of the day, my stand remains.
Anyway, good luck with whatever you're doing. I pray earnestly there won't be a day when you realized you've been had.
Originally posted by MohamedF:besides all long lasting companies i swear that i believe mlms in singaproe are just distributers... try finding one mlm opened in singapore that manefacture their own products
LOL... nice save... god will not punish you for that...
Venture Era is one company that manufacture their own product... Though I don't agree on their sales tactics, it is one example...
My company is another one... But I will never disclose it until sgforums is open minded enough to listen to me...
ok at that point of time i believed... btw what products did VE manefacture
they sold alphine air purifyers for 5x the price... whats next?
Originally posted by elementalangel:ok at that point of time i believed... btw what products did VE manefacture
they sold alphine air purifyers for 5x the price... whats next?
They got manufacture their own magnetic mattress and water enhancement among other things... I won't deny that their product is good... but its a little too rich for my blood...
maybe when I make some money from my business I'll invest on their water purifier...
Originally posted by MohamedF:They got manufacture their own magnetic mattress and water enhancement among other things... I won't deny that their product is good... but its a little too rich for my blood...
maybe when I make some money from my business I'll invest on their water purifier...
actually... their magnetic mattresses were bought from a closed down company... their water enhancement system i am not so sure though..
does it matter if they manufacturer their own products or is a distributor for the products?
Originally posted by MohamedF:They got manufacture their own magnetic mattress and water enhancement among other things... I won't deny that their product is good... but its a little too rich for my blood...
maybe when I make some money from my business I'll invest on their water purifier...
'Water enhancement'? What does this product do?
Originally posted by fudgester:
'Water enhancement'? What does this product do?
I'm not sure myself actually... I quit VE coz they waste my time a lot... ask me to come at 3pm for training then wait-wait until 7pm + then give me training... and training is how to call people, not about the product... But then again, it could be because i'm in a bad network, other network in VE may not be so bad...
Anyway... from what I've heard, its a powder with active ion that's suppose to be activated with water and will combine with nuterients and transport them effeciently thru the body... I donno how exactly it works...
The pic is a traveler's pack but there's a set which can be installed to your pipe system so can drink everyday...
and add the price back to compensate the middle 6 7 levels
think about it
Originally posted by MohamedF:
I'm not sure myself actually... I quit VE coz they waste my time a lot... ask me to come at 3pm for training then wait-wait until 7pm + then give me training... and training is how to call people, not about the product... But then again, it could be because i'm in a bad network, other network in VE may not be so bad...
Anyway... from what I've heard, its a powder with active ion that's suppose to be activated with water and will combine with nuterients and transport them effeciently thru the body... I donno how exactly it works...
The pic is a traveler's pack but there's a set which can be installed to your pipe system so can drink everyday...
Uh-huh. How much does this cost?
And can you please tell me how this thingie works?
dun every tink tat MLM is a money game. They are two different things. MohamedF, mind to meet up?
Originally posted by fudgester:Uh-huh. How much does this cost?
And can you please tell me how this thingie works?
Well, I don't know the details... They never really taught me about the products at all, main reason why I quit VE... You should ask a VE personel to get a real answer...
Anyway, I would like to point out here one of the reason some companies chose to market their product thru MLM... Unlike generic products off the shelves, most products marketed by Network takes quite some time to explain and have benefits that are need some explaination.
That's why these products are best marketed through Network Marketing because it allows a one on one explaination between the seller and the buyer, same goes for insurances. It would be hard to advertise these items in a 20 sec TV advertisement or a sign board on an MRT.
Now the problem with most network marketers is that they try too hard and go and talk to everyone they met. This will result in most of the potential customers going uh-huh~~ ok~~ because they are simply not interested at that point in time... So, in the end its simply trying to dind someone who is interested and willing to listen to the seller...