Originally posted by stupidissmart:Someone did, at least on the darkness part which you failed to mention. Thallus, a Samaritan historian, wrote ca. 52 A.D. attempting to give a natural explanation for the darkness which occurred at the crucifixion of Jesus. He tried to rationalise the darkness as an eclipse but found that was impossible because he knew the Jews celebrated the passover during a full moon and Jesus died before the day of the passover(Luke 22:13-15). A full moon is only possible when the earth is between the sun and the moon. A solar eclipse is only possible when the moon is between the sun and earth. So the darkness was a miracle.
Let me ask a question,
Matthew 27:50-54 describes an earthquake at the moment of Jesus' death. If this had actually happened, surely many of the historians would have mentioned it. Yet this event is conspicuously absent from the secular histories. Can u find some sources for this amazing earthquake where the dead comes to life ?
When I said perfect, I meant to say "without sin"And u claims tat "perfect" should only include "sins" etc. In tat case, only human r imperfect. Why ? all the animals and beast r without sins too. They r perfect. All the non living things tat u see r perfect too. Can the chair have sin ? Can the food u eat have sin ? They r all perfect too. The only thing tat is imperfect now is human. I feel this use of the term "perfect" is a bit obtuse. Wat is the Dictionary interpretation of perfect ? Flawless, no room for further improvement.
Come on la, truth exists independently of your belief. You think if you don't believe in Him, you're not under His controlWat I am trying to argue is why should people have more purpose when they believe in religion as some people suggested. I am glad u realise this point too, that the truth exists irregardless of whether u believe or not.
Anyway, I am always reminded of Pascal's wager. In the end, what do we have but nothing to lose and everything to gainWrong. U have lost your time, your effort and your money. They r quite substantial if u take notice. Here people r complaining they do nto have enough money yet give big donation to church regardless of it.
you can try christian sourcesChristian sources r by its own biase. I have heard of muslim sources or Hindu sources claiming their religion is real and the other fake. Is it possible to believe in all of them ? Wat we need is a neutral 3rd party
how bout non-biblical sources like suetonius, lucian of samosata, justin martyr, tertullian, jewish talmuds, etc even encyclopedia britannicaThe problem with tis, as I said earlier, is they r too young. Their grandfather isn't born yet, how can they be witness to his being ? Wat they can only gather is from hearsay.
Of course, that and besides, athiesm as a worldview to me seems greatly myopic as well, seeming to focus an inordinate amount of energy on disproving God rather the asking questions about where we are going or how we got here, I wonder if they know the implications of their beliefsIf we give an answer where or how we get there, then tat will be a religion by itself. Wat I am trying to say here is believe in a religion only when it can be proved. Otherwise I do not see the point of believing something blindly.
Consider the following, one guy once said how "I marvel at the way athiests tell me with such joy and smugness that the faith I hold to be dear, that my human soul, was nothing more then a puff of smoke, mere vapour. And that they do with much relish. But if that was true, why would they be speaking of it with such joy, would it not be, in fact? The saddest thing in the world?"Sad or not, the truth exists regardless of wat u believe. Suppose there isn't any soul etc. WHen freethinker die, they go out in a "puff of smoke". When believer, who believe tat they will be going to heaven or hell dies, he too go out in a "puff of smoke". It is not a choice. Whether it is sad or dissappointing, it is not a choice. The aim is to find the truth, or the thing tat seems to be more true and believe in it. NOT to find the favourite ending or religion tat promises the most benefit and believing them.
Ultimately all the house of cards we build will be blown down and trampled on by others. That is fine if you are fortunate enough to live a life in which your comfortable illusionary constructs are not always shattered by harsh reality, but then again, if your constructs do not really hold out to reality, of which a belief in them is more of a convience, rather then truth, would it not be not worth believing in?Not really understanding wat u r saying here but my asnwer is
Are not all our intellectual pursuits, our relationships, our wealth, our political views... are they not meaningless in the end after we perish? The same grave awaits the rich and the poor, the wise and the foolish. If there are no absolutes to base our world on, then truly we are playing the game for nothing.Tat is wat Buddhist teach isn't it ?
Hence if anybody should be an athiest, I suggest that they be so to the extent that they don't even believe in believing in God, much less meander in shallow basal arguments which hardly shake anythingSorry man, truth hurts. Don't believe in something just because they promise u the best things or your prefer way of "ending". Believe in something more rational. Believe in the truth, or wat u preceive as truth.
Eh, are you agreeing in micro evolution? 'cause I've no problem with that. True there are many species of dogs, still they are dogs right? Hell, dogs and wolfs can interbreed. However, no one has seen a dog give birth to a fish or vice versa right? And what do you mean by single source? The first dog and fish? Yeah I can accept that too. However I cannot accept that dogs and fish come from the same source. What source is that? And where's the transitional specie?We both agree on micro evolution, tat is cool. However have u ever wonder why micro evolution won't end up in macro evolution ? U do not believe in fish tat can grow legs and became mammals. U know mudfish ? Mudfish can do something most other fish can't ¨C they can survive without water for about two months! All they need is vegetative cover to keep themselves moist.
All in all, you still have not explained the origins of life. Neither has any scientist been able to explain it too.
From all your past post stupidissmart, I gather you won't believe in anything unless you are 100% convinced right?Is tat something wrong ? I believe in science because it leaves me no room for doubt. I am 100% convinced about it.
Wow, that's a pretty cool fish. I'm amazed. Hmm, maybe you're right, fish became frogs and then dogs. Being a man of science I believe you have some evidence to show these transition from fish to frog to dog, since you must be convinced 100% before believing, I would like to view these evidences so that I can be conivinced too.Originally posted by stupidissmart:We both agree on micro evolution, tat is cool. However have u ever wonder why micro evolution won't end up in macro evolution ? U do not believe in fish tat can grow legs and became mammals. U know mudfish ? Mudfish can do something most other fish can't ¨C they can survive without water for about two months! All they need is vegetative cover to keep themselves moist.
Micro evolution can make fish can evolve untill this stage. Why is it difficult to visualise tat some of these mudfish evolve into crawling with their fins, which evolved into legs. They can evolved into something like frogs first isn't it, a creature between sea and land. Remember lives started MILLIONs, in fact may be billions of years ago. Micro evolution, after such a long time may turn out to be macro evolution after a long period of time.
You updated science student or just read about it?Originally posted by panja_v:There is a mathematical model but it assumes a universe of 10 dimensions.
Originally posted by jzzy011561s:Strawman!!
True there are many species of dogs, still they are dogs right? Hell, dogs and wolfs can interbreed. However, no one has seen a dog give birth to a fish or vice versa right?
Panspermia? Well, that sounds more plausible than evolution, hey smartisstupid! Do you believe Panspermia?Originally posted by Icemoon:Sweeping statement. Clearly some scientists have attempted to explain the origins of life using panspermia?
Someone did, at least on the darkness part which you failed to mention. Thallus, a Samaritan historian, wrote ca. 52 A.D. attempting to give a natural explanation for the darkness which occurred at the crucifixion of Jesus. He tried to rationalise the darkness as an eclipse but found that was impossible because he knew the Jews celebrated the passover during a full moon and Jesus died before the day of the passover(Luke 22:13-15). A full moon is only possible when the earth is between the sun and the moon. A solar eclipse is only possible when the moon is between the sun and earth. So the darkness was a miracle.Wat about the dead coming to life and the earthquake ? Isn't tat something more worth talking about then just darkness ?
Being a man of science I believe you have some evidence to show these transition from fish to frog to dog, since you must be convinced 100% before believing, I would like to view these evidences so that I can be conivinced too.Hehehe... I do not have these evidence...
how does non animated elements become alive?Tis question can apply to u too. How does non animated object become something sOooOo complicated like God ? At least science is trying to explore why, religion tell u to stop asking.
Umm, could you provide some examples of Ape to human change?Originally posted by stupidissmart:Hehehe... I do not have these evidence... They probably take place much further than dinosaurs. However I do have evidence showing human being slowly evolved from apes. There r many bodies of primitive men being found on all around the world and they show a gradual change from Ape to human. SO is human a micro evolution or macro evolution ?
Umm, could you provide some examples of Ape to human change?http://www.chineseprehistory.org//pics2.htm
I think u have perhaps fail to read the first part of the statement. The 2nd part is just for safeguard.
Well, me stand is he never existed, or at least never perform any miracles. Wat is wrong with my answer ?
Nothing wrong. At least you do not deny the historicity of Jesus as a [normal] human being on this planet
If you mean belief in such beings vs. a belief in God, I'll say yes, philosophically speaking. But to elevate the belief to a faith system, we've to evaluate the worldview presented as a result of the particular belief. After all, you think Buddha's teachings will be so popular if not for how it attempts to explain human conditions?Wat I am trying to say is about faith, or in your sense philosophically. If u want me to compare religion, I think u should ask the other believers, not a non believer like me. Wat I can give is perhap a worldview, on the issues such as problem of evil, our purpose in life, morality by a freethinker
It can be argued the 100 different interpretations all agree that you need Christ to be saved. Surely even City Harvest Church agrees with those churches who criticise her violently, that we need Christ for salvationTat is simple, however asking a simple question never achieve the aim of wat I am trying to say. Allow me to ask more complex questions. From tis
Haiz ... I should have expected this to come, it is just sooner or later only. From simple question, then biblical contradictions ...Originally posted by stupidissmart:Tat is simple, however asking a simple question never achieve the aim of wat I am trying to say. Allow me to ask more complex questions.
I'm not sure how substantial is it. Ok, you can argue it is 10% of salary , but like they say, God will give you back 10 times, or something like that.Simple, on something meaningful u shouldn't save a single cent. Or something meaningless, u shouldn't spend a single cent. 10% is A LOT. And tis is just the bottom as people also spend on things like church building funds etc.
Everyone should contribute willingly and happily. Just give according to your means.
And I'm not sure whether you can argue by saying they lost time, effort and money. I mean, what is your yardstick for comparison? To you, what activity is not deemed to be losing time, effort and money? Stay at home and sleep? Ok, maybe you think spend 10% every month on KTV and pub is more worthy than giving it to God
No offense, Christianity never promises its believers virgins in heaven alsoWell they promise heaven isn't it ?
Well, those were interesting pictures of skulls and teeth. But what happened to your being 100% convinced before believing? From a skull or teeth which probably only account for 10-20% of the body, you are a 100% convinced that they walked upright and looked like humans? So how do you come up with the rest of the body?Originally posted by stupidissmart:http://www.chineseprehistory.org//pics2.htm
Look at tis website for the pictures of many fossils tat were found. They r the fossils from china only, and they have found hundreds of such bones.
Primates (e.g., monkeys and apes, such as chimpanzees and gorillas) in the African savannas, or grasslands, were the first animals in evolutionary history to exhibit bipedalism, or the ability to walk on two feet.
About 3.5 million years ago in Africa, the first hominids appeared¡ªbipedal primates who walked erect. Those early hominids were the ancestors of recent humans.
The ability to walk erect gave hominids greater speed, stamina, and agility, and therefore a better chance for survival in the African savannas, or treeless plains.
please refer to
Sometimes your logic is really beyond me. I read the first part of the statement. But do you read the second part of your own statement? By saying [Jesus] at least never perform any miracles, aren't you allowing the possibility that he may be a historical figure, albeit without all the miracles and claims about being God? If Jesus doesn't exist, then what's the talk about "at least never perform any miracle"? Do you understand the meaning of "at least", my dear?Well, if someone ask wat will happened to a person if he jumps off from the Twin towers in Malaysia ? Wat is your answer ? My answer is tis
Haha, what safeguard? I think you're just blatantly shifting your goalpost, in logical parlance
I'm referring to faith system. Actually I'm quite reluctant to use the word "religion", as christians can tell you theirs is not a religion. But come on la, since your topic is about religion, I suppose there's no point bickering about santa claus and tooth fairies philosophically? What we are interested in is the worldview presented by a belief in such entities? And this is also my answer to your question. How do you choose between tooth fairies and the biblical God.I think u like to play with words... anyway wat is your definition of faith ? I take mine from dictionary which says
This is tricky. Why the need for sins and purpose of life? Are you saying they are just human concepts and we invented them?u want me to give a worldview on tooth fairies ? Might as well u start off with christian worldview first isn't it ? If u find it hard to answer, why ask me to do tat in first place ?
Don't bluff la, you think unreligious people will spend time with the family meh? Bet some of them don't go church also spend their time outside, with girlfriend or boyfriend, rather than with familyTta is funny, do people with no religion have no love for their families ? R they not normal people ? I think tat is way wrong man ! There r billions of people out there with no religion yet live a normal life. R these people gonna be punks or worhtless people tat do not spend time with families or just play a fool ? Why do u have such obtuse belief ?
Oei oei, you never go church don't anyhow say hor. Some churches do provide breakfast/snacks on Sunday mornings. Hahahah, how come you have impression christians skip breakfast to go church?Well, can u prepare your own special breakfast for them ? can u enjoy it just within the family, with no other outsiders around ? Can u have a personal talk about problems in a noisy environment where everybody is eating breakfast and chatting ?
Oh ya, don't you know there's a Saturday evening service and Sunday afternoon service also?
They put you behind bars in heaven you also lan lan right?I do not want your interpretation of wat happened in heaven. Wat is the bible interpretation ?
Well, those were interesting pictures of skulls and teeth. But what happened to your being 100% convinced before believing? From a skull or teeth which probably only account for 10-20% of the body, you are a 100% convinced that they walked upright and looked like humans? So how do you come up with the rest of the body?They have come up with bones from other parts of body too like legs etc. Why should u believe in them ?