agree. not enslaved doesnt mean must oppose and breakOriginally posted by fandango:medically, no.
spiritually, not required to.
I agree with what sillyme and neon mentioned that born-again Christians are not enslaved by the 10 commandments. but the 10 commandments are still the foundation, be it morally or spiritually, and you cannot divorce this with the new testament. It goes hand in hand.
I hope both sillyme and neon will also concur that having Jesus as our Saviour does not mean that we can break any of the commandments.
Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'Originally posted by Nelstar:You don't take pork then? Do you pay tithe?
I hope you see what I'm catching at. If you're still enslaved to the Ten Commandments, you would have followed the laws set since the Old Testament. Sorry, I'm no Christian.
The arguments may seemed weird to me but I'm really wondering how strict you follow according to the book. Since the Bible is the word of God, then every word, every law is important.
If you find my statements or thinking offensive, please reflect to me. I'll gladly not probe any further. I'm just interested to listen to views.
No no...nt at all.Originally posted by Nelstar:You don't take pork then? Do you pay tithe?
I hope you see what I'm catching at. If you're still enslaved to the Ten Commandments, you would have followed the laws set since the Old Testament. Sorry, I'm no Christian.
The arguments may seemed weird to me but I'm really wondering how strict you follow according to the book. Since the Bible is the word of God, then every word, every law is important.
If you find my statements or thinking offensive, please reflect to me. I'll gladly not probe any further. I'm just interested to listen to views.
Well, ok, here's my views. Firstly you are less offensive than some of the other folks that appeared recently.Originally posted by Nelstar:You don't take pork then? Do you pay tithe?
I hope you see what I'm catching at. If you're still enslaved to the Ten Commandments, you would have followed the laws set since the Old Testament. Sorry, I'm no Christian.
The arguments may seemed weird to me but I'm really wondering how strict you follow according to the book. Since the Bible is the word of God, then every word, every law is important.
If you find my statements or thinking offensive, please reflect to me. I'll gladly not probe any further. I'm just interested to listen to views.
I study religions. I don't find fault with them.Originally posted by Chin Eng:Well, ok, here's my views. Firstly you are less offensive than some of the other folks that appeared recently.
I don't think any Christian will say that we are enslaved to the ten commandments, or for that matter, any laws laid down in the OT. The OT, really is there for the purpose of the Hebrews (or Jews). There are many verses in the NT that actually helps to abolish the notion that OT laws are to be followed, one of them being the eating of pork.
The 10 commandments, per se, does no harm to any one wanting to follow them. I don't think you will disagree if I am to tell you to be filial, or tell you not to be greedy to want your neighbours' properties. So I am guessing that the 10 commandments in itself is not the issue, but the large scope of the laws of the OT.
So the next question is, are we then enslaved to the NT? I am not sure if there are really any big "commandments" laid down other that the one about loving the Lord your God with all your hearts etc and loving your fellow men as you love yourselves.
Other "so-called" rules are probably more towards how we live our life morally, so the issue about having one wives, don't exasperate your children, give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar are really good life rules.
To side-track a little bit, it seems to me that all the arguments (not just in this forum) presented about Christianity stems from the fact that there is a total lack of understanding on how Christians work and may have been fanned by reading up of anti-Christian sources. I am not sure how much of this anti-Christian sentiments are the cause of an experiential process.
This is a myth.Originally posted by kaobeikaobu:So He wrote on the ground with his finger "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her"
Since God forgives us of their sins, so we can commit sin whatever we can. It's not. God forgives us for our sins when we beg for His forgiveness.
then wat did He write?Originally posted by Icemoon:This is a myth.The fact is the bible does not record what he wrote on the ground!
This particular scenario, and many others, does not support the argument that God forgives us for our sins when we beg for his forgiveness. In the first place, there is no evidence the adulterous woman knew that Jesus is God, so how could she have beg for forgiveness?
=)Originally posted by Icemoon:Replying sillyme above,
This is funny. If God already forgave, why do we still need to believe in Christ?
Hmm, I think I'm a bit confused. God already forgave us != we are justified in God's eyes and imputed with Christ's righteousness? lahh. If just say i love my gfren so much..and i miss her for she is currently studying overseas. take up her picture..and kiss that picture. and i might even talk to the picture. I dun think i am worshiping loh. infact i wont simply kick or vandalise the picture due to the affection and respect i have for her...hehe....Originally posted by fandango:They say it's not for worship but just for remebrance. Surely if you bow in front of a dead lifeless figure/statue is surely worship!
May I know why there seems to be different version of the Ten Commandments?Why ? Clearly from many of the responses here, people change the content of the bible from time to time to suit their agenda. Therefore, the bible tat we read now clearly can't be trusted anymore. Even something as big as the content of the 10 commandments had changed ! Wat else can't be changed ?
Born again Christians cannot be sinless, but we must strive to sin less.
Cannot leh .. like SIS likes to complain (where is he btw?), the standards are so high nobody can comply.Since u want me to make a comment I will make one here... In christainity it appears to be fruitless. u cannot be sinless ! When u r borned u have already sinned, and accordingly no matter how small a sin u have created, u deserve eternal damnation. Obviously something is really wrong in god perception of sinning. Talking about the 10 commandments, isn't god the blatant breaker of these rules ? He killed tons of people isn't it ? In fact in the OT, they talked about tons of laws and their punishment ! U must follow all the rules or u faced eternal damantion ! So these r not to be followed anymore ? Some say tat jesus fulfilled the OT. Wat is your definition of "fulfilled" ? I thought it only say tat it fulfilled the OT messiah role. I never know it meant abolishing the whole OT... BTW jesus too supported slavery. It is in the NT. WHy do we not follow these words anymore ?
While I look at women all the time, sometimes through the prompting of my wife. I don't necessarily sin. Sometimes it's because these women are downright ugly. Sin only comes in if you mentally undress the woman or imagine yourself to be having sex with her.Isn't tat wat god created us to do ? Men r constructed as such isn't it ? God create us to lust, then punish us for it. Sounds like throwing u into the river and punish u when u r wet.
So He wrote on the ground with his finger "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her"Then we shouldn't follow any of the laws set by both NT and OT isn't it ? We should go around behaving watever we want since no man can give judgement as they themselves have sinned too. We should not follow the 10 commandments too as it is in the OT. We can kill and have all the sex we want.
There are many verses in the NT that actually helps to abolish the notion that OT laws are to be followed, one of them being the eating of pork.Isn't tat a contradiction ? OT says the scripture r ageless. They say u cannot eat pork. Then comes NT and he reverse the decision on eating pork. All these laws cannot be in effect isn't it ? Contradictions contradictions contradictions... BTW aren't god playing with human by not allowing them to eat pork for the past thousands of years ?
God's forgiveness. i mentioned an example before about someone giving a gift. if you refuse the gift, then the gift is not yours.The gift is not a gift as there is a condition attached to it. It is like giving a begger a penny only after he has said u r the greatest being ever alive. To me tat sounds like ego.
but then the beggar knows he's poor so he goes around asking... he asked for a penny.. so it's given..Originally posted by stupidissmart:The gift is not a gift as there is a condition attached to it. It is like giving a begger a penny only after he has said u r the greatest being ever alive. To me tat sounds like ego.
but then the beggar knows he's poor so he goes around asking... he asked for a penny.. so it's given..Wat is the attitude of the giver A ? He want u to call him the greatest person alive, he is perfect, every decision he made is correct and u cannot accept money from anyone else. Worse still he only gives to people of Religion A. Tat sounds like tis guy has character flaws isn't it ?
similarly if you realised you've a sinned, ask for forgiveness and you'll be forgiven..
If someone doesn't realise or acknowledge he is in need, then even if someone gives him something he wouldn't feel the need to accept it. If pride blinds him of his proverty, then why should he accept anything?However who is the one tat states tat u r in need ? It is again A himself ! He tells u u need a penny otherwise u will be cursed forever ! Without A, u will probably be going around with your life. When A comes, he curse u to a life of pain, force u to beg him and praise him, forbid u not to mingle with other people who might tell u a more realistic and better view before finally giving u a penny.