I am currently going for my SAF driving course and my mates who have passed their driving course told me that SAF license can be used to drive civilian vehicle (while you are still in NS, and have not gotten your civilian license). How true is this? Cos i heard a captain who once told me that SAF license can only be used to drive SAF vehicles.
Originally posted by 59seconds:I am currently going for my SAF driving course and my mates who have passed their driving course told me that SAF license can be used to drive civilian vehicle (while you are still in NS, and have not gotten your civilian license). How true is this? Cos i heard a captain who once told me that SAF license can only be used to drive SAF vehicles.
tell your friend dun talk cock , army license is army license , ONLY CAN DRIVE ARMY VEHICLE. you will get your civillian license when you clock your 7000km. and 2 months before ord then you can apply. Including your behaviour in camp is good , and have good record of accident free. I was a saf driver , gotten my civillian license in army also.
But it is possible for you to drive a civilian vehicle if you hold both civilian and SAF license while you're a NSF right? And is it possible to look for a private driving instructor and show him your SAF license as a proof that you had went through practical and theory tests, then just get the civilian driving test done (just in case you can't clock 7000km during your NSF time) ?
Either your friend did not heard instruction properly or he's trying to sabo u. Unless you wanna join the brazilian team or else don't try.
you think they'll care?
Originally posted by 59seconds:But it is possible for you to drive a civilian vehicle if you hold both civilian and SAF license while you're a NSF right?
In this case, obviously can.
NS and civil rights are contradictory, but this is taking it too far. If you've earned it, you keep it.
Originally posted by 59seconds:And is it possible to look for a private driving instructor and show him your SAF license as a proof that you had went through practical and theory tests, then just get the civilian driving test done (just in case you can't clock 7000km during your NSF time) ?
Means i got cheated :x But one of the guy told me that he showed his private driving instructor his SAF license and went through only the civilian practical driving test and tadahh, he have his civilian license.
during NS, if you get caught for driving a civilian vehicle without a valid civilian driving licence, you will get double charged in both the military court and subordinate court.
this means after you get jailed in the military detention barracks, then when you come out on that day, that day get jailed in a civilian prison.
Originally posted by 59seconds:Means i got cheated :x But one of the guy told me that he showed his private driving instructor his SAF license and went through only the civilian practical driving test and tadahh, he have his civilian license.
How many times would you like to be told.
Originally posted by alize:How many times would you like to be told.
Maybe, put another way, SAF already made him pass BTT so his instructor can let him touch the car.
SAF already made him pass FTT so he can book his civilian practical.
You should verify this.
I believe the only way for a civilian to take a practical driving test is to do it at a driving school.
And in order for him to take a practical driving test at a driving school, he must proof that he had passed his Basic theory test(BTT) and Final theory test(FTT), as well as in possession of a valid Provisional Driving Licence(PDL).
And in order for him to learn practical driving with a Certified driving instructor(Private/school), he needs to be in possesion of a Provisional Driving Licence(PDL), which can only be issued after he passed his Basic theory test.
Im not sure if one can just show an SAF licence and learn and take the test, because when i took my driving test they need me to show my PDL. They didn't say SAF licence can take practical driving test at driving schools.
Correct me if im wrong
Originally posted by MyPillowTalks:I believe the only way for a civilian to take a practical driving test is to do it at a driving school.
And in order for him to take a practical driving test at a driving school, he must proof that he had passed his Basic theory test(BTT) and Final theory test(FTT), as well as in possession of a valid Provisional Driving Licence(PDL).
And in order for him to learn practical driving with a Certified driving instructor(Private/school), he needs to be in possesion of a Provisional Driving Licence(PDL), which can only be issued after he passed his Basic theory test.
Im not sure if one can just show an SAF licence and learn and take the test, because when i took my driving test they need me to show my PDL. They didn't say SAF licence can take practical driving test at driving schools.Correct me if im wrong
Hello pillow, you're right.
SAF military driving licence is learn, take text, failed 9 time OOC (Out of Course). There's no way a Military Driving Licence will allow you to drive Civilian Vehicle. The only way to do so is to obtain a Civilian Licence, in this case, you can convert your Military Driving Licence 2 mths before you ORD and clocked at least 7000km (any driver vocation care to double confirm my statement?). There's no shortcut in life pal.
Soruce, myself, dual vocation, ord alr.
Class 3/3A Driving Licence - Procedure
Legal Requirement
Under the Road Traffic Act, you have to be at least 18 years of age before you can drive a motorcar.
Enroll For Driving Classes
You can enroll as a student into a driving school or engage a private driving instructor for driving lessons.
If you are engaging a private driving instructor, please make sure that the driving instructor is licensed by Traffic Police Department. If in doubt, please contact Traffic Police Department Hotlines @ 6547 0000.
Below is the list of driving schools which you may wish to enroll into :
Bukit Batok Driving Centre (BBDC)
815 Bukit Batok West Ave 5
Singapore 659085
Tel : 6561 1233
ComfortDelGro Driving Centre Pte Ltd
205 Ubi Ave 4
Singapore 408805
Tel : 6841 8900
Singapore Safety Driving Centre (SSDC)
2 Woodlands Industrial Park E4
Singapore 757387
Tel : 6482 6060
Pass The Basis Theory Test (BTT)
Before you can apply for a Provisional Driving Licence(PDL) to learn
to drive a motorcar, you must first pass the Basic Theory Test (BTT).
This test is designed to test your knowledge of the rules and
regulations of the road, the traffic signs and signals. Upon passing the
BTT, you can apply for a Provisional Driving Licence (PDL) which will
allow you to practise driving on the public roads.
How to book for Basic Theory Test (BTT) :
The first step towards passing the BTT is to understand the contents under the syllabus of the Basic Theory of Driving. A copy of the official handbook on the Basic Theory of Driving can be purchased from the following locations or major bookshops :
Batok Driving Centre (BBDC)
815 Bukit Batok West Ave 5
Singapore 659085
Tel : 6561 1233
ComfortDelGro Driving Centre Pte Ltd
205 Ubi Ave 4
Singapore 408805
Tel : 6848 0617
Singapore Safety Driving Centre (SSDC)
2 Woodlands Industrial Park E4
Singapore 757387
Tel : 6482 6060
If you have enrolled with the driving centre, they will conduct the theory lesson and provide you the reading materials.
Checklist on
Booking of Basic Theory Test (BTT) for Class 3.
Apply For Provisional Driving Licence (PDL)
You can only apply for the Provisional Driving
Licence (PDL) after you have passed the Basic Theory Test (BTT). The PDL
is only valid for 6 months is renewable thereafter. After obtaining
your PDL, you can then learn driving on public roads.
You need to have a qualified driving instructor seated beside you while learning driving at all times. The vehicle you are learning in should display two 18cm square 'L' plates, in a conspicuous position on both the front and back of your vehicle as well as be insured against third-party risk and driving tuition.
How to apply Provisional Driving Licence (PDL) :
Checklist on Applying for Provisional Driving Licence (PDL) for Class 3.
Driving Lesson
Having obtained the Provisional Driving Licence (PDL), you can proceed to take your driving lessons.
The authorized test schools will have structured driving progress and competent driving instructors to train you driving skills.
Pass The Final Theory Test (FTT)
Before you can proceed to take practical driving test, you
must first pass the Final Theory Test (FTT). The FTT is to test your
knowledge on the safety aspects and proper techniques of driving. You
must pass the FTT before taking the Practical Driving Test. You need to
pass the Practical Driving Test within 2 years of passing the FTT.
Otherwise, you need to re-sit for the FTT again.
How to book for Final Theory Test (FTT) :
Checklist on Booking of Final Theory Test (FTT) for Class 3.
Pass The Practical Driving Test (PDT)
The Practical Driving Test (PDT) is in addition to the
respective prescribed theory test requirements for Class 3 i.e. Basic
Theory Test (BTT) and Final Theory Test (FTT). Once you have passed the
FTT, you can proceed to sit for the PDT. Your driving school / private
driving instructor will be able to advise when to sit for the test and
do the necessary booking on your behalf.
The PDT will be conducted
by a Driving Examiner appointed by the Traffic Police and you must
provide a motor vehicle which is suitable for the test, in good
mechanical condition and properly insured.
Syllabus of Practical Driving Test (PDT) :
The PDT consists of two parts. The first part is a test of your skills and is conducted on a driving circuit. The second part is a test of your ability to interact safely with other road users and how you comply with and observe traffic rules and regulations. It is conducted on the public roads.
During the test the examiner will assess your driving performance with a checklist. All possible driving errors are shown on the checklist. If the learner driver commits any serious mistakes, he fails the test immediately. For the less serious mistakes he will accumulate penalty points ranging from 2 to 10 for each mistake. A learner driver who accumulates penalty points in excess of a predetermined number of points fails the test. Whether or not you succeed in your driving test, the checklist used for the test will be given to you at the end of the test so that you can learn from your mistakes.
Procedure :
Checklist - Class 3
Booking of Basic Theory Test (BTT)
You can book for the Basic Theory Test (BTT) at the counter of your driving school together with the following documents :
You will be given a test fee receipt indicating the date & time of your test and the venue of the test.
Applying for Provisional Driving Licence (PDL) for Class 3
To apply for a Provisional Driving Licence (PDL), you need to apply personally at the Driving Centre where you are enrolled in & produce the following documents :
Booking of Final Theory Test (FTT)
You can book for the Final Theory Test (FTT) at the counter of your driving school together with the following documents :
You will be given a test fee receipt indicating the date, time and venue of the test.
Booking for Practical Driving Test (PDT)
You need to bring along the following :
Upon booking, you will be given a receipt indicating time, date & venue of the test.
N.B : You
cannot make an appointment for the test if you have accumulated 13 or
more demerit points for traffic offences. Even though you have
registered for the test, you will not be allowed to sit for it if you
have 13 or more demerit points.
Things to bring on the test date
On the day of the test date, you must submit the following to the person-in-charge at the counter before your appointed time for your driving test :
Please note that you will not be allowed to take the test if you do not bring any of the following documents or if you are late for the test.
Originally posted by toyota-corolla:ord alr.
You know im enlisting and purposely say this right?
Anyway i failed my TP last november, no money retake...now then continue
Originally posted by MyPillowTalks:You know im enlisting and purposely say this right?
Anyway i failed my TP last november, no money retake...now then continue
to be honest, I dunno leh. When you enlisting har? And where? Tekong har? PES E right?
Aiyo! Quickly retake first before enlisting!
Originally posted by toyota-corolla:
to be honest, I dunno leh. When you enlisting har? And where? Tekong har? PES E right?
Aiyo! Quickly retake first before enlisting!
23 August, Tekong lor, i tell MO i got visual hallucination i stil PES BP. I think they dun believe
I retaking 10 days before my enlistment. Later fail i will commit suicide in tekong
Originally posted by MyPillowTalks:23 August, Tekong lor, i tell MO i got visual hallucination i stil PES BP. I think they dun believe
I retaking 10 days before my enlistment. Later fail i will commit suicide in tekong
Eh, still fucking far lah. And you keng one is it? Hahahah! I rmb my first day of BMT I kena fuck for some stupid remark I gave, I forgotten I serving NS no longer civilian ah.
Pls dun commit suicide in tekong. You will scare other recurit. Hahaha! PTP or enhance?
Originally posted by alize:Maybe, put another way, SAF already made him pass BTT so his instructor can let him touch the car.
SAF already made him pass FTT so he can book his civilian practical.
You should verify this.
yeah. that's what i meant. thx. i'll verify that.
Hi, can i ask, if lets say i got civilian license 3 yrs back, then example i'm posted to driver will i be trained again to drive the army vehicles?
Originally posted by TIB1105H:Hi, can i ask, if lets say i got civilian license 3 yrs back, then example i'm posted to driver will i be trained again to drive the army vehicles?
How old are you?
Originally posted by TIB1105H:Hi, can i ask, if lets say i got civilian license 3 yrs back, then example i'm posted to driver will i be trained again to drive the army vehicles?
Yes. All drivers at minimum must do orientation. Plus training for different classes of vehicles.