No. If you are asking specifically about chain letters, the context of such letters is ludricious. Having said that, I do not deny the possibility of the existence of the supernatural or the paranormal. Do you, in your logic discount the existence of the paranormal? Base from what you have written so far, I am guessing that you would probably not accept the existence of the supernatural and the paranormal. Do they exist? I don't know. Do you think there are spirits? I am not sure, but one time, I saw something that should not be in the place it was in. Did I freaked out? No, Why???Earlier u say tat one should believes in god because if it is true, u r safe. If it isn't true, u don't lose anything. Going by your theory, u should forward all those junk mail to all your friends. Why ? Because if it is true, then u have save yourself from a curse. If it isn't true, u don't lose anything. Isn't the theory the same ?
The context of the Christian faith is that my God is more powerful that all the supernatural that the world has to offer. So the curses, if real, would not matter. IF AT THIS POINT, YOU THINK THAT I AM CONTINUING TO BE STUPID, I REITERATE: IT'S OK WITH ME.Then again, how certain r u about its existence ? Wat if your god is false and the curses in the junk mails r true ? Don't u need extra securities by sending out those mails ? Wat have u got to lose from sending out the emails ? The curses in some of these junk mails r pretty deadly. Wat if your god do not protect u from it ? Shouldn't u send out those mails "just to be safe" ?
yeah, but right now I believe what I believe in is real. If assuming that the only way to find out whether it is real or not is after death, then it wouldn't matter would it?It had already matter during your living isn't it ? U had spend time, money and effort on it isn't it ? Time, money and effort doesn't matter for u ?
let me just commend firstly, that at least I do not detect any hostility in this question. Thanks .... it means a lot to me. It is difficult to give you a rationale... It is like if you ask me why I love my wife. I can give you a multitude of reasons but you will still not able to understand it. The only way you can understand it if you are in love with the same person as I am in love with. Heavens forbid....To me, loving and believing r 2 different things. To believe in something u need logic and rationale for it. Why don't u give an example of why do u believe in something which cannot be explained instead ? I mean, I believe WW2 exists because old folks tell me it exists, and history books tell me so and they r not known to be fatally wrong. I believe in science because I see the experiments and accept the possible explanation for it by my own observation and induction. I believe in a friend because I have known him for some time and he is found to be reliable. Having said tat, why do u believe in your religion ?
I can start to assume your motives to be innocent, but you are not making this easy. Please don't take my next remarks personally:U r saying tat I display hostility toward your religion. However some of the people who preach r not angels either. They too display hostility and r confrontational. About the grammer issue, they r not perfect english speaker nor writer themselves. Why will be my motives not innocent ? Why am I graded differently just because i am on the opposite side of the fence ?
1, your style of writing is extremely confrontational, and perhaps if you can improve your grammatically style, it may make understanding your writing easier.
2. you have stated many times that you do not understanding why people believe in God. Christians here had in many instances attempted to explain. You either choose to ignore the answers or choose to disagree with the answers. This being which, makes sharing with you extremely difficult. You may have already noticed that you are beginning to be ignored. I wanted to ignore you too, but I cannot. I do enjoy most of your questions, I helps reinforcing my personal belief in God.
Again, I wish to state that I am not trying to insult you, just a feedback, if you are willing to accept (again, you do not have to agree). Also note from the various comments given to you previously from other forumites that there is some element of truth in my points above.
Yes this is a forum, but I think that there are rules, written or unwritten. In a previous topic, in bar, I had defended an individual when another forumite insulted his wife. Some of the golden rules that should exist is: do not use vulgarity on another person, another good one is, if you disagree, you need not be offensive. In a way you were targetting at me, because I had shared my personal testimony. I wasn't giving an official "church" or "Christian" stand. I stated what I had gone through and why I had gone through. It's personal and if you don't agree it's ok, but let's just stop there.If I don't agree, and tell u about it, then it is wrong ? I mean I always tell stories to my friends and relative about my experience. If they have doubt, some point they do nto understand or something sounds illogical, they r free to ask. Otherwise how can I expect them to understand wat I had gone through ? How do I know wat r the important issues they r unclear about ? I supported interactions, but clearly u do not.
People preach for various reasons. Some preach to prove their strong affiliation to God to satisfy their ego, others preach hoping to gain membership. Still others preach because they believe what they believe in is real. I think you fall in the that last category.
Like it or not, you ARE AN EVANGELIST, with your own gospel, and in many ways you put me to shame. I am not a person who shares the gospel unless asked. Obviously if a question is asked of me on theology I will answer to the best of my knowledge, but I will never dream of entering into House of Feng Shui and starts quoting verses about occult and sorceryso ? U can classify me in any way u want.
There is no such thing as the "one true religion" or the "right religion". All paths lead to God. Its just that different people chooses differnt routes.For christainity and other religion, they insist theirs is the ONLY correct way. They r pretty harsh in tis area.
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."Tat is very good advice.
Buddha (563BC-483BC)
"Then let us again examine whether that is a sound statement, or do we let it pass, and if one of us, or someone else, merely says that something is so, do we accept that it is so? Or should we examine what the speaker means?"
I hope this helps you on your quest to seek the truth
Hey stupidissmart, u seem very knowledgeable in the Bible...but I do not know the reason y u sound so against. Mayb some Christian did wrong u in the past, as in my case yes I had a misunderstanding with the youth leaders & whatever they appoint me to do, I did it on purpose not to turn up at the last moment & let the whole thing screw up...but as I think back, y do I still keep this grudge against them.I do not bear a "grudge" tat severe to do tis. I am doing tis mainly because I feel tat christainity is false. I have explicitly said tis many times.
I've been reading some of the topic they post here & thru their discussion I was able to learn quite alot of interesting stuff. Although they r from different denomination, they show me the better side of Christianity.Good people in the religion doesn;t mean the religion is right. I know a lot of catholics, christians, buddhists, muslims etc who shows me the good side of them, but sad to say clearly only one or none of them will be right in their religion selection.
I'm still struggling with my faith & at times I want to doubt the existence of God. I envy my Christian bro. & sis who is so successful...while I'm such a failure...& I always say that God is unfair. U know the word well & I hope u use it wisely....& wat u said all along I hope it's just a way of u expressing your anger, someday I hope u'll come back to the right path. It doesn't matter if God exist....we hav nothing to lose, just don't wait till it's too late when we meet the Maker & find out that He exist....then it's already too lateWhether u r a christian or not, your success mainly hinges on u yourself. Do not join a religion just because u feel their people r successful or rich. Wat is your definition of success ? Being rich and famous ? Wat is the point of being rich and famous when u can't be happy ? Be satisfied with wat u have now.
To me, loving and believing r 2 different things. To believe in something u need logic and rationale for it. Why don't u give an example of why do u believe in something which cannot be explained instead ? I mean, I believe WW2 exists because old folks tell me it exists, and history books tell me so and they r not known to be fatally wrong. I believe in science because I see the experiments and accept the possible explanation for it by my own observation and induction. I believe in a friend because I have known him for some time and he is found to be reliable. Having said tat, why do u believe in your religion ?now that you brought up history, can someone pls confirm whether in history, "ancient" dates were quoted "before Christ" and "after Death"?
no problem with me.... be a free roaming goat.... your choice, does not really concern me. If there is no God, then both of us die into oblivion, we can't continue to argue about it in oblivion. If there is a God.... well, you decide.If there is no god, then for fett, he can have all the time for himself and can freely all the money he have earned. For Chin Eng, he have to waste many hours a week on his religion and donate at least 10% of his pay to it. When both of u die, the treatment is the same. The time, money and effort Chin Eng had spend using his limited life had gone to naught
no such thing as a christian nazi. KKKs are not Christians either. There are many groups/people who choose to believe in a perverse gospel. It is also not possible to be a christian assassin (like Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction).Why r there no christian nazi ? If a christian who believes in Christ a lot but is patriotic and believes in Hitler as well, then he is auto disqualified ? There r christian communists isn't it ? Certain races/nationalities cannot be christian ? Why is there no possiblity of a christian assassin ? U mean all christian never sins ? Is there a christian butcher ? They believe in christ right ? Talking about perverse gospel, not all main stream denomination accept the same teaching either.
non-christian pacifist? not sure where this is getting at. Is being a pacifist the end of it all? how about a vegetarian who believes that he should not harm God's animals? or a non-christian philantrophist?In short wat happen to a monk/freethinker/cultists/taoist who had done all the good deeds in his life according to christian beliefs ?
If however, you believe in the existence of a higher being, then the question would be, if you are that higher being, what would you require of your creations.Wat do u think the answer is ? Is threathening part of the answer ?
A D stands for anno Domini [n] in the year of Our Lord; date used in reckoning dates after the supposed year Christ was born, "in AD 200"Originally posted by skinnybeanie:now that you brought up history, can someone pls confirm whether in history, "ancient" dates were quoted "before Christ" and "after Death"?
I thot it is so, but needed confirmation.
can we then say then since history quotes dates as BC and AD, that historians acknowledged the existence of Christ?Originally posted by Chin Eng:A D stands for anno Domini [n] in the year of Our Lord; date used in reckoning dates after the supposed year Christ was born, "in AD 200"
Originally posted by skinnybeanie:can we then say then since history quotes dates as BC and AD, that historians acknowledged the existence of Christ?
Every historian acknowledged His existence. And archaelogists also have had findings to prove that His existence on earth. But not everybody acknowledges his divinity.Originally posted by skinnybeanie:can we then say then since history quotes dates as BC and AD, that historians acknowledged the existence of Christ?
stewpig?? who's stewpig??Originally posted by Chin Eng:you are asking me??? the stupid one???
There are many calender systems in the world. The BC/AD is the universally accepted one. Go to Taiwan and you have one system that only they know. Likewise I think for Japan too. We have our Chinese calender to reckon with. All these systems totally ignored the BC/AD demarkation. Conspiracy theorists will state that because the Roman Empire started the BC/AD thing to support the push for the deity and existence of Christ.
I don't think most historians (as well as the teachers of the other major religions) deny the existence of Christ. It is the status of Christ that is the problem. If fact my good Hindu buddy tells me that one of the major points in the human consciousness is the Christ-like point (not sure if I got the understanding and terminology correct here). Muslims acknowledge Christ as the second major prophet after Mohammed.
Of course, if one starts reading odd stuffs like "Chariots Of The Gods" by Eric Von Daniken (hope I got the name right), then the conclusion would be God was a spaceman.
why?Originally posted by Ito_^:i got bored.
errr.... you can always leave....Originally posted by Ito_^:i got bored.
becuz after an entire year of stress and pressure, suddenly felt empty and bored like siao, so i accept someone's invitation to church lo.Originally posted by skinnybeanie:why?