Originally posted by Eric660:I guess those two who are enlisting are just wanting to try for it lar. Let them try lor. During first day of enlistment all recruits will want to go to OCS, but one week into BMT some don't want to go anymore. after field camp more will say don't want...But there was some who stick through all the way and they deserve a place there lar.
But 9 months of OCS is a diff story
During the nine months, you will know who are the one who deserve to be there, who are those who don't. Sad to say, there are some who OOC not because they did badly, but medical reason lar. Got one guy in my ocs batch was super super good (SOH or SOM kind) but due to injury, have to OOC, not sure if he recourse.
Oh well, ORD for 5 years liao, don't care liao lar.
Anyway Hitman bro, don't say alan til so bad lar. I read the trend liao, he not that despo to get to command school lar. But he is rude lar. But this is between both of you lar. Take it else where k :) No offences bro.
would very much like to forgive alan for being too stupid to think but i simply hate folks who arent human lest we be victims of another kind and type of PAP of the future.i mean what i said about alan.perhaps when he is 30 years older and went to prison a few times then only he will start to think properly.meanwhile,i am not going to have things screwed up with folks like him.
Originally posted by yourlalaland:Geez...never thought an innocent thread I posted to ask a question would turn into a flame board..Chill guys.Really,I believe u guys just made a few hours of your lives unproductive just by hurling curses at each other & getting mad..& in the end neither still wins
Anyway,I do agree to an extent with tarutaru.Enlistees,especially those with A'lvl cert (like me..) think that somehow we are meant for command school because of our so-called 'higher' educational qualification & therefore,so-called 'higher' intellect & sophistication.It's pretty arrogant to think that way,if you ask me.I used to have that sort of mentality too.But realized that if command school is full of such aloof & stuck-up people,well,let's just say every actual war these people lead would be a losing one...
I don't know if other JC peeps feel the same though.I mean,a lot of times undeserving people get into command school mostly because of them hailing from an elite JC & having done well in the A's.I'm not saying these people don't have to pass their SIT & IPPT tests,etc.Just that somehow I feel they can put in half the effort as the rest & get away with it cause of their so-called 'higher' intellect.Correct me if I'm wrong here...
the people in ns past present and future is what that shapes spore.not having a slave driver like alan in any army or civilian position to misshapen an already weak system.we dont need another alan.just flush him down the toilet...not worth the money n effort training folks like him.
Originally posted by LRooke:@Hitman
Why young men want to be officer?
Though personally I would like to be a Spec.
girls on mrt tend to look at officers uniform as compared to other ranks......yup..its aBOUT THE CHICKS TOO!:)
what command school???they cant teach you that..most of command methods were born into a person.u cant teach one that....one has to be born with most of the stuff to lead and earn the respect.they cant give u that,,,,unless u own the army.
Originally posted by yourlalaland:Geez...never thought an innocent thread I posted to ask a question would turn into a flame board..Chill guys.Really,I believe u guys just made a few hours of your lives unproductive just by hurling curses at each other & getting mad..& in the end neither still wins
Anyway,I do agree to an extent with tarutaru.Enlistees,especially those with A'lvl cert (like me..) think that somehow we are meant for command school because of our so-called 'higher' educational qualification & therefore,so-called 'higher' intellect & sophistication.It's pretty arrogant to think that way,if you ask me.I used to have that sort of mentality too.But realized that if command school is full of such aloof & stuck-up people,well,let's just say every actual war these people lead would be a losing one...
I don't know if other JC peeps feel the same though.I mean,a lot of times undeserving people get into command school mostly because of them hailing from an elite JC & having done well in the A's.I'm not saying these people don't have to pass their SIT & IPPT tests,etc.Just that somehow I feel they can put in half the effort as the rest & get away with it cause of their so-called 'higher' intellect.Correct me if I'm wrong here...
do u know why most here despite being in different vocations in ns dont like the types like alan?
have u seen alien 2?the movie where some officer went back with Ripley to kick aliens ass?officer like those tend to get everyone in his unit killed because of poor judgement and needs to assert his power just because of the rank.in the end all the people will be wiped out along with him the ass-hole.:)
its pretty much the same in real life.
now fst forward 2 years after ns.the same type of alan are in civilian industries who uses poor judgement in things from financing,shipping engineering,design,business and foul all of them up due to poor judgement and yet needs to assert his "lil power".if everyone was like that....spore will not make it as it is being replenished by defective types of the alan category .he should be a chef or a cleaner instead.he hasnt got it in him naturally.
alanrulz too even without a command school>>>>
Look its alanrulz in the middle!!the one that looks like a clown everyday!:)
alan with guns>>>age 5>>>>age 12
>>>>>>>>>age 18
>>>>>age 25
Originally posted by Hitman Factory 1:
wow, you really do hate him do you ? Anyway, where did you served in during NS last time? I ORDed 5 years ago. How about you?
Damnit, Hitman, you chased Alanrulz away. He was answering my questions.
Originally posted by LRooke:Damnit, Hitman, you chased Alanrulz away. He was answering my questions.
what answer u need from alan?u what ?retarded is it?doesnt matter if he needs tp be at cmpb at 10am or 12 midnite...he still is a loser soldier for the manpower of soldiers.
when i went to tekong..the trainer was suprised i could handle a weapon carelessly and still get on target.they were also surprised i could build a bullet proof area without any training.....and i could camouflage myself like a professional soldier better than the rest!if u r not a soldier or a reincarnation of a professional soldier...all the command school would be virtually useless..even ocs would be a waste of time for everyone.