Originally posted by laurence82:
I am a Buddhist, and believe in the teachings of Buddha, I have seen people being preached to accept Christ into their life. Some evangelists went so far as to call non believers sinful. Why does Christianity evolve to the stage where many, although not all, Christians began to preach the superiority of teachings of Christ over others very strongly?
I mean, there are many evangelists in other beliefs. But Christians have already made large impact on others with their beliefs. Just pick up this month Reader Digests and one can see the thoughts of the evangelists in Brazil, on the tribes in the jungles. There are many numerous examples like this since time immemorable, till topic like this one will come up, and people use Christianity as a punching bag.
Goodday Laurence, just thought to share while I stray from work a lil. =]
Superiority, that word is usually an eyesore and in the light of religious sensitivity, its' symbol, undesired, its' advocacy in the Bible, absent. I do not know the context and reason of that word in the question and since it is untaught in the bible, I can only guess. The ingredients that conveyed such a feeling could be many, for instance, zealousness mingled with urgency could send a wrong message with resemblance.
What if we remove that word, so why do christians preach, proclaim or deliver?
Principally, to carry out what is known as The Great Commission, last words of Christ to His disciples as recorded in the gospel of matthew. Here in The Message translation, verse 19 & 20, "Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I'll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age." And I might add, they care and are burdened to tell because with that step, they share the crux of their faith, a message they believe is important enough to consider which is but respectfully left to the audience.
Then to try answer the 'over others' part, core of it are teachings (which purportedly taint alternatives yet actually the notion is that it is complete on its' own) resident in the Bible and individual experiences.
Do pardon any inaccuracies, it's time to crawl back to work.