I know, I know, this has been discussed to death and beyond, but let's just talk about it again. I remember about one guy wrote in to Straits Times forum saying that females could be enlisted as nurses. Others say that they could be doing admin work.
As a great man once said, What do you think?
I said the girl can fit in the vocation like cook or chefs although in the age of gender equality those action type might considered combat vocation. It is irony that girls during secondary school days like to join "siong" CCA like NPCC, NCC or St John Ambulance Brigad, but hardly heard that they are "interested" in NS. The only postive thing is should girl join NS, it will mature their mindset and stop their "nagging" for a change.
With our falling birth rate, ladies has to do NS in the future. It is not a question of "if", it is just a matter of time.
I don't see why females shouldn't serve NS.
Originally posted by Dalforce 1941:I don't see why females shouldn't serve NS.
One argument that many females have, is that their way of serving the nation is giving birth. I disagree with this as they can't see the distinction between nature and legal obligations. Come on, cats on the street give birth, so are the patriots as well?? No right?! It is natural for women to give birth, having kids has nothing to do with contributing to the nation.
I think they serve as nurses or admin will be better. But they definitely cannot telerate the training we went through, they will faint with those hugh weights on their body and enduring the pain and dirt.
and honestly i trust a man giving me orders if i am just a private rather than a woman giving me orders.
But women cannot be with the men. Sure got funny funny things happen.
Is giving birth a national service? Being a father is no easier than being a mother. Or being husband to a housewife.
women shouldnt serve NS in a combat vocation.
reason is simple, in combat, a person is train for war.. and in war death comes, the ugliest side of human nature will come.
Mentally any men seeing women being killed and torture will be far more dramatic then seeing another men died. As such, it will be many fold more, and the morale of the soldier will be much far worst.
Physically women build cannot (maybe a small percentage can) compare to a man, in strength and endurance (minus childbirth) as such, in a combat zone, they might become a liability more then a help.. A personal experience, during my reservist, a woman officer was one of our controller and trainer. She cant command us, as we dont listen to her orders. She was pissed of with us, and complain to our reservist officer.. In response to her complain, we told her why? We are in our early 30s, where she is in her early 20s. During an IPPT, she cant run in pace with half the battalion. we told her, we are not recruit that fear ranks, we repect the ranks. And what make us respects the ranks is that an officer not only can keep pace with us or even better. and not an officer cannot carry the load we carry, and run as fast as us..
We need an officer to lead us, not an officer for us to wait for... she diam diam, and we dont see her for the rest of the 10days of my ICT..
But at the same time, i strongly encourage that our female needs to go through some course in disaster management, first aid etc.. as majority of guys, in war or disaster will be activated, those not activated either is very young, or very old.. so women, cannot sole depends on SCDF support only.. and I strongly believe every strategic area, should have some equipment ready like oxygen tank, first aid, etc for emergency and not depend on SCDF to distribute when really emergency comes
According to my research, this is thread no. 234,543,604 on this topic.
girls should serve NS, not only in uniform groups, but also in hospitals and government dept too, like LTA, NParks, Home affairs, foreign affairs etc.
Originally posted by fudgester:According to my research, this is thread no. 234,543,604 on this topic.
lol I know fudge, but just to get it going again. People have been talking about this for like 20 years.
Originally posted by "newbie":women shouldnt serve NS in a combat vocation.
reason is simple, in combat, a person is train for war.. and in war death comes, the ugliest side of human nature will come.
Mentally any men seeing women being killed and torture will be far more dramatic then seeing another men died. As such, it will be many fold more, and the morale of the soldier will be much far worst.
Physically women build cannot (maybe a small percentage can) compare to a man, in strength and endurance (minus childbirth) as such, in a combat zone, they might become a liability more then a help.. A personal experience, during my reservist, a woman officer was one of our controller and trainer. She cant command us, as we dont listen to her orders. She was pissed of with us, and complain to our reservist officer.. In response to her complain, we told her why? We are in our early 30s, where she is in her early 20s. During an IPPT, she cant run in pace with half the battalion. we told her, we are not recruit that fear ranks, we repect the ranks. And what make us respects the ranks is that an officer not only can keep pace with us or even better. and not an officer cannot carry the load we carry, and run as fast as us..
We need an officer to lead us, not an officer for us to wait for... she diam diam, and we dont see her for the rest of the 10days of my ICT..
But at the same time, i strongly encourage that our female needs to go through some course in disaster management, first aid etc.. as majority of guys, in war or disaster will be activated, those not activated either is very young, or very old.. so women, cannot sole depends on SCDF support only.. and I strongly believe every strategic area, should have some equipment ready like oxygen tank, first aid, etc for emergency and not depend on SCDF to distribute when really emergency comes
Another thing is that they cannot fire rifles right? Because of the recoil will smash their right boob. So if they want they can cut off the right booby like amazons
no i disagree
Originally posted by NG QIBO AARON AUBREY:
no i disagree
Originally posted by NG QIBO AARON AUBREY:
Is that Justin Bieber at the front right?
Originally posted by NG QIBO AARON AUBREY:
WTF. At first I thought it was just one "girl" on the left but then I realised all of them are females. I thought introducing female NS would destroy good order in the SAF but I was wrong. Pathetic.
This is how it is done:
Girls can serve the NS.
However they don't have to serve in combat roles.
They can serve in Civil Defence.
If they serve NS, with all the training, do you want your wives to look like this:
Either we make ns mandatory or both gender or neither. Simple as that.
This is what happens when we give girls special treatment:
how eh if girls are to get pregnant, then if they serve NS, how eh?
if girls want to keng NS, best way is to get pregnant, can serve in combat units right, unless do admin, as pregnant in the last month still can serve, but then 4 months of maternity after that, song bo.
Or excuse woman from ns ONLY when they are pregnant by the time they are supposed to be enlisted. Or when they married and is ready to have children.
Originally posted by Xenotzu:I know of a Malaysian MIO who served with the British Army at the height of the Malaysian Emergency from the mid 1950s, than with the Malaysian Army during the Confrontation with Indonesia during the 1960s, before fighting the Communists Terrorists (CT) again during the 1970s.
CTs were both male and female, with female CTs fighting in the thick of battle in the jungle, as well as leading them. He told me that of all the CTs, the female CTs were usually more deadly than the male CTs. As a MIO, part of his duty were to crack CTs as well as to turn them in order to gain intelligence about CT activities. He said that it was almost impossible to crack or turn a female CT. It was possible to crack or turn a male CT, given time and certain incentives. However, in his experience, try as they might, they could never seem to crack a female CT. They were prepared to die for their cause, no matter what you did to them. And he said no matter what!
He told me of a time he lead a patrol which ambushed a CT patrol in the jungle. Amongst the CT, was a heavily pregnant CT female. She charged a Malay soldier who froze because he never expected that a heavily pregnant female could do that. Luckily for him, he manage to get off a shot which knocked her down. But she got up and tried to charge him again. The MIO had to finish her off with a shotgun blast!
In his opinion, female soldiers were as good as male soldiers, perhaps better because they could be more focused and utterly ruthless, as his own experience had shown. He also told me that female Vietcongs were some of the most effective fighters during the Vietnam War. This was related to him from the American soldiers that he helped train during the course of the Vietnam War.
Just to add, he had an interesting connection with Singapore. When fighting during the Confrontation, he was actually serving as an officer with the Malaysian Infantry Regiment at the time Singapore became independent. He told me that every officer was given a personal request by the Singapore Government to stay on the with the Regiment, with the promise of increased benefits and faster promotion. However, he and a number of other officers, decided not to. My impression was that they refused because they wanted to continuing serving in a combat role (Confrontation only ended in 1966).
Yes is possible they are more effective. As normally female base on feel and emotion while male of logic... as such, what you define maybe be true, as emotion tell them they suppose to behave this way.
Also is more effective as any soldier with morality still within, will sure hesitate in killing a female... is also because of this hesitation makes the female more effective...
Likewise to morality, any soldier who fights along side female troops high chance will see these female being kill, torture.. and also this will break a male soldier and is male instint to wish to protect and guard the female.. and is this instint mentally torturing to see their fellow female being killded.. chances they will end up feeling if the cant even protect the female beside them, who are they fighting for...
Because of all this mental issues, many countires hesitate to put female in front line..US front line soldier was debate long time before they are allow to, and only in certain units and not open to all combat units...
On top of all, the trouble needed in camp and in field to cater to female is terrible.. any one who went out field with female before will know....