Hope I am not flaming buddhist with my next statements:Originally posted by Qitai:Buddism advocates freedom from desire and this madune world. What are your views on Monks?
So, anything wrong at it's purest form?Originally posted by Chin Eng:Hope I am not flaming buddhist with my next statements:
Buddhism at is purest is freedom from desire and monks are suppose to be practitioners of such a philosophy. However practical Buddhism is far from this. Even at it's best form, a Buddhist will go to the temple to pray for numbers, or wealth or some form of reward. With the adulterated version of Buddhism, monks are seen begging, something which I was told was forbidden. Obviously some of these monks are fake.
So the concept of freedom from desire can hardly be seen.
Well, I dun like debating, juz sharing. Hehe. And maybe hear other ppl's thoughts.Originally posted by Chin Eng:Hi Ito_^
Thanks for your views. It is good to share different opinions of the concept of the deity. I really don't have any good answer for you and while I can continue with questions and prolong another needless debate on religion, I'd rather not.
I am glad you wrote and enjoyed reading your notes. It offers a different view of good and evil and while it differs from my view, it is written in a way that does not inflame the readers. It is extremely well written which makes reading easy.
I cannot pretend that I am theologically competent to address your questions as it will turn out to something like, if God is omniscience therefore He will know that evil will turn which there means that He should not have created Lucifer and would not have created us. No need to go the chicken and egg way.
I guess Eternal Hope exists for the purpose of Christians and anyone who may have an inkling of an interest to Christianity. Others are free to read but if anyone violently object to the existence of Christianity should refrain, out of respect, from commenting. This statement does not at all refer to you. You had asked valid questions, I have answers to some but not others. Instead of starting another pointless debate, I'd like to simply say thanks for your comments.
Personally? No... Like communism in it's purest form is probably good. Unfortunately the evil (there's that word again) in the hearts of men will always adulterate it... Whether I agree with the Buddhist philosophy or not from the theological standpoint is another matter (not to be discussed here).Originally posted by Qitai:So, anything wrong at it's purest form?
Originally posted by SibeiSuayKia:this is very interesting..HAHA!
glad to see so many debates going on..
aniwae the 1st step for pple to convert is to acknowledge they have sinned..
if not no point at all........
1. God isn't evil
2. God is the purest
3. God is the strongest
Created human in his own form , given the best brain to think and to live for itself , just ask...who hasn't did any wrong?
Originally posted by RaTtY81:buddhist have their view, christian have their view. so lets stop tis flaming about chistian or buddhism...
sounds right...I need to point out something, so let's go a bit deeper into what you have mentioned...correct me if I'm wrong.Originally posted by Ito_^:Than what created evil? If evil is within us, and we are God's creation, would what exists in us are considered as God's creation? If evil is the outcome of an angel's coruption, than we must ask what corupted that once bright star which shined so bright in all heavens? Is it not the evil of pride and discontempt? If that is the case, would it not be a creation of something else?
In order for us to obtain free will, and having that will to choose, evil exists to let us see the grace of God, as death show us the precious-ness of life, we choose the goodness of God because we know the consequences of Satan.