I've been reading quite alot recently regarding the ideas behind creationism and evolution.
Sorry, this post might be considered off-topic
but they are somehow slightly related to the debate. I think it is good to read for more information.I try to find what doubts the Creationists have on Evolution, and interestingly enough, almost all (except one that I am still searching for) are answered in the Talk Origins site.
Talk origins site is very nicely laid out and they do provide feedback for any queries.
Some interesting points to ponder:- Creationists are Christians.
- Creationism require a belief in a Creator. Science is
NOT a matter of belief.
Creationist is not Science at all. They require no evidence, there's no way to test it, yet they have all the answers. - The ideas behind Creationism and Intelligent Designs (esp the former) are always linked to a superior being.
- They provide no precise answers, everything unknown is due to the work of a superior being or the supernatural.
- Their claims against evolutionists are not precise most of the time. Very generalized.
Many times Creationists are grossly mis-informed or they have mis-use of information in their claims.- No Creation article has been published in scientific papers
- An extremely low percentage of the relevent scientists believe in Creationism. (< 0.15% in U.S. alone, other countries lower figures)
- Most of the scientists who reject evolution is because of religious reasons, not evidence. Evidence supports evolution.
creationists rarely expose their own errors, and they sometimes fail to correct them when others expose them. Read More and
HerePreviously, I didnt think Creationism is so much related to Christianity, so I am not disagreeing with it based on the reason that Christianity is involved, rather I find the idea unconvincing.
Why was the debate between Creation vs Evolution started?I found out that the reason why Creationism vs Evolution was getting so much attention. The Creationists are trying to get Creation Science to be taught in schools - as a part of the Science subject. Their arguement is that students must be informed if a certain theory (evolution) is controversial. However, the real reason behind this is to teach about Christianity under the cover of Science. Evolution is also a theory that
might contradict the Christian belief, since Evolution suggests no supernatural forces at work. Thus, Evolution, along with other Sciences, would imply that the world today is not created "as is", therefore, not the work of God.
Clearing some common mis-understandings about evolution:Evolution theory does not mean it is NOT a FACT. In everyday speech. "theory" often means a hypothesis or even a mere speculation. But in science, "theory" means "a statement of what are held to be the general laws, principles, or causes of something known or observed."
Evolution is both a FACT and Theory. The theory part comes in as the
mechanisms of how and what happens during evolution - this is the part that scientists are less certain of.
Evolution does NOT deal with how life started from non-life. That is Abiogenesis. "The first instance of life would not be anything that you or most people would recognize as "life"... a chain molecule that made a copy of itself from surrounding free-floating molecules. In one second, it had not yet copied itself, and in the next second, it did."
As far as Evolution is concerned, it does not matter if God, Zeus, space aliens, dust from space, or from comet initiated life on Earth. It does not render the Theory of Evolution untrue, because all existing evidence supports it.
Evolution and Abiogenesis are not random. They are probably a result of natural selection. "Selection" clearly means non-random.
Mankind did not evolve from apes or any of the other existing primates. We share the same ancestory. We did not evolve from any group of modern apes-- therefore apes are unaffected by human evolution. All of human evolution occured after the split.
Evolution is science most pure, devoid of any religious concepts whatsoever. It is non-theistic, but it is not necessarily atheistic.
Some topics of debate which got involved:Abiogenesis is the science of life developing from non-life, and it is a different field from Biological Evolution. Biological Evolution kicks in after life is formed. Of course, they are still trying to create life from non-life.
Noah's Arc - Even if only a pair of each animal, it could not have enough room for all (inc. food supplies). Young Earth Creationists believed dinosaurs lived alongside man, so they should be included, meaning even more overflow. If Creationism rejects evolution, how could new species have come about (since only one of each type is brought onboard)? Other problems such as plants, fresh water fishes, insects, etc could not have survived during the flood. Some animals require specific conditions (such as low temperature) to even survive. Population growth (esp human) after the flood to present day also proved impossible. There are too many people now (or even during certain times in history) to have been descended only from Noah's family.
Young Earth Creationists are people who believed the 6 days of creation are literally 6 earth-days; and that the universe including the Earth is young (10,000 years old). This suggests that there isnt enough time for evolution. Scientists believed Earth is 4.6 billion years old (by radiometric dating). Also, if the universe is just as young, it cannot explain the time taken for starlight to reach us. Distant objects are so far that light couldnt have reached us thus suggesting an old universe.
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature is a problem for the big bang (Light-travel time problem). Temperature is consistant everywhere and in all directions. However, there isnt enough time for distant objects from one part of the universe to communicate with another; yet, the different regions of the current CMB have precisely uniform temperatures. The most popular explanation is called ‘inflation', but i need to find more on this problem.
Read MoreRadiometric dating gives unreliable results. The creationist claim that radiometric dates are inconsistent rest on a relatively few examples. The majority of results are consistant though.
Read MoreThe fossil humerus KP 271 is an apparently human fossil from 4 million years ago, which, according to the standard evolutionary model, is well before the appearance of modern humans. Response says it is a good match with Australopithecus anamensis, but I dont find it convincing. I need to read more independant comments on this.
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